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Edited by aboniks: 10/7/2014 5:25:19 PM

Why do I suck so bad at Destiny PVP?

Alright prokillers, here's your chance to school somebody who will actually appreciate it. Quick backstory; Last time I played an FPS in PVP was when Marathon was hot property, so some of my problems may just be because I'm really rusty. Anyway, what's the deal with PVP in Destiny? I feel like I'm just doing it all wrong...every time I blink somebody gets me with a one-shot kill and it doesn't seem to matter much what weapon they're using, or what I'm trying to do to stay alive. None of my weapons feel anywhere near as powerful as what the other team is using. Honestly I really want to like the Destiny PvP experience, because I've got a sentimental attachment to Bungie and this game is lots of fun for me in PvE. So help me out. How do I get the most out of this game? I've got military experience (which basically boils down to having a great deal of training in following instructions) and lots of time to kill once the game ships (retired), so if you folks can boil this particular PvP system down to some basic tactical and strategic elements I'll be able to pick up on it and have fun with it, but right now I'm feeling pretty worn down after having the brakes beat off me repeatedly in the beta. Thanks in advance for your thoughts (and for the inevitable insults from the kids table). p.s. Don't think I'm blaming the game...obviously people are winning at PvP, so the system works...I just down understand [b]how [/b]it works yet, so I'm not one of them.

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  • Necrobump! Conjuration 65!

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    • Your problem happens to BE your military experience and training mind set. I too struggle with it at times. To get better at PVP you have to stop taking it for face value the way you do PVE, that is, it isn't just a series of predetermined routines and capabilities that your opponent follows the way it does in PVE. In PVP you are dealing with living, thinking, and sometimes lagging, opponents and you have to think OUTSIDE the box. Here's 3 easy ways to improve your game: 1.Strategize according to the map environment you're playing in and the style that the opponent is using. You can't just run around the map with no presence of mind, because I promise if your opponent is actually thinking and not just waiting to bump into you and start firing, they're going to dominate you almost 100% of the time. A great way to learn advantageous strategy is maps is seeing what others are using to good effect and just copy them. What one man can do, another can do. 2. Choose the loadout and subclass that you like best and learn it's strength and weaknesses. There's no such thing as a perfect loadout and/or sub class, only one that is perfect for you and that means that you're going to encounter opponents who's strategies just dominate yours just like you'll dominate others. 3. And this is probably the most important advice, have fun. What I mean when I say "have fun," is don't get angry and emotional when you get blasted. Once you get angry you've pretty much given your opponent his greatest advantage because you lose all sense of strategic thought. Take a loss in stride and refer back to lesson one. Follow these tips and you'll definitely improve your game. Also... it doesn't hurt to have a Red Death and a decent shotty ;)

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      • Bottom line for me is, I'm just not a good shot. The only weapon I was ever any good with was the Mida, and it was mostly because I could follow a group and mop up with some kills from range. For me to even get a handful of kills, it's usually with grenades, supers or melee. Still trying to find a TTK weapon that works for me.

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        • Get shot pocket

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        • Necro

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          • I have the same problem staying alive in pvp have the same guns and gear as the other players max out but I getting kill with one hit or shot. The pvp feel like you get your ass handed to you all the time. I've even watch a lot of videos and try thay stuff and still nothing so HELP ME.

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            • Just look for nemo bro

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            • Approach engagements by how valuable they are to you. It's a huge asset in life in general. That fatass shouting at you over the counter may be a quick dispatch, but there re two more near by ready to clean up and use that momentum to do more work on you and your colleagues. Check your position and radar. I've leveled my hunter solely through crucible and did extremely well leveling by using this mindset. Yeah, maybe I can win this fight outright, guns and class aside.. OR, I can misdirect or delay the engagement until I have a favorable position or escape route if things go south. Remember, you don't ALWAYS have to commit (part of the reason thorn dot is so damn broken) to a fight just because you see someone and shots are fired. You can bait a grenade or a false play from the enemy and play off it. Try reading what your opponent wants to do rather than reading your best line of attack every time. Once you figure out how to predict how they want to approach and engage you, you have the upper hand because you can adjust. That sunsinger just missed his fire bolt and he has a shotty and thorn? Hold the angle with your primary or sniper and force him to peek to check your position, since his grenade didn't tag you to give him info and the ability to pressure you.. You get the idea.

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            • Cause this game follows the CoD quick TTK (time-to-kill) system. This implies that you must use the quickest TTK guns wether it be exotics or high stat guns. Then it boils down to a who shoots first standoff. So always keep an eye on your radar and study your map around you. Then base where the enemy player is and shoot first. Now depending if you have a high TTK gun the fight should be in your favor. Other tips: Assume everyone has a shotgun.. Because everyone has a shotgun... So never play close range.. Unless you have a shotgun Assume every Hunter has their Golden Gun, Titan and their Fist of Panic, Warlock and their Nova Bomb Supers are a way to secure everyone with a free kill during the game. Expect to die by supers a lot. Take in the choke points and hot zones and study the -blam!- out of the maps Find your niche & perfect it, then pwn some motha -blam!-in scrubs!

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              • Radar radar radar. Seriously, I've been in your position. I always considered myself above average in FPS games until Destiny. For a long while I kept getting one or two shotted and couldn't figure out why. It's the radar. Destiny requires VERY heavy reliance on reading the radar at all times. The only time you shouldn't be looking at the radar is when you've entered a firefight and need to focus on it. Destiny PvP success is 50% radar reading, 30% weapon choice (as in choose the one that's right for you, not the one people say is best - they just complain a lot), 20% skill. If you choose a comfortable weapon and have good skill, but don't give the radar your full attention, you're in for a world of disappointment. Also, with the radar in mind, crouch a lot to ping on it less. This is also huge. Good luck, dude.

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                8 Replies
                • I know dude too many thorns and last words.

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                • Edited by dgdesigngroup: 7/2/2015 1:40:35 PM
                  I felt that exact same way as you do until I kept playing PVP. I think Destiny PVP is much different than other PVP games. However, in PVP the one thing that helped me was learning to play like my life depended on it. If you're lazy about it and play it the same way as PVE, you will never enjoy it. Play it Frantically! Camping doesn't work. Being too careful doesn't work. Walk or Run!!!! Be alert at all times. Learn to use your radar. Don't stay aimed down your site. Learn to use a shot gun. That's why I did. Even though I'm still not that good at it, I'm improving (from 1 or 2 kills to 15 or 20 on a good day). I don't think PVP is for everyone. But if you want to get better at it, learn to play it much different than you play in story mode. Don't take it personally. Kill and be killed. Have fun!!!!

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                • Edited by Giovanni68: 9/11/2015 7:07:59 PM
                  I feel your pain bro. I am still learning and not awesome at PVP but have gotten skilled enough to have some fun and pwn some newbs from time to time. At first I was just getting killed super quick and I felt so bad !!! I had deleted several exotic quests because I could not make it through the PVP part. Finally I said screw it and decided to man it out and see if I could learn. Practice with different weapons until you find the ones that work best for you. Pay attention to what your team mates are doing as well as what the other team is as well. It all pretty much boils down to practice and learning what works and what doesn't. Shout out to my homie NOOBSH8ME he is a boss in PVP

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                • Ahhh, wish I had more time to respond. One big thing, walk rather than run. My biggest issue initially was running to where the action was, and as a result right into bullets. Slow it down. If your teammates wanna run into carnage, let them and thank them for the assists after. Play support until you can play lead. Running into the action can result in some sweet plays, but the reward ain't worth it until you build your skill back up.

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                • My advice because I'm bad at PvP. Always go for positive, if you have a 1.01 your good. Weapons don't matter at all as long as you know how to use it. I got good at WoC because the Thorn bounty wants void kills. Just stay positive and use a gun you like not what others like

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                • I did PVP for the triumph stuff. And it is the worst PVP experience ever. I've done the cods and battlefields but this was awful. Had players bouncing all over the map, headshotting people and nothing happening, every kill was by thorn or shotties, just such a terrible experience.

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                • Edited by Liptun: 8/22/2015 8:21:16 AM
                  Bc u need some good sushi first

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                • Also, branch/MOS? I leave for Marines next July. Parris Island!

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                  • Edited by Astriator: 5/10/2015 10:08:06 PM
                    Most of you are scrubs but that's genetic. It's okay. It's your parents fault.

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                    • If you are like me, then you aim too good. Learn to flick twitch the aim and let the gun do it for you. And get a hand cannon. Its the only weapon viable at competitive play. Be sloppier and your aiming and you will be surprised. IE: Run around blinking around like a bat out of hell and generally flick the thumbtack torwards your opponent, don't wait until you aim at them. The gun will auto snap the headshots for you. Once you get used to flick aiming you will drastically change as you can now move faster than everyone else.

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                      • Im in the same boat mate this pvp thing is doing my head in i stay away from pvp coz i just die lol i dont get many kills i have 365 weapons im lvl 34 and it dont matter what i do i pretty much die in 1 or 2 shots from any gun i use hawkmoon and all the good guns yet i still get smashed it takes a full clip from my hawkmoon 2 kill someone yet i die in 1 hit from the last word how? Why? I have the thorn bounty and its safe 2 say at the rate im going i will never get that weapon :/

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                      • This post was made October 2014 lol

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                      • if you want it really easy, use OP weapons like thorn, TLW, hawkmoon, long range shotguns and RLs. you just need a little bit of practice and you SHOULD do well with those weapons. you have to learn how to use your radar, and avoid going by yourself to an area that could have enemies.

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                      • Bump

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                      • Use the red death. It's accurate and does a ton of damage. I slaughter those with the thorn using this. Also have a good shotgun.

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                        • Edited by R3CJ3R: 6/6/2015 6:53:48 PM
                          Cuz your not using thorn

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