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Edited by Majatek: 9/14/2014 4:53:08 AM


[b]Final Edit[/b]: Ignore this thread. It's two months old, and no longer holds any relevance as the topic was created back in the Beta of Destiny. To all the users who took their time to explain their point of view: Thank you.

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  • I got 4 kills with golden gun. There's a perk that can sometimes make it over penetrate and kill if there is someone behind one of the guys you shot.

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  • With golden gun you can get 3 kills without them being near each other.

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    • The hunter has another subclass you know, thatll actually allow you to kill their entire team with speed and stealth.

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      • Lol dude hunter is overpowered imo if you can time it right you can get up to 2 players with one shot. I agree they need to make it last a little longer tho.

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      • Disagree completely - and here's why: The Hunter super was aptly designed to perform its job well. 3 shots from the Golden Gun is not a maximum guaranteed 3, as it can clip enemies as well as offer piercing damage. You, like many others who argue this point, are not necessarily wrong. You just don't look past the obvious advantages of the area control supers of the Titan and Warlock in control based gameplay. The Hunter super allows the user ample control, allowing a one shot kill to a minimum of 3 different areas. Warlock and Titan are restricted to one. Again, this shows its superiority in area control, but very rarely do you see Titan or Warlock supers on flags garner more than 2 kills. The Hunter super provides ample advantages in PvE as well, allowing control that the very intelligent AI cannot always avoid just by walking around the super of the Titan or Warlock.

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        • Your fuking hi.

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          • They.Do.Not.Need.A.Buff On a more serious note they really don't need a buff I hope I don't need to elaborate.

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            • Then don't use a hunter...problem solved

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            • As a top level hunter you will be able to have 2 throwing knives that recharge your super, extending golden gun time.

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            • Edited by JiveBuddha: 8/5/2014 5:01:49 AM
              The situational power of the Hunter Super is being overlooked in most cases. It's not like the other Supers because it isn't meant to be anything like them. You can't cross-compare the same contexts or scenarios.

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              • I think that they should give the Golden Gun only 2 shots, but take away the time restraint. That way, you are guaranteed 2 shots (unless of course you die).

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              • The hunter doesn't need more shots, it needs to be able to get collateral

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                • I'm afraid I simply disagree. See, the warlock and titan supers give you that instant aggression (why the hell do we have so many double letters in english?) and in the warlocks case the ability to deny movement through an area. But both of their supers will suffer greatly at longer ranges, and don't give the same control the hunter has with the ability to prep your super and then go for the one hit kill (or 3). If anything you could argue that the hunter's super is more situational then the other two, but I really can't agree with it being underpowered.

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                • I'm afraid I simply disagree. See, the warlock and titan supers give you that instant aggression (why the hell do we have so many double letters in english?) and in the warlocks case the ability to deny movement through an area. But both of their supers will suffer greatly at longer ranges, and don't give the same control the hunter has with the ability to prep your super and then go for the one hit kill (or 3). If anything you could argue that the hunter's super is more situational then the other two, but I really can't agree with it being underpowered.

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                • [quote][b]The other supers:[/b] A Titan's super is capable of killing an entire team (if positioned carefully), while a Warlock's super can (and will) deny an area from the enemy team thanks to the glowing orb of death. [b]The problem:[/b] A Hunter's super is a veritable fart in the wind. It can only guarantee a maximum of 3 kills, is time restricted (as there is a cooldown period before your super runs out), and in no way can even come close to competing to the supers from the other classes. [b]Proposed solution:[/b] The Hunter's super should go from being able to fire 3 shots to [b]5 or 6[/b], and that the cooldown period (before the super runs out) is lengthened so as to be less limiting. [i]Of course this is only a topic to discuss the ways that the Hunter's super can be made better. It doesn't necessarily have to be changed in the way that I outlined above. It does, however, need to be buffed in some manner as it just cannot compete in any way whatsoever in its current state.[/i] [b]EDIT:[/b] [i]Due to the many players claiming that I'm a "noob" or that I don't know what a skill tree is, or that I don't know how to play the class properly, I ask of you to read the entire topic before you accuse me of something ridiculous. I find no troubles in playing any of the classes in Destiny. I am merely voicing my concerns based on what I've heard and seen thus far.[/i] [b]EDIT 2:[/b] And remember- “[i]The Hunter isn't underpowered because I play well as a Hunter[/i]” (if you're a decent player, you can play as any class just as well as the other classes - to their own strengths) “[i]The Hunter isn't underpowered because more players play as the Hunter[/i]” (overexposure of the Hunter in all of Destiny's trailers may play a part, so it's not merely because it's a “stronger class”) “[i]The Hunter isn't underpowered because the top 3 players play as the Hunter[/i]” (look at above points) -are not counterarguments that hold any water. Correlation does not imply causation. We are discussing how the Golden Gun may not be as powerful of a super as it might have to be in order to compete with the other supers (some of which can be counted as overpowered). Not how good you are with it (which may be nice to hear, but that's not the point of this discussion!). Please stay on topic. Keep your hostility to yourself. Remain constructive. Thank you (and if you won't, I knew it was too much to ask)![/quote] Rather then voicing your opinions it appears that people tend to lash out rather then just holding an arguable debate thus making you all sounds ignorant. If you all red this post it clearly stated his opinion on the matter base on the over all experiences of the hunter players and not a complaint. It is as if people forget that this is a forum to help improve the experiences of the players on destiny.

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                • Yes, lets complain about how Hunter's are underpowered by their Super that can shoot three instant kill shots to the head. While all compared to Titan's or Warlocks more harder probability of getting more than one target, be very lucky if there was two.

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                • Everytime when i use my warlock super the enemies spread away. thats unfair!11!1!!one!!!!eleven! Please give the warlocks two or three nova bombs, that we can really kill more than one player or give a "black hole effect" to the nova bomb, that no enemy can escape!!! Warlocks super is really the weakest against the GG and the titan smash, which is like the CoD Black ops Nuke when you have a 25 kill streak

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                  • Nah I disagree. Think of the easy kill streak in multiplayer. Then everyone would start nagging to reduce the amount of shots. Boom, back to square one. What you need is the Sword Dancer (or was it Blade Dancer?) subclass. It's close range and personal for fusterclucks of enemies.

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                  • Lolwat. Titans can only kill in a small area with our super, same with warlocks. Stop sucking

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                    • I think the hunters super would be better if it shot explosive bullets that would deal splash damage to the other enemies near the target

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                    • Please keep in mind that you were only level 8 when you felt it's underpowered. As a hunter, I am holding out hope. Let's not forget there is a perk (that's what I'll just refer to them as, deal with it) that reduces the cool down of golden gun. There will also be exotic armor that gives us a perk and allows us to choose another. Image increased range, plus increased acccuracy, plus reduced cool Down. That'd be great. I've also seen a piece of armor that will increase the ammo of golden gun by 1 shot. Not much, but imagine if you had more than one piece of armor that did that. Before you complain too much, remember: it was just a beta, and there may be changes on top of upgraded armor that may make golden gun even better

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                    • You can get up to 18 kills with the golden gun dumbass

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                      • I've seen some legedary armor that will increase the golden gun to 4 shots. Stop complaining!

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                        • Edited by Maquegyver: 7/29/2014 9:03:44 PM
                          Meanwhile the Hunters Golden Gun: 1) has a longer range 2) can be upgraded for penetration and aoe damage 3) isn't their only super 4) will dominate non-objective modes 5) doesn't require grouped up opponents 6) has mobility that the warlock and titan supers can't match And here you were thinking the first 8 lvls and part of the game were indicative of end game... Silly you... It was a beta and only part of the game.

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                          • 0/10 bad post

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                            • Pasting this from a forum post I made earlier: I've seen lots of people saying the golden gun isn't as good as nova bomb or fist of havoc, but the thing is, you can't use them in the same situations. Nova bomb and fist of havoc can be used to save your life, by using it on the enemy(ies) shooting at you up close, but golden gun, as many people found out, is not good for this. It isn't supposed to be able to quickly get you out of a bad situation, but it can be used to prevent you from getting into one (maybe). For example, say you are about to start capturing an enemy control point. You look at your radar and see that there are at least 2 enemies there. You activate golden gun, charge in, quickly dispatch the enemies, and proceed to capture the point. For the other classes in the same situation, they can try to rush in thinking they can handle the enemies, but soon realize they've underestimated them. Quick super attack, (lifesaver) they're dead, capture the point. Another reason it isn't underpowered is also situational. Nova bomb and fist of havoc can easily take out groups of enemies packed close together, quickly and easily. Golden gun can do this, but with some difficulty. The thing is, what if you find enemies in the same area that aren't close enough to be annihilated with one blast? Golden gun, bang bang bang, problem solved.

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