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Edited by Sancho: 7/24/2014 11:00:44 PM

Persistent centipede errors on sign on after being able to play without issue

[b]Update: If you have been blocked by recurring Centipede errors after having been able to play successfully (#3 below), we are applying a fix that will resolve the issue. Unfortunately, the solution will reset your characters. This is expected to happen over the next few hours. [/b] WORKAROUND: To ensure that you no longer hit this issue, do not delete characters after using the vault in the tower. Original Post: We've been investigating the reports of centipede errors that have been popping up on the forums. There are a few ways you can hit centipede errors. 1. I have never connected and get centipede when I try to sign on 2. I randomly get centipede when I play [b][u]3. I was able to play just fine, and all of a sudden I get centipede errors all the time and can't sign in[/u].[/b] 1 and 2 appear to be networking issues. This thread is concerned with [b]#3[/b]. #3 is an issue that we're tracking internally that I want to get more info about. Based on user reports and assistance, we identified a timing issue having to do with swapping quickly items between characters using the tower vault. We applied a fix and did some fixup of a number of affected users. However, not all affected users could be fixed up. So we're continuing to investigate solutions. We suspect there may be more ways to hit this error, and we need your help to find them. If you were at some point able to play [b]after the maintenance period[/b], but then were blocked from signing on due to centipede errors, please reply to this post with the following: 1. Gamertag / Online ID of all affected profiles (send this to me in a PM if you're not comfortable posting this information publicly) 2. What was the last time you were able to properly sign in and play (date, time and time zone) 3. What was the last time you tried to sign in and got centipedes (date, time and time zone) 4. Had you used the account vault at all between being able to play and seeing persistent centipedes? 5. Have you deleted any characters between being able to play and seeing persistent centipedes? 6. if you had not done 4 or 5, please give as detailed an account of your play between when you last played, and when you started seeing centipede errors.
#Help #centipede

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  • No news on this? I see a couple of people are able to log in once more, but I'm curious if there has been any official word that I've missed?

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  • 1-KOS Qwack 2-around five o'clock Eastern time July 27 3-same time July 27 4-no 5- Hell no I love my hunter 6-I was doing the devils lair battling the devil walker with two other guardians that I got matched up with. Then they disappeared and I started getting alerts saying "connecting to server" then I got the centipede error

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  • Edited by Athrun: 7/27/2014 10:34:34 PM
    1. LordAthrun (PS3) 2. 27 July @ 2:30PM EST 3. 27 July 3:00PM EST 4. No 5. No 6. I was at Cosmodrome doing a mission to gather analysis intel in the Divide area of the map. Once I died and no one was reviving me, I tried to respawn and then it happened, I got disconnected and got the error code "Centipede."

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  • Edited by Punchers: 7/27/2014 10:35:36 PM
    1. Punchers 2. 27 July @ 2:00pm CST 3. 27 July @ 4:30 pm CST 4. No 5. No 6. Had just bought weapons and ship from vendors. Made changes to character setup and mid game in Devils Lair was disconnected and given error. Previous to the game where I was disconnected I had no problems and completed a couple matches in the crucible and devils lair. The game where I was disconnected was directly after visiting the moon to buy equipment. Edit. It is now 5:30 CST and I was able to successfully sign in to destiny beta no loss of character or equipment.

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  • 1. Lxfirebird 2. 1:30 pm 7/27/14 Mst 3. 3:45 pm 7/27/14 Mst 4. yes maybe an hour before hand 5. no 6. I dropped a weapon in the vault then did another mission and from orbit got a disconnected from server mission then centipede error

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  • i-Crisou 27-07-2014 17h30 27-07-2014 17h45 no no i was playing a mission with 2 other player online. After killed a group of ennemis i got kick out and get the centipede error.

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  • 1. Joe Dub Edition (xbox live) 2. 7/27 5:00 est 3. 7/27 5:15 est 4. Haven't used vault at all 5. Haven't deleted any characters 6. I was in the middle of playing a mission and it started saying trying to connect to bungie servers. Kicked me out after about 20 seconds once the message began. When I try to log back in it's giving the centipede error. Thanks for opening up the beta for all, bugs and all!

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  • 1. Kass A Blast 2. July 26 3:54 AM PST 3. July 26 2:54 PM PST 4. Yes 5. No 6. N/A.

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  • 1. Lynxsonic 2. 27/07/2014 ; 23:20 ; France 3. After 10minutes waiting 4.No 5.No 6.I was a secondary mission with tags where it was recovered items on enemies. During the explosion of a grenade on them I had the "CENTIPEDE" error message.

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  • Edited by shyhowler: 7/27/2014 10:15:26 PM
    1. Shyhowler (Xbox) 2. 5pm EST 3. 5:50pm 4. no 5. no 6. I was exploring the Cosmodrome and got bounced from the Divide during a collection mission for the Cryptarch. Got code monkey then code centipede repeatedly. Tried power off and unplug of the Xbox and then a power off of the router. Centipedes continued. My wife was on Xbox 360 with my profile on Netflix at the same time. It worked at first, then stopped. My Internet does appear to be running slow, but Netflix is still working without a glitch, So Xbox Live is working. Want to repeat Joe Dub below, thanks for the ride, I've had a few errors but it's been fun. Addendum: Error resolved at 6:08pm EST. Was able to log in and go to the tower. May have been due to overloaded Internet connection at this end.

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  • Edited by Murdax: 7/27/2014 10:23:44 PM
    1. Famosblack05 (PSN/PS4) 2. 7/27/14 3:00pm CST 3. 7/27/14 4:30pm CST 4. Was at the end of Satan's Lair and was disconnected from the game, sent back to the main screen prompted to press X button. It now keeps giving me the centipede error. 5. I did infact use the vault earlier but completed other missions since then with no problems. 6. At NO time have I Deleted any characters. Thanks for the Beta it has been a blast. The game is beautiful and lots of fun. I can hardly wait for the full release. =) UPDATE: After posting this and spending just a little time browsing other forum topics on here i went back and now i am able to log in. Thanks again Bungie. Cheers!!!

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  • 1. Islord0 (xbox1) 2. July 27 2014 @ 5:15pm EST 3. July 27 2014 @ 5:30pm EST 4. No 5. No 6. My team just won a Control on Venus. I held Y to exit multiplayer. Tried navigating to Tower. The cut scene with the ship swooping down happens, screen goes black, bottom right corner loading logo flickers some, then disconnects and gives me centipede error

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  • We should all get the exclusive reward seeing how we weren't able to play a second of the beta...

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    6 Replies
    • Edited by Squidie9: 7/27/2014 9:41:17 PM
      1. squidie8 2. Around 8:30pm on the 26th (AEST) 3. 7:30am on the 27th (AEST) 4. Yes. However I was able to play a bit of the crucible, but was then kicked and got the centipede error. 5. No EDIT: at 7:40am on the 27th (AEST), the problem stopped and I am now able to play

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    • I went to there twitter, sounds like they ended the beta

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    • I didn't use the vault and I randomly get kicked out due to centipede error.its not my internet but I've come to realize that if you restart your game,it allows you to sign in again.please fix soon -chevy1968

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    • Hi I've been playing all afternoon till about 20:30 GMT and came of for tea now I get the centipede error I have used the vault and left some things in it

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    • Edited by bezerker77: 7/27/2014 9:41:56 PM
      Hi Bungie Support: xbox one Having Centipede Error can't sign in anymore gamertag: bezerker77 About 20 minutes ago Was upgrading my weapon after beating last boss in the co-op mode ... Have been playing for about 3 days no issue ... got a bunch of gear from the last battle ... Hoping not to lose it ...

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      1 Reply
      • sweet that was fast I just started getting those monkey and centipede error codes a few min ago and to mention seemed to be server wide bungie net was down for few min as well. and on x1

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      • 1.- KoW Skull SDM 2.- 10 minutes ago 3.- 10 mins ago 4.- no 5.- no 6.- i was in the 6th mission fighting the giant spider thing and i was suddenly disconected

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      • BengalsOAL sunday 7-27-14 2:20 after finishing a crucible game

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      • Edited by PhNx Hellfire: 7/27/2014 9:45:57 PM
        1. Gamertag = PhNx Hellfire Online ID = RyukeHellfire65 2. Today, 7/27/14, Roughly 2:30 pm PST. 3. Moments ago for almost ten minutes. Before that, last login was last night and carried through to this morning. 4. I actually try to avoid using the vault, I've put information in it, but I don't really use it. 5. No. 6. Crucible matchmaking, lost sectors, completed a match on First Light (Moon map) and was told networking conditions dropped/couldn't connect to servers. Right before the end of the match, there was a pop up on the bottom which read it was contacting the Destiny servers, the objective lines disappeared(there was seconds left in the match), and people bounced around and at the end of the match, "Object Correct" was displayed right in the center of the screen with different font then everything else I've seen. Before that, everything ran smoothly. After the match, I was put immediately into orbit, then the login screen, then centipede errors. In all seriousness, I'm alright whenever the solution comes up. I managed to get my networking working by restarting my Xbox 360, which fixes it normally, and start playing again. At this point, I'm just letting you all know of my parameterst. Looking forward to the final product.

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      • AdvancedNeptune The last time I played then got a "centipede" was today at 5:30. I was going to the tower, and then "centipede". I have been able to return since my last centipede attack.

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      • Rendercode did not use the vault at all could sign on at 3pm est today. It is 541pm now and can not sign in

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      • XiEX eGoRipper , last time i played was the 26th around 11pm pacific time till around 1am on the 27th. Did not access the vault, did not delete a character or profile. Played through the "into hell" mission or whatever it was called. After defeating the spider tank and completing the mission, leveled up to lvl 7, upgraded and signed off. Upon trying to sign in on the 27th at 230pm pacific time, i received the centipede error code.

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      • 1. Sadabaja 2. Yesterday eveing. Played to 3 am 3. Today at 2:35 PM (PDT) Approx. 4. After changing to new character, I received centipede error notice and have been unable to log in again. 5. No. Just tried to make a new one. 6. N/A

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