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7/18/2014 6:48:41 AM

Why cant we be friends?

Dear Activision, I know you partnered with Bungie cause they're frickin awesome, but it bothers many of us Xbox players that you have been "sucking on Sony's balls", as the haters would say. I don't understand why you had to give Sony a bunch of exclusive things for Destiny and make Xbox feel like dirt. I know Xbox had halo for many years as an exclusive but this "change", for lack of a better word, is too sudden. Many fans feel like they have been back stabbed, as I do. Why couldn't the game be equal? Where is da luv? Teh luv? The love? I know this crap won't change anything but I want to see what the Bungie community has to say: for me to stfu or anythiy else.

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