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Edited by ChaosMetalMarty: 7/4/2014 7:08:30 AM

Master Chief Colection is going to flop

[b]The COMMUNITY IS GOING TO KILL THIS GAME!!! I AM CALLING IT RIGHT NOW![/b] Watch, the day the game is released one of the MLGtards like Ghandi are going to get supremely butthurt the second they get outplayed by some random doing BxB in Halo 2, and they will all come together to declare that the Master Chief Collection sucks and give a stupid excuse like "The Graphics are too Noob friendly" or some bullshit nonsense to make themselves feel better that they are washed up Has-beens. Every idiot tryhard that follows them will leave to go Play Recycled Warfare 22Bilion when it releases the next week Then, all the Waytards who suck at the game and don't know the first thing about original Halo will Bitch that the Battle Rifle and the Combat Evolved pistol are too OP, and that everyone using BxB's and Doubleshots are hacking, and this will end in one of Three very bad ways: 1)343i ignores the idiots and they all leave to Destiny and Halo: Reach 2)343i gives in to the idiots and ruins multiplayer by patching Combat Evolved and Halo 2 3)The idiots ruin matchmaking by constantly partying up and Voting for the Halo 4 maps and game-modes only Couple all this with the fact that just like with Titanfall a shot ton of people will be turned away by inevitable flood of hipsters, trolls, nitpicking "Much Halo" Nostalgia junkies and all of the Hippocrite PlayStation Fanboys who will harp on the fact that the game is a re-release dispite the fact that they all bought Generic Zombie Apocalypse Movie Dsguised As A Game #25Billion PS4 edition for 60 bucks 6 moths after getting it for the same price on PS3. [b]You want proof? Look at half the threads in this god forsaken forum![/b]

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  • Wut

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  • 2011 account not surprised with the terrible quality threads.

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    3 Replies
    • Edited by Ralphard: 7/4/2014 2:22:17 AM
      Do my rose tinted glasses deceive me? Or was this place a bit better in the Halo days?

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      • Halo community rips on CoD for "recycling" their games. Praises 343 for handing them old games. Kek

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      • Your mom flopped.

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      • I wouldn't doubt it, people will find any excuse to complain.

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      • I just don't see people enjoying a remake of games they've already played to the extent that it garners a community like H2, H3 and even Reach did. It just isn't going to be that interesting of a collection because everyone has always experienced it before.

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        9 Replies
        • Halo are epik, yu r trol, suck. Zombie CoD ar numbur won, yu r soooo dum.

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          • [url=]:)[/url]

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          • [quote]one of the MLGtards like Ghandi[/quote] Did I miss something?

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          • The only people who like button combos are casuals.

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            2 Replies
            • i dont see the point in this post. Halo Remastered looks fun, i'll play it. Don't wanna hear somebody mute them. The fudge you going on and on about?

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            • I hope they just make a playlist for each halo because then youd be sure to play the halo you want to play

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              4 Replies
              • I'm gonna kill myself every time a halo 4 map/engine is chosen in matchmaking. That's like not vetoing team slayer on Snowbound.

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                8 Replies
                • Lol OP could be right. I might have added some other points, but look at the forums indeed! Even look at the comments here. Looool they're mad

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                • Are you done? Is the rage out of your system? Because that OP makes little sense, if any.

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                • Edited by MrR46: 7/4/2014 1:52:30 PM
                  I agree that there are going to be [u]a lot[/u] of BKs whining about CE. The pistol will of course be a hot topic and will spawn its fair share of "nerf plz!!!" threads. Map design in particular will catch heat, since most of CE's small maps are asymmetrical, complex, and multi-leveled, which in the mind of your average H3 simpleton equates to Sword Base. They'll also bitch about the lack of teamshooting, oblivious to the fact that teamwork extends well beyond teamshooting. Also, almost every map has rockets and at least one sniper, and I believe every map has OS, camo, and multiple shotguns. Power weapon overload will be another complaint (a completely ridiculous complaint, but still a complaint). Teamshooting really is a great litmus test for figuring out whether someone really knows how Halo works and what makes it go. If you ask a Halo player what it means to work as a team in Halo, and they reply with teamshooting, break their TV, break their xbox, burn their balls with a cattle prod, call their mother and tell her she should have swallowed them, and then leave knowing that you did the right thing. Anyway, Halo 2 I don't think will get many complaints. At this point everyone knows what they're getting there. I will say that the Halo 2 nostalgia tends to be a bit flawed though, and people tend to only remember the highlights, not the full package. MLG was awesome. Team BRs on Midship was awesome. Team BRs on Lockout was awesome. Team BRs on Beaver Creek was awesome. Hell, even regular slayer on those maps was awesome. But no one ever talks about how for every one of those games, you got 2 or 3 SMG games on awful maps like Ascension, Gemini, Burial Mounds, Tombstone, Elongation, etc. And don't even get me started on SMG starts on maps like Coag.

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                  3 Replies
                  • Lol. Do you know that roughly 50% of PS4 owners haven't played The Last of Us? What would the % of Xbox One owners that haven't played Halo?

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                  • [quote]You want proof? Look at half the threads in this god forsaken forum![/quote] Since when does a small forum on a site that has nothing to do with Halo in years count towards the majority of the people that are going to get this?

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                  • [quote][b]You want proof? Look at half the threads in this god forsaken forum![/b][/quote]I knew you were dumb, but not this dumb. A small insignificant forum isn't proof of anything you pleb.

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                  • You are going to straight-faced try to tell me that I am not going to enjoy Halo 1-4 at 1080p/60FPS? You know why I don't play CE multiplayer? Because it's not on Xboxlive. You know why I don't play Halo 2's Multiplayer? Because it's not on Xboxlive You know why I don't play Halo 3's multiplayer? Oh wait, I still do You know why I don't play Halo 4's multiplayer? Because besides the rare occasion, I prefer 3. You know what happens when you put all four on the same disc and throw them all into matchmaking? You get the biggest Halo party this decade. Will it last forever? Maybe, maybe not, but while it does last, it's going to be -blam!-ing awesome. You don't have to like it, but if you're trying to convince anybody who enjoyed Halo at all last decade to change their mind, you're not going to get through to them on account of Halo MCC being an awesome party, an exciting collection, and an orgy of incredible story and multiplayer madness.

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                    4 Replies
                    • I doubt it will flop. Having Halo CE multiplayer online is a first, so that will bring in the old crowd. Halo 2 matchmaking is back so that will bring in another crowd. Then Halo 3/4 people can enjoy their stuff too. Even if it does flop, the fact that I'll be able to play two non-XBL games online will be amazing into itself.

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                      • MCC is what fans asked for. The pessimistic view that all games will be hated by its community is just poor perspective. There will always be a set of individuals who will not like something no matter how awesome it is. This minority shouldn't be taken into account when weighing the success of a game. Do you have any love in your heart or do you just hop on the forums to spread hate? Why even make this thread if you're so sure it'll happen? You're not stopping anything. Why participate in a community you have no faith in? Why would you continue to participate month(s) after you released a thread announcing your intention to leave us all behind?

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                      • It is literally the only thing to buy for the Xbone and the reason everyone has gotten one, it'll sell gangbusters.

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                        2 Replies
                        • It definitely won't "flop." 1. 343i and Microsoft probably isn't investing much into the project. They're just porting old games to Xbox One and updating the graphics. The usual budget for games these days is $30-50 million, but I guarantee this isn't even going to cost MS and 343i more than $10M. 2. Every last Halo fan who owns an Xbox One will buy this game, and a significant number of people will purchase a console just for it. The only people who don't like it are Sonyshills would would rather shit-talk anything and everything Microsoft does, and Halo 4 fanboys who are absolutely ass-annihilated because 343i is actually catering to the REAL community that isn't some shitty 15K vocal minority. 3. Without a doubt, it's going to be in the top 2 on the charts. I say that because CoD is a tricky beast. I wouldn't put the game below 2 though, unlike the past two mainline Halo games that failed miserably online.

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