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Edited by Zeus: 7/24/2014 6:30:18 PM

Should Destiny add splitscreen Post Launch?





Bungie just released that there will be no splitscreen in Destiny. However, they also said that if the community came together on a subject then they WILL listen. We need to band together, and show that we CARE about whether or not there is splitscreen. I want to play with my friends and family. I don't want to spend $400+ just to please these major companies. Ever since Halo, I've loved split-screen. I couldn't STOP. 4-Player FPS was my DREAM, and now Bungie, my HERO, makes the one of the most beautiful games I've ever seen single player, I couldn't stand aside. This is for the gamers who love splitscreen. This is for the people who want to make their OWN choices, not the ones who'd rather have greedy gaming companies chose FOR them. This is for the family. This is for the friends. This is for split-screen. Please comment below why you do or don't want split-screen. Also share this link all over the web. Twitter. Facebook. Bungie. With your help we can bring split-screen back to Destiny. (EDIT #2) The petition was made by someone else. (EDIT) Also everyone. Be nice and respectful of others. Keep it clean out there, I don't want this to be reduced to a shouting match. Keep the peace. I hope you're listening Deej. (EDIT) Guys, lets think for a moment. People talk about consoles not being able to handle splitscreen and single player experiences being ruined because adding splitscreen would reduce single player graphics. If this was [b]true[/b], wouldn't Bungie have just [b]said[/b] that in their explanation of why splitscreen wasn't in Destiny? Think about it. If consoles didn't have the power, wouldn't Bungie have just [b]said [/b]that for their reason why Destiny didn't have splitscreen? If single player graphics were decreased, wouldn't Bungie have just [b]said [/b]that for their reason why Destiny didn't have splitscreen? But Bungie [b]DIDN'T[/b]. Their silence speaks for itself. None of the above is [b]TRUE[/b], because if it [b]WAS [/b]Bungie would have just [b]SAID SO[/b] as their excuse for no splitscreen! [b]Think [/b]about it! If it was [b]TRUE [/b]they would have just used it as their excuse! However they [b]DIDN'T[/b]. Which means only one thing: [b]IT ISN'T TRUE.[/b] They [b]never [/b]mentioned it! They said nothing about console power or single player graphics! So the REASON WHY it wasn't mentioned is because it [b]SIMPLY ISN'T TRUE![/b] Consoles [b]CAN [/b]handle it! Singe player graphics [b]AREN'T [/b]affected! And Bungie doesn't [b]want [/b]us to know! They only technicalities they went into were "rendering" and "tethering", however, they also [b]never [/b]said that splitscreen [b]WASN'T [/b]possible! They speak of rendering and tethering, but never said that it [b]WASN'T [/b]possible! Cmon people! Look at it! Splitscreen [b]IS [/b]possible, and we [b]need [/b]to speak up! Btw MMO's can have splitscreen.

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  • Bump for recent Dev focus on forums.

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  • Yes yes yes please please please add split screen!! Especially with the dark below expansion pack bringing raids, assembling a team of friends would be so much easier without the restrictions of requiring a separate system for each player!! Please Bungie please add splitscreen! And coming from a user who has never been completely addicted to a video game until destiny came out, I am telling you that this incredibly game would be even better with splitscreen capabilities!

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    1 Reply
    • I want to play with my brother not blow 400 bucks on another xbox

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      1 Reply
      • Edited by dark temp15676: 6/13/2014 6:06:36 PM
        i bought an xbox one with three controllers just to play destiny with my sister and older brother saying that split-screen does not fit your ambicious for the project is major bull***** you've been promoting destiny as a very social game a game that you'll want to play with your friends and family now how do you expect me to buy three consoles so that i can play the way i want!!!??

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        2 Replies
        • Edited by Arkryder52: 2/10/2015 2:42:57 AM
          Although graphics processing probably isn't the reason. Bungie not saying so does not say it isn't the reasons. That is just as much an assumption as saying the reason they didn't add it is because of graphics processing. If graphics processing was the reason they wouldn't say anything probably to keep from getting backlash from the console companies.

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        • I vote yes yes yea yea yea yes to split I wanna play with my brother in the campaign!!!!!! Bungee plz read and listen and do

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        • Yes I really wanna play with my dad but we only have one system and we would love it if you guys at bungie could do us this favor

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        • i think splitscreen would be GREAT because you dont have to buy other consoles and friends can come over and play destiny with you

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        • Would work for us. Four teenagers at home, who over time have had problems with finding good raid teams, or just needing that little bit of help for the nightfall. Also they could then help me without doing it for me. Hey I might even be able to raid.

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        • My wife and I could play destiny together like we did in borderlands 2 so I vote YES.

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        • Please add split screen Bungie SO many people want it!

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        • Yes. Let me trek into the abyss both digitally and physically next to my brother.

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        • would be amazing!

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        • Yes!

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        • Yes, I gave my mum's boyfriend's son a go on destiny and then he liked it so I made him his own account, because I already had 3 characters, and he made his own character. Problem is, he is only 9 and this is his first fps on console so he is really bad at it. And when I help him I have to take over completely which means he's not playing which means he's not getting better which means I have to keep helping him and he is only half playing the game. If there was split screen then I could help and he could still play and get better at the game. I can't play with him online because 1. He doesn't have the game, 2. He is on ps3 and I'm on ps4 and 3. His ps3 isn't connected to the internet anyway.

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        • I love this game a lot and my dad does too. I got it for Christmas and he loves it and started playing a little too much. He needs a little help though. It would be great if I could play it with him and help him out

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        • My brother and I both love this game very much and really would like to play together. we constantly have to be taking turns to play and we both get anxious when we have to watch the other play because of how much we love this game. I don't see why we can't just have our characters together in a fireteam and play as if we are playing in a firetram. We both grow up with the halo series and grew accustom to playing as a team and that was 50 percent of the fun. The game is amazing but this one added feature would definitely put the icing on the cake and as was said before those who do not want to use the feature do not have to use it. I don't believe that it could be a problem in any way to add this feature and it is simply making a lot of people a lot happier about their game . We are both very good at this game and I just wanna be able to own other people with my brother along side me XD

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        • My husband i bought two playstations so we could both play destiny. We are very lucky in that we can afford to do this but they really should set up a split screen option for people who want to play togetger but not have to get two. So what im trying to say here is BUMP!

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        • This is for the Xbox 1/360. Who would the second player play as? Would the second player be sort of like a guest like on the 360? Or would they be able to play as another character/s on that account? But if they do that, the character/s may not be the same level or what if they dont have anothet character at all? Would the second player or however many players there are would have to play on different accounts that have internet? Not sure.

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          3 Replies
          • Since my brother stopped playing games I love having the full screen to myself. Never going back. Other people can have it if they want.

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          • Way too hard, you go out of one area to another you load in to a new "server" with other random players so if only 1 of the players moves to a different area the game now needs to keep 2 connections to 2 different "servers" going.

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            4 Replies
            • Option 3, don't care. Not being sarcastic, just being honest.

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            • How about a tl;dr. Why do we need split screen for a game like destiny? Back in the glory days of ps2, split screen was a way to play with you friends. Now with how big online gaming is it basically makes split screen obsolete. Adding this would only waste precious time that could be better spent on new content.

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              • I want split screen. and for the people that don't want it, just don't use it. Me and my husband love this game but we cant play together and that sucks!

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              • I want splitsreen to take on challenges with the love of my life by my side.

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              • Yes please. Agree all the way, just start with adding simple split screen matches. Then develop a map customization system like Forge, and the game would be golden!(even better than it already is) I would love to play this game when my friends are over instead of playing from home all the time. More people definitely need to get in on this!!

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