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Edited by Progo: 3/19/2014 8:45:08 PM

If I never drank alcohol...

You would be missing out


You wouldn't miss anything important


...Would I be missing anything? Edit: I'm 18, I can legally drink where I live, but for now I'm waiting until I'm 21. I'm toying with the idea of never drinking, not sure if I'd actually do that though.

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  • It's alright. I've never been drunk or buzzed, but I have had some. It's an acquired taste.

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  • I'm 16 so I have no advice in this matter. What I do know is a few kids got suspended a few weeks ago for drinking.

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  • Edited by cxkxr: 3/20/2014 2:31:48 AM
    No. But you oughtta get drunk or buzzed at least once in your life.

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  • Edited by Siffera: 3/19/2014 11:17:11 PM
    Don't drink it at all. You wont be missing anythingl. Those who say you need it to have fun at parties and whatnot just need it to better their dull personalities.

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    2 Replies
    • No point in never drinking. But so whatever makes you happy.

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    • I don't have any interest in ever drinking. I don't much like the idea of losing inhibitions, for one thing. The taste is awful, for another.

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    • U wot m8 Why are there so much votes against it. People here need to drink more rum with their friends

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    • If you don't drink, it saves money, time, yo health, lives. And some other junk I can't think why do it?

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    • Edited by Charlemagne: 3/20/2014 12:11:16 AM
      I don't drink, I have no interest in it. However, if you like parties you'll feel left out and awkward. I suggest that you allow yourself to drink but don't drink too much.

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      7 Replies
      • It's something you need to try for yourself, really. The first time I drank a lot was with four close friends and we all slept over so it was a relaxing environment and my safety wasn't really in jeopardy. I ended up enjoying it quite a bit, but at the same time it's not something I'm always up for doing. I just got back from spring break where I was camping with those same friends. We had some beers around a campfire and it was a lot more fun than getting completely trashed at a bar or party would have been (although that can be fun on occasion as well.)

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      • It's fine in really small amounts, some would even go so far as to say 'healthy' for you. In reality though, it's just a waste of time, money, and effort. You're not missing anything, I wouldn't bother with it. There are much more fun things to do.

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      • It's pretty boring and awkward if you ever fancy the idea of socialising at parties sober. Drink or don't drink, it's up to you. It's just a lot more fun with friends if you don't overdo it.

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      • You ain't missing anything special

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      • You'd actually be much better off. It can slow down your brain and your body.

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      • Edited by afanoflafear: 3/20/2014 2:31:04 AM

        Bec Rizk ❤️ - old

        If you have to ask, don't do it Alcohol is pointless IMO, I mean I'd rather spend the night working out alone then getting wasted with friends, it's also pricey (in Sydney at least) Sorry to be such a spoil sport to all my booze lovers on the flood.

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      • Edited by Mr SexBot: 3/19/2014 11:09:49 PM
        My dad was a heavy drinker from 16-21 but he hasn't had a drop of alcohol since he was 21, and ever since I was little he's said "If you never have any alcohol you won't be missing out on anything". And with the little I've actually drank, I can say that his advice is pretty sound.

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      • You'd be missing out, but not on something important.

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      • You're not missing anything really. Nothing wrong with stay sober, but on occasion say like, New Years, it can make things a little more relaxing and fun if you're with friends. Not saying getting smashed, but having a little to make you feel a bit fuzzy.

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      • I remember tasting beer a couple of times when I was little, and I didn't understand why anyone liked it. Alcohol still doesn't appeal to me. If having some periodically is good for you, I suppose you're missing out on that, but you might as well just eat well and exercise regularly, probably won't make a terrible difference and you won't have to worry about intoxication. If you have a family history of alcoholism, or you tend to overdo enjoyable activities, it would be prudent to pass on it; if you can use it legally and responsibly, it's up to you whether you want to spend the time and money on it. I'm about to finish my second year of college and get my Associate's, and I still haven't had anything to drink. I'm more outgoing, physically active and happy than I've been my whole life. If I'm missing out on something, I can't say it bothers me.

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        1 Reply
        • Being buzzed or kinda drunk on summer nights when you're with your friends is cool. Never liked getting -blam!-ed up to where I don't feel in control of myself though.

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        • Edited by AIDS MONKEY: 3/19/2014 9:16:49 PM
          You'd miss the feeling of being intoxicated, which is nice sometimes. Also, I remember reading a study where people who had two or three beers/glasses of wine a day ended up being healthier than people who didn't, but I dunno if that's bullshit or not. [url=]Here you go[/url]

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          7 Replies
          • You would miss out... On taste. Honestly if you're drinking to get drunk you're stupid but ingesting alcohol as a drink for the enjoyment of the taste is fine. I suggest trying it and seeing if you like it but there are lots of different kinds with different tastes

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            • Edited by Cobravert: 3/19/2014 8:47:09 PM
              The short answer is - in moderation and not going for full blown drunk actively alcohol won't hurt you. the problem is (as with anything) when people over indulge and take it too far, and / or become addicted and really screw themselves up. If you stay away from it, good for you. If you do drink a little, no big deal. If you begin to party whenever possible and seek out the next drink, it's time to take a step back and realize that you may need to reevaluate whether it is worth it anymore or not. I used to do that. After I could drink more than I should and still pass for sober I knew it was time to quit. (The drunk driving incident had an impact on this as well - only I was involved), Thank God). After I quit it took literally a couple years to be able to process math well again. In my line of work, it's a daily tool, and I felt as though I had to retrain my brain to be able to process as quickly as it had before the years of alcohol consumption. It does have an effect on you that you can not readily notice. I haven't 'drank' in over 25 years. A little drink once in a few blue moons maybe, but no more indulging. The time I did try a little more I could feel the processing speed of my personal CPU slowing down and misfiring again. So it's not for me. Also, Anyone telling you that alcohol tastes good is either without tastebuds, has a horrible sense of taste, or is just flat lying. I've had a little and a lot of everything. Some taste better than others, but I could never say that any actually tasted 'good'.

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            • It is not needed or necessary but definitely is an experience to be had.

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              • Yes you would be. Ever heard of Baileys? Its -blam!-ing good.

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                2 Replies
                • You are missing out, but it is still overrated.

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