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11/15/2013 3:52:14 PM

I feel betrayed.

I have a decade of service. I have been playing Bungie games since Marathon in the mid-90s. I bought an Xbox FOR Halo. I have read Weekly What's Updates about every Bungie Game since. I have listened to every podcast. I have been a die-hard Bungie fan, through and through. BECAUSE of my love for Bungie, I became an XBox gamer. I haven't owned a Sony product since PS2, and never felt a desire for a PS3 or PS4. I think the Xbox One is a superior platform, and that XBox Live and Microsoft's Azure Cloud servers better suit the persistant world Bungie is creating with Destiny. They have more experience with Microsoft Platforms, and an amazing working history with Microsoft. We were told the split was Amicable. We were told they were going to continue to work hand-in-hand with Microsoft in the future. And then everything CHANGED. Bungie had their Destiny reveal at the SONY E3 conference. Every Destiny video I've seen so far mentions the 360 and X1 as an afterthought. Playstation is getting the Beta first AND exclusive content. CLEARLY there is a Moneyhat involved. Sony has shelled a shit-ton of cash to Bungie (actually, probably just to Activision) to make this happen. Bungie is being used as a weapon against Microsoft and the Xbox platforms. Sony is using deplorable tactics to make what was once the premier Microsoft Studios and Xbox platform developer into a tool of Sony. I DON'T LIKE IT. I'm an Xbox fanboy BECAUSE of Bungie, and now after a decade, I feel like I'm being slapped in the face. My loyalty has been rewarded with Bungie turning their backs on me. I understand that they are reaching out to a new audience to try and increase sales and allow a larger number of gamers to enjoy their world, but they are doing it in the WRONG WAY. Bungie has always, ALWAYS been a company that has put their community first. WE are the Seventh Column. WE are what will allow them to reach their goal of Global Domination. But now, instead of putting their most loyal fans first they are more concerned with the new frontier of Playstation, happy to assume we'll be buying their game anyway. It sickens me. It really does. Bungie has made my favorite games for almost TWO DECADES. That is the majority of my life, spent in their worlds. Am I still excited for Destiny? Of course I am. Is this going to stop me from buying it? No. And I guess Bungie knows this. Still though, it would be REALLY nice for Bungie to Acknowledge the fans that they used to put first. The people who got them where they are today. We still love them... It would be nice if they showed us they still love us back.

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  • Xbone a shit

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  • Well said! I agree completely!

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  • I guess Bungie needs to acknowledge Apple users first and foremost then. Ricer.

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  • Still don't understand how you can feel betrayed. Microsoft had Halo on lockdown for a decade. For a decade, Xbox enjoyed and will continue to "enjoy" having Halo remain exclusive to Xbox. Destiny is a new IP. It is going multi-platform so everyone enjoys it, not just PlayStation fans. Y'all act like the content and early beta access PS players will get is a whole other game entirely, but really, it's nothing big. This seems to be less about feeling betrayed for being a Bungie fan and more about feeling betrayed for being an Xbox fan. Sorry, but this isn't Halo. Dsstiny is for Xbox AND PlayStation. We can both enjoy Bungie's worlds now on our console of choice. There is no betrayal.

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  • Alright, I just gotta say one thing. CALM DA HAYLL DOWN. I see this "feeling betrayed" shit everywhere and it's starting to get to the point where I'm just like, -blam!- off. So STAHP ok? Thanks and have a great day/night.

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  • Edited by Nobody: 4/9/2014 3:33:31 AM
    I never have seen a word that said content was not coming out on the bone, only that it was going to be out on the ps4 first. You need to calm down and be patient, just because someone gets something before you does not mean its the end of the world. Now go to your room mister and think about what you just said. There will be no dessert for you tonight.

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  • Obviously, you have not been reading a lot lately on Nearly every day DeeJ explicates that they did not abandon Xbox fans. Just because they are making trailers on a different console, doesn't mean that you don't get to play the game.

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  • Well that's just you quit whining please it's life

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  • I violated the [url=]Code of Misconduct[/url] and was met with Ninja Injustice.

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    3 Replies
    • Edited by Rubio Audiotre: 4/8/2014 7:31:17 PM
      Too be honest i may get both platforms. And if Destiny will look it's best on PS4 then i will get on PS4 only because my friends happened to be getting it on that platform. And i'd like play with them on the same system. But i don't want to buy a PS4 for only destiny, which is my dillema theres nothing else that interest me on the system. At least with Xbox , theres sunset overdrive(which is a livable breathable open world like destiny), Fable legends(online open world), and then Quantum break made by Remedy. And of course an all time favorite game Killer Instinct that i really want to play. And i still want to see what halo will be like, despite my anger with 343i. I want to see where there taking halo next.

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    • [quote]I'm an Xbox fanboy[/quote] I too, am a huge Bungie fan. I literally grew up with Halo and bought the Xbox and then 360 just for Halo. But think about this logically, I don't want to start a whole console war between fanboys or whatever but you just said it yourself, you're a fanboy! I bought a PS4 last year, first Sony console EVER! And it was because of a multitude of reasons including 343's destruction of Halo and Bungie's exclusive content but mainly because it IS superior, FACT. I'll link an article later because I'm on my phone right now but it's been proven, the PS4 is more powerful. However, I love all gamers and choices because they're gamers, I'm not bashing the X1 here and if you bought one the early beta access will probably be -blam!- all, literally like a couple days as the did with Reach for certain players. 're exclusive content will either be something cosmetic that everyone will have rendering it useless, or 60 minutes of extra unimportant side missions like with AC4 or Watch Dogs. Seriously it's no biggie, Bungie aren't ignoring the Xbox guys it's just business, let's just enjoy the game.

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    • I will say this one last time. Of course there was money involved....... Sony paid a large amount for benefits offered to both sides in order to raise funds to continue development for the game. Period end of story

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    • 2 words... World Domination. [spoiler]>Activate_Bungie.exe[/spoiler]

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      4 Replies
      • Edited by Commander Tempu: 12/5/2013 8:56:57 PM
        Since they have you knowing you will get it anyways just do what i am doing. Waiting to see if there is change then after beta if its the same Sony Exclusive crap i will get the game much later down the line. If you want to send a message be your own person. I am not saying my method is for every one but if people just do not get the game at Release that will send a big message. Take care of the fans and the Consumers first they have not lived up to this. they are not interested in Xbox any longer. You have the power of choice. I am a fan as well started way back in Halo CE and Halo 2 was not till Halo 3 that i was able to get online. I love Bungie but not the direction they are currently going. If they want to sell me a product i better be able to see it and know its real. Otherwise i as the Consumer have the Choice to take my money elsewhere. My stance is the same. Beta is a good example where Bungie has failed. So i am waiting giving a last chance during the unjoyful Beta on my 360. People are like" Be glad you got that " I am going to be saying" Glad i got what robbed of a week for something out of my control ? I am paying for this game also full price with no extras." I feel they sold out to get money for Destiny but i am unsure what the real truth is but its how it has played out so far. Prove me wrong if any one dares.

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      • Guess what?

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        1 Reply
        • If you bought an Xbox for Bungie, couldn't you buy a Playstation for Bungie too?

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          1 Reply
          • > Feeling betrayed > Feeling betrayed by a[b] video game company. [/b] Get your priorities straight.

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          • Classic

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          • It's coming to Xbox One so I don't understand why you feel betrayed. I have an Xbox due to Halo as well. As a business Bungie made an excellent decision going cross platform it makes economic sense. Sure they get a few extra simple things, but it ain't ground breaking.

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          • Which do you love more, Bungie or Xbox? I didn't see you posting how u followed Microsoft podcasts for 10 years, so I'm assuming it's Bungie that you love. Well get over it, the years of Microsoft exploiting Bungie are over. Long live a free Bungie!

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          • MS Screwed Bungie over big time when the split happened, why would Bungie stick with them faithfully? Plus Sony has a proven track record of having a good relationship with it's Devs so if anything it makes perfect sense.

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          • You could always just go screw yourself...

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          • You know now that you mention it I'm kinda pissed off too I want some recognition for my loyalty too We gota get bungie back with xbox as a priority.

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            2 Replies
            • Hey guess what? [spoiler]NOBODY CARES![/spoiler]

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            • Bungie doesn't make those types of decision that was Activision and its for marketing purposes

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            • Edited by Oak_Khan: 3/31/2014 1:51:26 PM
              They just make games damn, you are a little obsessed and you need to chill. Who pays that much attention to the guys who make the game anyway why does who they mention in their promotion matter.

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