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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by Charlemagne: 8/14/2014 8:19:06 PM

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Know that it isn't complete yet, I'm just brainstorming ideas for a Destiny topic. Edit: This is more than just a possible topic, it's the thread that might solve Destiny. Lupus constellation - brightest star Alpha Lupi: This will probably be more important than everyone thinks. It could be where an enemy species came from or even the Traveler itself. Edit: For some reason I'm almost positive that this is where the Traveler came from. It just seems so right. If that's true, that means this is where the Darkness came from as well. [b]Update:[/b] Frogget did some great research on this topic. He's uncovered stuff about the Tablet of Destinies and somethings that could connect the Vex to the constellation. I highly suggest you look at his work, he posted it below. FOTC + DeeJ's avatar = Pippin ([u]music[/u]al, Broadway, Fosse) Edit: Forces of the City - they probably run the Guardians and whatnot. [u]Charlemagne - [b]War Mind[/b] v. [i]King of men[/i][/u] The piece of Charlemagne mentioned [url=]here[/url] could be very important. Depending on when we get it, this will confirm if Ghost is Joyeuse or not. Joyeuse - The Traveler? Ghost? Or something else? Need more data. It must be some sort of weapon/AI, it [i]could[/i] be Ghost...I'm almost certain it is. Still, best not to just assume since this would be the first time the player isn't the wield of the sword. (Wait...who used Joyeuse after Charlemagne? Maybe...) "...built by the [b]ancient Powers of Mars[/b]." Why is the 'p' in "Powers" capitalised? What are these ancient powers that created Charlemagne? Possible connection to King Charlemagne's wars. Charlemagne is connected to Osiris and Egypt. The [i]Valley of the King[/i] card proves this. Edit: The Traveler created the Warminds. Brilliant. [url=]Progo's analysis of the similarities between Egyptian mythology and Destiny (very useful)[/url]. Fallen - [b]Souls[/b], houses, similarities to Guardians - Pirates/Saxons/Charlemagne's enemy Cabal - Romans Hive - Egyptian Vex - Greek(?) - We aren't sure what they are, but Greek is a decent placeholder. I mean Minotaur seems to fit with it. Darkness - Mythological enemy (Egyptian ties, but also others) [b]The Mask[/b]ed man - Who is he? [i]What is he?[/i] (Albus? Possibly.) [I call him the Mask because I'm so clever.] Warlocks and [u]Sorcerers[/u] (Fallen Lords?) Fourier and [u][b]signals[/b][/u] - Is this how the Traveler found us? Egyptian mythos and Destiny (Onyx Pyramids, Osiris, the Traveler etc.) Edit: We've linked the Hive, the Traveler, Osiris, and the Darkness to Egyptian mythology, not to mention a few other things. It would seem that part of Destiny is based off of the battle between Set and Osiris. The Hive are literally mummies and it's possible that we are "Horus" in this game. I might have gotten that mixed up, I'll have Progo clarify it. [u][b]Geomancy[/b][/u] [b]Monday[/b] - [u]Populous/Via[/u] - Water - [u]Moon[/u] [b]Tuesday[/b] - [u]Puer/Rubeus[/u] - Fire (+ Earth + Air [No water/emotion]) - [u]Mars[/u] [b]Wednesday[/b] - [u]Albus/Conjunctio[/u] - Air (+ Water) - [u]Mercury[/u] [b]Thursday[/b] - [u]Acquisito/Laetitia[/u] - Air (+ Fire) - [u]Jupiter[/u] [b]Friday[/b] - [u]Puella/Amissio[/u] - Water (+ Air) - [u]Venus[/u] [b]Saturday[/b] - [u]Tristitia/Carcer[/u] - Air (+ Earth) - [u]Saturday[/u] [b]Sunday[/b] - [u]Fortuna Major/Fortuna Minor[/u] - Fire (+ Earth) - [u]Sun[/u] The first deities are more important. Law of the Jungle = Frontier Justice (i.e. Vigilantism, taking law and justice into your own hands. That makes you a sort of guardian...Guardian) Strikes - Most likely some sort of team-based game-type. PvP or PvE is the real question though. Dragons - Caput/Cauda Draconis - Moon (Angel-dragons are Seraphs. I wonder if there are se7e of them.) Need more data. [url=][i]If[/i] I use this I'll credit him.[/url] [b]Update:[/b] Alright, so I've been looking into what Progo researched about Osiris and there are some big similarities between Osiris and the original Charlemagne. Here are the similarities: 1. They are both Kings who became either divine or enforced religion (Charlemagne was practically a man-god). 2. Both of their thrones were taken by their son(s) after their passing. (These ones are to do with Destiny) 3. It's interesting to see how similar Mars and and Egypt are when it comes to sand dunes and sandstorms. This could also play into Set. I think we (our characters) might be Horus in some way, at least based off of him. [url=]T4R.[/url] Ghosts in the Machine leads Progo and I to believe that Ghost might be part of a Warmind. If it's from Charlemagne, it's most likely Joyeuse. Charlemagne was created by the Traveler (as well as the other Warminds). The Exos seem to have come around the same time. I believe that their existence it due to the Traveler creating soldier-like people. The Traveler's magic must have changed Humans into Awoken. If the Traveler created the Warminds, that's probably how it communicated to Humanity when it first arrived. The Warminds, Charlemagne in particular, probably resulted in the creation of the AI known as Ghost. If Ghost is Joyeuse everything fits. The Traveler came to our solar system as it fled from the Darkness. This can only mean one thing. It chose to come here, even if it was an accident that it found us, it chose to stay. It created the Warminds, the AI, the weapons, the technology, possibly the Exos, the Awoken, it gave us magic, and more. It didn't just help us, it prepared us for a war that it knew was coming. It didn't just save us, we saved it as well. The Director: some sort of guide in the game, but not an actual person. It could be something like Ghost, but I'm no so sure. I think it might be the FOTC AI that assigns missions to the Guardians or helps with defenses/assaults and such. It might even run (parts of) the City similarly to how Virgil did in ODST. The Companion: Not much is known about it yet, but if it's in relation to Ghost it could be related to the AI version of Joyeuse. Our speeder bikes, called the Shrike, have ties to Greek mythology and connections to the soul. We can spawn them from the ether and they are, in ways, within us. They grow as we use them. Seems pretty solid. Progo came up with a really interesting theory on Phogoth. Since the Hive are based in the Moon (Hellmouth to be exact), it's entirely possibly they created Phogoth so they could "drop" it into the Last City. It could cause mayhem and chaos on its own, but what about other Hive Ogres going with it? Another Warmind — Rasputin. Of course he would be in Old Russia. We think Gandhi could also be one. From the Beta we've learnt that Osiris might actually be a person or being of sorts. The Cryptarch mentioned him a few times if you stayed around to listen. Ad astra. ~07/07/2013

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  • Edited by Progo: 10/22/2013 7:01:34 PM
    [quote]The Osiris myth is the most elaborate and influential story in ancient Egyptian mythology. It concerns the murder of the god Osiris, a primeval king of Egypt, and its consequences. Osiris' murderer, his brother Set, usurps his throne. Meanwhile, Osiris' wife Isis restores her husband's body, allowing him to posthumously conceive a son with her. The remainder of the story focuses on Horus, the product of Isis and Osiris' union, who is first a vulnerable child protected by his mother and then becomes Set's rival for the throne. Their often violent conflict ends with Horus' triumph, which restores order to Egypt after Set's unrighteous reign and completes the process of Osiris' resurrection. The myth, with its complex symbolism, is integral to the Egyptian conceptions of kingship and succession, conflict between order and disorder and, especially, death and the afterlife. It also expresses the essential character of each of the four deities at its center, and many elements of their worship in ancient Egyptian religion were derived from the myth.[/quote] He's basically a zombie man who had sex with his living wife. That's gods for ya. As for Set: [quote]Set /sɛt/ or Seth (/sɛθ/; also spelled Setesh, Sutekh, Setekh, or Suty) is a god of the desert, storms, disorder, violence and foreigners in ancient Egyptian religion.[1] In Ancient Greek, the god's name is given as Sēth (Σήθ). Set is not however a god to be ignored or avoided, he has a positive role where he is employed by Ra on his solar boat to repel the serpent of Chaos Apep.[2] Set had a vital role as a reconciled combatant.[3] He was lord of the red (desert) land where he was the balance to Horus' role as lord of the black (soil) land.[4][/quote] So Set may be rough around the edges, but he's for the greater good...

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