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Edited by Khirna: 7/22/2013 5:55:00 AM

Do you think...





I'm not touching this with a ten foot pole.


A woman should change her last name when married? If so, why? If not, why not? I feel they shouldn't be forced to or feel pressured to because it is a pretty sexist practice in the US and a lot of other countries.

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  • Edited by DocSmurf: 7/24/2013 5:21:57 AM
    Last names need to be fluid. If the last name of a women is endanger because lets say there are no more men in the line the husband could easily take her last name. My moms side of the family had no more boys so I took the last name of both my mother and father.

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    Women aren't forced to change their last names. :) Most change them cuz they want to. In fact, when you get married you can change your name to whatever you want! If you've ever watched "Friends", you saw the episode where phoebe changed her name to princess banana hammock. Lol!

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  • No, all names should be hyphenated. -John Broker has a kid with Mary Childing -Kirk Broker-Childing -Kirk Broker-Childing has a kid with Stephine Black-Hewett -Aaron Broker-Childing-Black-Hewett -Aaron Broker-Childing-Black-Hewett has a kid with Eli Morgan-Brown-Jackson-Gaynes -Brittany Broker-Childing-Black-Hewett-Morgan-Brown-Jackson-Gaynes -Brittany Broker-Childing-Black-Hewett-Morgan-Brown-Jackson-Gaynes has a kid with Thomas Braxton-Payne-Smith-Jordan-Simpson-Lincoln-Wood-Williams -Larry Broker-Childing-Black-Hewett-Morgan-Brown-Jackson-Gaynes-Braxton-Payne-Smith-Jordan-Simpson-Lincoln-Wood-Williams It would be morally irresponsible of all of you not to want this to happen.

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    • If anything surnames only need to continue through Sons.

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    • They aren't forced to change their name though

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    • No touchy.

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    • Yes, but I can only argue for the sake of tradition. That and so the kids won't have to deal with ever growing hyphenated names.

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    • I really don't care.

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    • Doesn't matter either way. The bond is still there, regardless of names.

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    • lol I think it's none of my business nor concern. It's up to the married couple, of course. No woman is forced to change their last name and if they are, they obviously married the wrong person. Again, none of my concern. It should never be a "all women should or shouldn't do this" sort of situation.

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        It's tradition, not a sexist conspiracy from the inherent male patriarchy to oppress them into servitude. It is also optional, plenty of people don't change their name and make double barreled ones which can get a bit ridiculous if you have two people with double barreled surnames forming a quadruple surname.

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        • No I am quite happy with the girl keeping her maiden name. Series discussion on flood wtf

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        • I don't think it should be forced, it's simply an old practice from the times when inequality and bigotry where rife and accepted.

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        • Yes. If a woman didn't want to take my last name I wouldn't marry them. Thankfully, my wife did.

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        • A married couple should share the last name, doesn't matter whose it is, but i do think it's unfair that if a couple gets married that the woman should be forced to take the man's last name, it should be an even and thought out decision.

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        • What if her last name is Horney?

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        • I changed my name when I got married. Honestly, it was a difficult decision to make. My husband wanted me to take his name, and out of respect for him and our marriage, I changed it. I don't regret changing it, but some times I still miss my maiden name.

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        • A married couple should have the same last name. I don't care if it's originally the man's or the woman's family name.

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        • [quote]I'm not touching this with a ten foot pole.[/quote] ...Is it really that controversial? If a woman doesn't want to, that's fine. She can keep her name or the couple can hyphenate their names or something. Although, if a woman with a hyphenated name marries a guy with a hyphenated name, and they hyphenate their names, and then their kids hyphenate [i]their[/i] names... they're going to end up with some ridiculously long surnames...

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        • I was under the impression that it wasn't mandatory. Hell, I'm pretty sure even the husband can get his last name changes if he so chooses.

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        • It's not sexist, OP. Plus, the name change is optional. The bride chooses to have her last name changed most of the time.

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        • [quote]Do you think...[/quote]I never think.

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        • You know all this name changing shit is optional, right? Or are you really that stupid?

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        • Honestly the whole sexist thing is going pretty far. The whole changing of names thing hasn't been a big problem. But then again I'm a guy. How would we keep the family name going if no one wants to change their name?

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        • Poll needs an "only if she wants to" option. :\

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          • It's up to the women

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