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6/11/2013 12:20:14 PM

Xbox one

1. MS released you will be able to 'share' a game with ten friends and family So if you lend a game to a mate you just put them down as one of the ten... Don't know about you but I've only ever lent a games to 4 different friends 2. The money you have to pay too play a used game isn't going to be the retail price of the game, it'll be a small fee like $5 or something. And this is because the selling of used games is making the game stores rich and not the companies and publishers that make the game. It's will still be a lot cheaper to buy used games on Xbox one just some of the proceeds go to the developers, and if the market for used games go down on Xbox one then so will the price so it will probably equal out anyway. 3. Most of the people bitching about 'you have to connect everyday at least once' all obviously have an Internet connection other wise they wouldn't be on a forum... On the Internet... 4. You can disable the kinect feature if you which... it just needs to be plugged in once your Xbox is on you can turn it off So instead of blowing things out of proportion think about - When is your Xbox/PS actually not connected to the Internet at this point in time - how often do you actually trade lend games with your mates, I usually have all the same games so I can play with them - why shouldn't the developers get a cut of used game sales - even with purchasing used games on xbox one it is still going to be way cheaper than buying brand new Like I can see why people would go for the PS and that's fine But it's not going to be nearly as much of disaster as people are making it out to be.

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