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4/27/2024 7:10:59 PM

Incentive for legend isn't enough

Literally, I can't get anyone to play it. They only farm 10's still. Lfg is full of people who leave at 10. Just give us shineys at 50 ffs. Stop being stingy with a limited event.

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  • Edited by Muffincup: 4/30/2024 6:11:45 PM
    If they guaranteed a shiny, even just at wave 50, alot more people would engage, but they'd probably still need more incentive for legendary; like a guaranteed at mid boss and end boss. I've personally settled on the idea that since this is a limited time event, drop rates should be equal to roughly 3 hours of gameplay. But this company, nor any these days, know what gaming is actually about. Its not prestige or elitism, or exclusivity. Those are literally the 3 worst ideas for gaming. Its not difficulty, its not money. Its about the art, the fun, the engagement, and making it worth players' time regardless of difficulty level. Special, limited events should always have higher drop chances, no exceptions. Higher difficulty versions of those activities should be going crazy with drops.

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    14 Replies
    • Even if Bungie made this change today, I just don't think it would be enough. For those who have their 50, why keep running 50s when it takes an hour just to get a different shader? IF you succeed.

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      1 Reply
      • They really are being way too stingy with the shiny drops. Having one guaranteed at wave 50 would’ve been a good way to incentivize people, but Bungie is just a bunch of greedy -blam!-. They’d rather you farm all day long and never reward you for it.

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        • I got a shiny rampage/killing-tally Hanmerhead roll today in normal :) Play normal instead.

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          7 Replies
          • Drop rates are fine, there's really no difference between a shiny and non shiny anyways. It is a bit annoying trying to find a group to go to 50 though.

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            • I've got multiple Shiny's already from simply playing the normal 50 wave. Why stress yourself playing Legend when you can get Shiny's playing the easier version.

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              7 Replies
              • 4 days of playing onslaught and only one shiny and it was not what I was attuned for. If you make to wave 50 shiny should be a I guaranteed drop. I have been farming for one weapon since last week 12 days in a row and still have not got the roll I want. It's dog shyt I am so sick of onslaught

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                • People are weird. Double drops per 10 waves is pretty good. It's not all that much more difficult than normal.

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                  • Edited by Ogma: Destroyer of Worlds: 4/28/2024 2:29:36 AM
                    Some of my clan/friends got the emblem and then just farm 10s or go to 50 in normal. I don’t think I’ll ever get a legend 50 completion because they don’t want to do it again and I don’t want to LFG that. Too unreliable.

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                  • The droprate for shinies for Legend needs to be buffed but the thing is now with the extra guns and tokens dropping I dont really feel its worth running Legend for just 5 extra weapon drops Thats what it is, 5 extra drops, and its not enough because those chests have a low shiny rate anyway I would see its best if you’re in an absolute stacked team and voice chatting. But tbh every Legend run Ive done was with people who arent looking at their radar or just being semi bots. I dont care, I rather sit in Normal, collect my 6 chests , 3-4 other wep drops and get like 30-50 tokens than suffer through Legend with the average Destiny gamer for 5 more wep drops and suffer the whole way through Legend would need a coded better shiny dropchance from later chests for me to be interested in it again. Normal is nice because you’ll make it to round 30 even if everyone sucks, and you can then leave if they do indeed sucks. Where in Legend if your team sucks you got to work REAL hard to even get to round 10 And what I hate most in online games is people putting in minimal effort and reap the same rewards as i did or even better, while i worked my -blam!- off. So yeah, -blam!- Legend And if Bungie reads this reply : I know you’re too lazy/incompetent to change the shiny droprate for Legend. I know. I have known since you announced sunsetting.

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                  • There really isn't an incentive to slog through a hour when you can bang out 10 levels again and again and get the same rewards. Why they didn't see this is beyond me.

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                    3 Replies
                    • 3
                      Coil can be done in less than half the time, isn’t as difficult and gives you[i][b][u]better[/u][/b][/i] rewards, especially a platinum run A guaranteed attuned weapon is pretty much nothing since you’re gonna get the weapon regardless. The loot is fine but the incentive is what’s lacking

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                    • There's still a bug that doesn't allow you to open the door to the final boss at 50 on legend.

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                      3 Replies
                      • You can find teams for full runs with the fireteam finder, just post for it or join one that says 50 waves (on the old version). Agree with the rewards though, should have a guaranteed shiny weapon.

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                      • Use the old LFG site

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                      • Yeah I don't know why this wasn't the move right off the rip. So far I've been grinding nothing but Legend for Shinys and I've only obtained my first perfect shiny roll earlier this week and this is 3 weeks deep. I'll maybe get one more shiny roll that's perfect, but as it stands with the quality of players available to me I've only been able to clear Legend Onslaught 8 times. They're becoming more consistent though which I'm happy to see

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                        • when all the streamers are saying 10 is easiest because typical destiny player can handler the harder levels so just do the first 10 levels.

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                        • Edited by Chunk: 4/28/2024 11:49:12 AM
                          Idk I only get shiny at the beginning of the week while I'm doing powerfuls, same all the time get 2 or 3 per week n then the stop dropping don't matter the difficulty, idk seems kinda random but not random 🤔 kinda feels like prime attunement to me...

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                        • LFG is also full of people who post for 50 legend.

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                        • I do think adding a guaranteed shiny would help encourage 50 wave legends. However with some loadouts 50 wave legends are just as easy as normal so it would lead to huge loot disparity. Double drops on wave and plus a guaranteed shiny for something you can easily do in the same about of time

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                        • Bragging rights fam. That’s all. I’d throw respect

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                        • Really? I haven't had much trouble finding groups for Legend 50 or 10 wave repeats through the in-game finder, depending on whichever I have time to do People have been decent about using the tags to say what they're trying to do

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                        • I don’t know if it’s just me and having insane luck or not, but I’ve gotten plentiful shinies just running normal.

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                          2 Replies
                          • you can't ask bots to farm what is a little harder for 2/3 more guns in the same time

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