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4/27/2024 12:02:27 PM

Why Do You Leave Crucible Matches Early?

Team matching (Your team is losing)


Individual matching (Balanced teams, but getting rolled personally)




Latency issues


Connectivity issues (e.g., Bungie's servers)


Match already in-progress


Dislike the map


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  • [quote]Please add other reasons to comments.[/quote] Extremely unbalanced lobbies,strand and stasis spam, fusion rifle and smg spam,24/7 team shooting,extremely overpowered exotics (like the hunter aimbot throwing knives gauntlets for example) all problems bungie will never address

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  • Going against stacks/clans. This stuff has largely ruined PvP gaming. Its a common community issue in many games. I've even left matches where my team was destroying because it felt so dirty.

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    • Disjunction

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        If it's lopsided to the point of worthlessness, I'll quit a crucible match. Say there's a team of 3 or 4 just ape spawn farming and the team isn't even reasonable enough to try to stay alive to manage any form of consolidating efforts and just feed. That's not fun at all, so I might dip out. If, however, I can have some good practice during the loss, have some fun engagements, I wouldn't quit. To me the fun of a crucible game isn't the win or loss, that's pretty irrelevant. It's more about what type of engagements I can have.

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      • I have to go on a 911 call would be the only I'd leave early.

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      • Edited by The Hermit IX: 5/3/2024 3:58:33 PM
        People quit every activity in the game. Comp and Trials should have harsh quitting penalties seeing it affects the outcome of matches, cards and points. Other than that, it is what it is.

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        3 Replies
        • Back when I actually played PvP (mostly D1), I had one simple policy - [i]If I load into a match in progress, I leave.[/i] I'm not interested in sloppy seconds, nor am I going to hold somebody else's L. If I lose because I'm bad, that's fine, but I [i]refuse[/i] to get backfilled into a match that should've already been mercy ruled just to get farmed by people with supers and heavy ammo.

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          • Because I wanted to.

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          • Quick play- My BRAVE weapon quest is done Comp/trials - unintentional disconnect, otherwise just play the match its not that deep

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          • Edited by Blackheart6004: 5/3/2024 4:14:29 AM
            I had a pet peeve back in Destiny 1 where I get the same map TWICE in a row because most of the maps were like 95% Earth maps. And I'll do the same again in Destiny 2. Oh, and also going with the same players from the previous match.

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            • Kids woke up

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            • If I am getting rolled (team or individual) I’m not interested in getting slapped. It’s boring.

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              • 1 obv cheats that jump an slide round corners never miss a shot an reak of adapter user or after you kill them you randomly die running an it says killed by the architect 2 joining a game that's all ready close to a mercy 3 bad connection mainly major lag

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              • Hi, thx for the poll. These are the reasons that push me to leave in order: 1. Cheaters 2. Dislike the Map - also getting the SAME map 3 out of 5 times. 3.Connectivity Issues - ABSOLUTELY BUNGIE'S SERVERS! 4.Latency Issues 5. Match already in progress - almost always 5 mins in and losing 25 - 80 for example

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              • My bounties are done

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              • These are the only reasons I will ever leave, in order of worst to I might still stay: 1.Bad Map. I do not play disfunction. Period. There's a few others that I leave more often than not, like Cathedral and Citadel. 2. My teammates are clueless. I guess this falls into team balance, but if I'm playing and constantly noticing my teammates playing like redjack bots, im out. 3. Egregious match in progress. I don't mind joining an already started match, but if I drop in and it's 65-13, I'm going right back to orbit. And if there's any combo of the 3, I'm in orbit, possibly Alt-F4ing.

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                • I just sit and get slapped 🫲 Bungie already banned me once for leaving a match. 🙈

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                • Sums it up.

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                • If you have to ask me that question, you're not going to like the answer you get. Gooey boo boo!

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                • Trials.... Losing 4-0 with teammates using piece of mind and the enemy team with adept summoners/igneous hammers.

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                • Edited by Lord Magris: 4/30/2024 9:00:42 AM
                  Team matching if I can tell that it's a mercy rule basically guaranteed to happen. The specific in-depth reason varies, but this is only if I do quit early, which is pretty rare these days. Though sometimes even when I don't I feel like I should. There's no quit penalty in Control anyways, even though there might need to be at some point. I think matchmaking needs fixed first regardless.

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                • trials specifically, i only leave if a teammate leaves first.

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                • Only when the latency make the game unplayable.

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                • I mean to que for gambit but hit crucible instead.

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                • Matchmaking, but got nothing to do with team losing, has everything to do with their lack of ability to work as a team in team based play. Can't use radar, walking the whole time, no teamshooting, not going to goal etc. Once they confirm these it's a waste of time and I'd rather cut myself off for a half hour than get upset at noobs that are only there because bungie sucks at real teams.

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                  6 Replies
                  • Any damn reason at all. Bs match balance like 2 trios against 6 solos then bs maps i wont waste my time in crap maps and when either servers or lag and teleporting become too much of a problem or if i just dont like the team or maybe a name i dont like or because its 420 or because Bungie is trash or to troll someone trying too hard or because i wanna beacuse the sun is out because the sun is not out to pee to eat to do anything else

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