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4/27/2024 3:35:19 AM

Un-Sun setting gear isn’t an issue. It’s the lies that we’re told to push sunsetting in the first place.

The part that stings is all that fluff about sunsetting was needed to quell power creep, game stability, and game memory/storage space seems to have been all BS lies they told us and it was all easily tossed aside as soon as it benefited them. Doesn’t build trust in a time when Bungie should be building back trust - IMO

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  • They didn’t stop power creep, they only reinforced its presence. Power creep is when new things come out that are steadily better than what came before. Bungie has kept power creep with how much better weapons keep getting that came after sunsetting. One example is Recluse, it’s butts now compared to funnel web because of the perk pool, veist stinger and the nerf to MoAs. Bungie loves using words while not knowing their meanings.

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  • 17
    This. Theyre liars. And all their new content is based on re-using old gund and abilities. BRAVE weapons? Re-issued Prismatic subclasses? Slap some old subclasses together mix in a little rainbow and RE-ISSUE BABY WOOOO Unsunsetting gear that kind of tore the playerbase apart and was a huge disrespect to time investment? YES BABYYYY Lie about vault space and saying 500 is the cap and after adding 100 say that itll never be possible again? LETSGOOOOOOO Say revenue from the Eververse will be used to make seasonal events better with new content? SURE WHY NOT THESE SUCKERS BELIEVE ANYTHING Lets go Bungie!!!! And could you for once develop some new guns and a new enemy race and perhaps an actual 3rd darkness subclass? Oh wait you’d need talent for that

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    25 Replies
    • I’m still trying to figure out how Luke Smith got to keep his job while top tier talents were let go. Make that make sense.

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      • Edited by A_mo: 5/1/2024 2:27:59 PM
        [quote] all BS lies they told us and it was all easily tossed aside as soon as it benefited them.[/quote] After we sunset ourselves. And apparently some of us didn't notice that's what we were doing, so it worked. I have almost nothing old at this point and my vault stays full. Some people didn't "hoard" because they're boring people that don't "hoard" but the rest of us sunsetted ourselves.

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      • A lot of content creators are giving Datto the stink eye these days…

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        3 Replies
        • A few years into whatever D3 turns out to be, they'll give the same shtick and sunset half the game again.

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          • Once again Bungie refuses to do the right thing from a game design standpoint. When the gods wish to punish us, they give us what we pray for.

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          • Edited by Orb Generator (ADEPT): 4/29/2024 9:21:39 AM
            so i'm just gonna say it bungie is mid very few times have been beyond it but lets just call this what it really is pandering their pandering to the players by giving us what many have wanted for years massive innovations but lets be clear its NOT being done for the players its being done for themselves or have u forgotten that sony buyout documents sony can toss the board/management out on they -blam!- and takeover bungie and bungie want to keep their cushy jobs thats it bottom line the moment they feel safe again its right back to being mid

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          • [quote]The part that stings is all that fluff about sunsetting was needed to quell power creep, game stability, and game memory/storage space seems to have been all BS lies they told us and it was all easily tossed aside as soon as it benefited them. Doesn’t build trust in a time when Bungie should be building back trust - IMO[/quote] They were absolutely right to sunset old gear. It encouraged players to re-enter the grind and forced them off their complacent god rolls. They’re not unsunsetting gear because they made a mistake. They’re doing it to bring back old players who left/didn’t stick around prior to/during sunsetting.

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          • I called B.S. the day they announced it.

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          • I’m pretty sure the multi billion dollar company will never ever lie to us again. 🤞😩

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            1 Reply
            • Sun setting in my opinion hurt the game more then fixed it a lot of my friends left the game because of sun setting and never came back

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            • i have mixed feelings cus im the type of player that doesn't have access to most the current gear in the game let alone the sunset stuff i deleted all my sunset stuff pretty much months after only real stuff i miss is my black armory gear.. also erantil with backup plan before it got gutted im looking forward to less FOMO and more opportunities.. i mean i can always put stuff out of my collections but the only real gun iv got is saints shotgun with rampage on it also the old Ikelos shotgun i really miss the 180 lunas howl not for its 2 tap cus i always felt that was broken but its consistent 3 tap made it worth using in PVP back when 150s were the main go to and 140s were never used.. trust has never really been a mainstay in PVP due to its inconsistency i also kinda miss the old subclass art really wanted my armor sets to look 1 for 1 with those especially the blade barrage art with the chest and legs seamlessly merging like an actual jump suit without a belt in the way looked so clean

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            • 💰❤️💰

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            • Don't forget how they intentionally held back on giving us Vault Space because 'limitations'. And now they're going to give us more spaces like it's no problem.

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              1 Reply
              • [quote]The part that stings is all that fluff about sunsetting was needed to quell power creep, game stability, and game memory/storage space seems to have been all BS lies they told us and it was all easily tossed aside as soon as it benefited them. Doesn’t build trust in a time when Bungie should be building back trust - IMO[/quote] Sunsetting was a solution to power creep. It let them continue to release desirable loot without needing new loot to get stronger and stronger. Now they are just letting power creep run wild, with their solution being the occasional buff to enemies instead. Both approaches have their own merits. Neither is the objective correct approach. Game stability and storage size is compelling unrelated to level capping gear.

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                3 Replies
                • Reading is hard, huh The reason they are doing this is because the new power system would effectively get rid of sunsetting for people who play in fireteams, and solos would complain that they can't use legacy gear, thus they are reverting the change to get over this issue. They didn't LIE. They realized the new system would bring unforeseen consequences and are reverting sunsetting because of this.

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                  4 Replies
                  • Admitting decisions you made in the past weren't good ones and making changes is not lying... So much of the forums are just a bunch of Taylor Swifts, never getting over anything in their lives. If reversing bad decisions and making improvements doesn't make you happy, nothing will. Just play something else at that point

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                    4 Replies
                    • Power Creep - At the time it WAS an issue, and The Final Shape is the VERY LAST DLC of the series. It's the end. It's the final push. After that it'll be the Episodes stuff and that's just a rotating mode letting us play old content. The game is not changing anymore after Episodes, it'll be done. No new weapons, no new armor. No possibility of Power Creep. This is their way of saying "since the main reason we sunset these is gone now, have them back, updated and ready to go". Game Stability - The engine they were using back then WAS having stability issues. It's a new engine now, and they've updated their systems. It's no longer an issue either. Game Memory - The game has gotten much smaller. 114.32gb is what my storage shows. Wanna know what it was before they vaulted? My storage showed 147gb before The Great Vaulting. And the 114.32 is AFTER multiple DLCs and adding new content, so you can imagine how much was actually shaved off with the vault. 147gb was their breaking point of saying "we need to downsize" and right now they're at 114.32. So they can add another 32.68gb of content before they hit that same point, and given the engine changes and optimization changes, it will take them longer to hit that point. So all of the reasons they gave were 100% legitimate AT THE TIME. Things change, and this is an example of that. The reasons for sunsetting are gone, they're no longer valid, and so they're unsunsetting. This is a POSITIVE move. Stop looking for reasons to be angry and just enjoy the game, my god.

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                      33 Replies
                      • Bungie definitely deserves most of the crap they get, but this is just stupid. You honestly think they gutted everything just for fun or to give it us back a few years later? Because if so you really need to help.

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                      • Have you ever changed your mind? Have you ever changed your mind after 4 years?

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                      • nothing bungie does will ever be good enough for everyone. they know this but maintained a path so you get to play the final shape. l dislike most of this game mainly cause of the inflated difficulty so what. I still play it and spend some time with friends . point is they tried to please the majority of the players . l think they achieved that. I would probably enjoy it a lot more if l was younger. but so what. at the end of the day you can have some fun .isn't that why we play .

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                      • If o ly we had 1000 vault space from the start

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                      • Basically the same point I've been making for years. If you're fine reading a wall of text explaining how it's ultimately nonsense: [url][/url]

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                      • Edited by Alley: 4/27/2024 10:53:37 PM
                        See, that's the thing. Anyone who's just realising this, should have known from the start. I mean take a good look. These weapons were never removed. If you have a sunset weapon, you can go pick it up and still use it. This assets are still there. The functionality is still there. There are a shed load of weapons that can still be used, so... What were they supposed to be removing again? Where does the stability or space part come in?

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                        2 Replies
                        • I think this is a cynical interpretation. Sunsetting [i]was[/i] one possible solution for the problem of power creep. It wasn’t the only solution (obviously) and I was certainly not a fan of it but I don’t think their intentions were malicious. They took the easy way out rather than doing what they ultimately did, i.e. innovate.

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