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Destiny 2

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9/27/2023 7:52:11 PM

Game systems VS Cool Titan exotics

Titan is really annoying when it comes to build crafting. The more in-depth you go, the more frustrating design and the game systems gets in the way. Icefall mantle removes the movement that is required for PVE and the damage buff is gained by killing, like rampage, is a surge bonus. Surges do not work well with low damage add-clear weapons. The simple fact that you have to go into an animation to use it, also completely kills it in PVP, as the ttk and movement is so fast, that the overshield will almost always simply get yourself killed. Also aint enough to stop most one-shot weapons in the game.... MK-44 is quite cool, but sadly it's killed by how sprinting works and its implementation with other abilities. Example being Juggernaut, which uses the same wording, but works differently (requiring a certain speed to be maintained, which aint mentioned in the description of it). Also, the overshield goes away instantly, thus it cannot be used with any slow-ish weapon and does not allow you to slide. No Backup Plan sounds amazing, but the shotguns it uses lack the ammo economy in PVE to be viable. Being locked into void also destroys it, as void can do all of the exotics effects, in a better way. (The exotic's buff to damage is the same as and does not stack with weapons of light. Overshield on kill is just a fragment, although you have to be at low HP). In PVP it just doesnt work, as the overshield comes too late to save you, the damage buff is almost irrelevant and the health regen is stopped by the fact that you are almost always being attack when you get the kill, thus blocking the regen. All of these exotics sound either cool or strong on paper, but a ruined by how their effects work and trigger. Icefall is the worst one to me, as Titan cannot actually make a proper tank build. PVE it just aint relevant, and PVP is too damn killy. (and the last point require PVP to less focussed on kills before it can be changed) I wrote this, in the hope that the following is changed or improved: - The lack of consistency and accuracy of ability and perk descriptions. - Melee and Melee abilities being overly reliant on a good connection, in such a way as to remove control from the player (and their target in PVP) - Tanking and Support builds being either shallow and strong, or in-depth and weak (mainly in PVP) Sorry about the rant, hope the last section can be of use as either helpful criticism or as a talking point in the comments.

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