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Edited by RideoftheRohirrim: 1/31/2023 12:40:22 AM

If devs say they play pvp I call shenanigans

The spawn locations in Dead Cliffs (A spawn) and Altar of Flame (C spawn) are the worst. I left Destiny 2 for 8 months and while it was nice coming back to content I hadn't played before and actual stuff to do, it's so disappointing that issues like ones described above are an actual thing, that pvp is still as much of a train wreck as before. I laugh whenever someone tells me devs play that part of the game, that or they want to see the world burn and actually enjoy being spawn trapped and then steam rolled. Only as strong as your weakest link. P.s., I realize spawn locations are less priority than other things on Bungies to-do list but it goes back to why I left initially which are the other issues with the game mode that add up and the neglect of weekly playlist activities for the last couple of years.

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  • They took some of the maps out for a year to "fix" them. Brought them back with no changes like.... I hope no one notices we did nothing 👀🤣

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    4 Replies
    • There is no way devs play this game personally. If they did we would have seen massive changes to the way economies and systems function. I don't think many gamers work at Bungie anymore. I think they are basically mini suits at this point.

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    • They probably only play as much as they do for testing certain things, but not in the same way you and I do in a public environment where the bulk of issues can be encountered by just playing regularly. In the case of old maps and bad spawns, they probably don’t mess with those after initial release either due to time crunch or being told to focus elsewhere on the game, given a big if they are aware of spawn issues. It’s hard to tell one way or another. Either they are aware of the problem that could use a qol fix and don’t feel the urgency to change it or they aren’t aware or management is driving them to focus on more immediate concerns, which given nowadays there seems to be a more prevalent issue among game studios that bad management ruins development and forces rushed work for the sake of profit.

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    • This is a company driving to maximize its profits. All decisions are made from that perspective, which explains the state the game is in right now

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    • Pretty sure they don't play the game at all

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    • They do and have in old videos, they're just trash at it

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    • When the game has no players, then they'll fix 1 problem LoL.

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    • I'm convinced that all they do is load into a private game, turn off their HUD, and play hide and seek.

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    • Bungie doesn't even playtest. Waaaaaay too many easily found, easily duplicated errors for me to even slightly believe they do. Their idea of playtesting is to release content and fix what WE, the paying customers, find. Sometimes. And there's never a hurry unless it HELPS the player or utterly breaks the game.

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    • Oh they play. They just play almost exclusively against each other so it basically becomes this echo chamber.

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    • Devs are usually notoriously terrible at playing their own game, so its not impossible some of the worst teammates we all have ever had, may have been a dev.

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    • Dead cliffs is just easy to manipulate considering how small the map is.

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    • I don't inherently dislike asymmetrical map layouts, but it is annoying when one side clearly has the advantage (Example: Heavy Spawns and Zone Spawns in Trials / Comp)

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    • As fast as players move I don't know if it would even be possible on these small maps to have good spawns. When D2 launched the first thing I noticed was that the entire game seemed to have been shrunk. The few large areas were barren. Most still are. In D1 the devs seemed to glorify in huge areas with hidden secrets. In D2 everything was empty. They've managed to improve the pve side of the game since then(for the most part), but pvp still seems to have the same philosophy... Small maps broken up with obstacles to make every fight short-mid range. Only two decent maps in D2 as far as I'm concerned. Widow's Court and Midtown. Every good map from D1 that was ported over has been shrunk and ruined with haphazard junk lying around. The only employee I know of who legitimately played pvp left, but he was completely anti-sbmm because he glorified in griefing and liked to run in teams with better players than himself so he could use them to improve his own stats. He certainly didn't care about overall pvp health. The rest of them test out pvp changes through private lobbies. They don't buildcraft or try out cheese strats like a six man team of Well of Radiance warlocks with everyone using Rat King. If the did they would disable the stasis turret in mayhem.

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    • They probably do play PvP, against themselves in a private match.

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    • or at least have protected spawn points

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    • Edited by Dante: 1/31/2023 9:30:44 PM
      they do but the thing is all of them doesnt break 0.3 KD in any of crucible modes lol u should see mercules playing worse than some AI on lowest lvl difficulty

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    • A single inter could change the spawn locations in 10 minutes. It’s really not hard to do.

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    • Pvp spawns are fine. If you get a bad spawn, it's because some player dared to push hard into enemy territory. I challenge you to find a pvp game where the spawns are not terrible. If you're argument involves a safe zone, well enjoy being spawn trapped in your own spawn.

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      1 Reply
      • Last iron banner showed they had no clue what was gonna happen for the whole week 🤣yeah it was cool but bubbles was just ridiculous especially when you see 3 of them on that stupid bonus point zone. 😅

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        • You clearly didn't play Narrows in halo3. Current spawn and active spawns are much better than they have been. I haven't played in 4 months, rift spawns are awful in comp, no chance of recovering a round after the enemy is more than halfway to your dunk zone. Iron banner was pretty good I had about 5 spawns where I popped in around my teammates, you kind of spawn on one side if you guys control a side, otherwise you follow the allied blob. Good change. Rotating power on most maps. Pvp is better

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