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Destiny 2

Discuss all things Destiny 2.
3/31/2021 8:00:58 PM

more face options...

not really a pressing issue its more a way of life problem if you care about what your guardian looks like... i bet most of us have forgotten what are guardians face even looks like so at that point why even both having the option in the first place... all im saying is if your going to add stuff like breads and more options in general it might be pretty cool to have it translate to gameplay like having your face always visible in combat... im asking in addition to more face options can we get an option to have helmet always off/off in none combat and class item always on/on in combat, like hood up or down... again this is mainly cosmetic id also like to see shaders become none consumable/free to use and have more features like mixing and changing colors on shaders.

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