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Destiny 2

Discuss all things Destiny 2.
5/18/2020 7:32:56 AM

I have eneuogh weapons, what I don't have is content to use them....

What is the current situation? We are forced to play lots ot repeating stuff, boring Bounties, activities that we have done a 100 times and more.... and to make them more rewarding, Bungie wants to introduce new loot..... and to make this loot better, they will sunset the old loot... How crazy is this??? Bungie, instead of ruining the whle game to somehow bring 15 new weapons per season, you can solve the whole problem by just giving us better content!!! Most of the people like their loadout. They don't want to change! They just wanna have new content, to use it. It is the boring recycled stuff that is frustrating, not the lack of new weapons and armor! So, what about putting all the development on weapons and armor and sandbos away for a bit, and design new campaigns? Select one of the many unfinished story lines and give us a mission every week over a season, that continues the lore! I don' need loot at the end, if I have a mission, that is fun and challenging in itself. Playing the story and continuing the lore is "loot" enough. Take all the cutscenes that you prepared, throw them away and let us PLAY the Story, instead of just watching it after having done Bounties. My guess is, people will just come back, if you tell them: hey, we will continue this and this, and you can be in the middle of it! Nobody will ask for new weapons...

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