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3/15/2020 5:21:58 PM

Solo players Can’t progress

So now that basically everything requires a team, (cuz I can’t Even solo a seraph tower) and progress In The game, What do I do now? Im a full time dad with a full time job and when I actually have a moment I need to just be able to turn on and go. I can’t do that anymore, I Love this game but I literally had to shelf it right now. Bring back some soloability would you?

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  • Amen, brother! I don't know how many quests I can't even complete. Like I'm supposed to solo a nightfall with a 100 handicap? And let's not even talk about raids.

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    3 Replies
    • This game desperately needs OPTIONAL matchmaking for most activities, the Halloween event proved it was possible. If this game is actually still an MMO it at least needs some modern social features and matchmaking. There are games from almost 20 years ago with better matchmaking and social features than D2. The people against it remind me of those people getting angry about PS4 games coming to PC years later like it does them personal harm or something.

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    • Multiplayer game

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    • I see were your coming from but as a solo player too I have to disagree a little. It take seconds to set up a LFG post, you dont have to socialise or build a friendship,you literally just want numbers in the lobby, lots of guardians will join even if you specify you dont have a mic (dont want to talk) or just want to quickly compete a pinnacle activity. So its crap that you dont get to enjoy the banter and build some sort of rapport with people, but theres always a way to find people. The only thing you'll really struggle with is Raids, but then as myself the same as you, a full time dad, full time job you probably wouldn't have time to Raid anyways.

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      5 Replies
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        Optional Matchmaking - Problem solved

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      • Have you solo flawlessed both dungeons? Its an MMO. Alot isnt soloable.

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      • Seriously?! You’ve spent a few days exploring the EDZ and you think you should be able to solo higher level stuff? Do stuff to get higher level gear and than try to solo stuff. But exploring a planet WILL NOT do it.

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        2 Replies
        • I don't guess I understand the "I can’t Even solo a seraph tower" part. Why not? I mean, if you're talking about going in, making sure you are 100% in a solo instance and then attempting the activity then yeah probably not going to happen unless you happen to be Esoterickk (he actually has fully solo'd a Tower 0_0 ). If you are talking about just playing solo and running into an instance where others are around... Getting easier each. People are getting their light up and also figuring out exactly how it works now. I would guess that within the next couple weeks it will be difficult to get into an instance that does not complete if there are a few blueberries around. If you want to do some and find yourself in a solo instance then fast travel back to the same spot until you get some randoms.

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        • Quit living under a rock. Make friends. Join a clan. Lfg. Cmon man, how did you reproduce?

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          12 Replies
          • I'm a solo player. Only thing I use a fireteam is for trials. I work full time and have a kid. Making a game catered to those who can not invest more than a couple hours a week was a mistake bungie will not make again. Sorry man you put yourself in this situation and you also chose to buy the game. It may just not be fore you anymore.

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            • Completely understandable, though i have to say, friends make all the difference. Being casual and starting with a casual _____ LFG post whilst nearing home on transit is a start.

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            • Same boat, different variables. My clan is down to like 4 guys...once I got life outta the way for some me time I finally jumped on this past Sunday to start the new season and play some trials, and guess what the other 3 guys were doing? ...yup, so I collected my quests and jumped off. Such is life. Maybe next week.

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            • I agree. The game has become too difficult and requires a "grind" many of us average/ working players that lack time and skill. I too have had say good bye to a great game.

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            • Solo''d all content but raids and Legend Sundial(2maned that). Must be hard lacking the ability to leverage skill with in the game to solo content like you wish and other do all to often. Can you at least change to title of your post to "I cant solo content cuz I'ma bad mmk"

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              14 Replies
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                tax evader
                tax evader

                That's hot - old

                I have never seen just one person at a seraph tower.

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                  Optional Matchmaking - Problem solved

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                  • i had a hundret ish of cleared D1 raids because i really liked d1 , but i can tell you it was a nightmare every time i wanted to play the raid, having to spam on this forum trying to manually matchmake, for every raid i played (or tried to play, not always i even started a game due to lacking matchmaking even after an hour) i [u]wasted betwen 1-2 hours of my life just trying to fill a party or join one [/u] people were leaving left and right after any wipe , sometimes if all or most left and then it was back to forum spamming and waiting in orbit, or sometimes just one person left and even after 15-20 minutes we couldnt find a replacement so it was over and back to square1 i will never understand why this game doesnt offer matchmaking like for example ff14 , the game had a 500 000 000 USD budget , how much would it cost to implement a option like the attached video for player convenience? another side effect of this bad game design was that i cluttered my original PSN acc. with hundreds of destiny players in the process (no other game required this ever) , people i only played 1 game with but had to add them to even be able to invite them, so i ditched my old psn acc. completely and had to make a new one , thanks for that too in the early d1 days i was still hoping for a proper way to play the game one day , but nothing changed til today so i moved on as d2 wasnt nearly as fun as d1

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                    3 Replies
                    • TTK and Forsaken are the only time I had people to consistently play with. I’ve always managed to get within endgame content even before the app had LFG tab.

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                    • Edited by BEASTY: 3/16/2020 9:06:09 PM
                      i have people to play with but most times i dont and even when in a clan it doesnt help im looking for a group of 5 people to play the game with and do raid and stuff together and make friends with so we can enjoy the game together hit me up anytime mate

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                      • There's videos on soloing it! Stop crying

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                        1 Reply
                        • [quote]So now that basically everything requires a team, (cuz I can’t Even solo a seraph tower) and progress In The game, What do I do now? Im a full time dad with a full time job and when I actually have a moment I need to just be able to turn on and go. I can’t do that anymore, I Love this game but I literally had to shelf it right now. Bring back some soloability would you?[/quote] I hate the amount of attention this baseless argument is getting. Go play a single player game if you wanna play all the content solo bro. What a ridiculous post

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                          5 Replies
                          • I am a solo player, but I still do raids and all that cause it's pretty quick and easy to set up your own fireteams with LFG features (I use the one here on I am not a dad but I assume most of us have full time jobs and still find the time. I've never had to get a group for the seraph tower, I just travel there and 8/10 times there is already one going on with people and I just jump on in

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                          • I’m in the exact same boat have my kid in the day and work until 1am 5 days a week the only way I actually get things done is having friends sign into my acc and play for me

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                          • There's a vid from fallout plays (youtube) on to level efficiently- it changed how i went about playing That being said most activities are match made But I'm a single dad and play regularly with a couple of dad's, though their time is less than mine (cuz there married) - to help with team stuff - if you're on ps4 hit me up if you need a fireteam

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                          • 5
                            Normally, I'd say there's a way around this. But right now all a solo player can do is do their 2 year old milestones for 2 weeks to hit 1000 power and be able to do a special lost sector. That's about it. That's not the best game design. I'd reccomend getting bit generator and the discount upstages ASAP to make your future grind easier. Unfortunately, that's all I got.

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                            15 Replies
                            • To be fair, if you have other obligations, you must accept that you can't have everything you want if you don't have the time to get it. That said, there are primarily solo players who do have the time, but lack means. One of my biggest issues with D2 is the lack of an intuitive in-game looking for group chat or tool. It's a sort of "I see characters, but I don't meet players" sort of feeling when playing the game, because there's so little to facilitate interacting with others. No one talks or interacts at all; everyone's just doing their own thing. Having to rely on an app or tab out to a web browser is so clumsy and unintuitive, especially to new players, that it's no wonder a lot of the non-matchmade content doesn't even exist in the history of so many. Even something as simple as a global looking for group chat in the tower would be excellent, at least on PC. On console, something like a window in the director to list and see listed groups would work. Even as a primarily solo player myself, I don't agree that everything should be obtainable solo, but I do sorely hate how annoying it is to not just find a group, but figure out how to find them in the first place, so much to the point where I just refuse to participate in non-matchmade stuff as a sort of protest for how awful the process is. Then again, this has always been a problem. So many essential facets of the game have absolutely ZERO clues on them even existing, from simple things such as how to make a public event heroic, to more complicated things as getting together and coordinating an end-game activity. Finally discovering them usually comes from being frustrated and being forced to stomach someone's ad-cluttered blog post covering the topic, followed by refusing to do them anyways out of spite for such a terrible system.

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