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originally posted in: Tips for reaching 5400 Glory?
2/10/2020 3:29:06 PM
If you’re playing on pc, I’d ditch that bow and swap that rocket for a grenade launcher with proximity detonation. Unless you are an absolute murder machine with that bow you are handicapping yourself with it. If you’re playing on console ditch that AoS for either Luna’s Howl if you have it, or a Masterworked Crimson if you don’t. Crimson is the only HC that is within screaming distance of the pinnacles, and HC dominate the meta in a runaway. With almost 40% of all weapon kills. You’re hitting a wall at Fabled because the quality of player you face goes up significantly, and there is usually not enough of a skill gap between you and your opponent to get away with non-meta loadouts. You are vulnerable with that bow if you get caught alone and your opponents push you as a team..,, ....and on console you are giving up a serious accuracy disadvantage using that AoS against someone using Crimson or LH/NF. High level comp is not the place for off meta loadouts unless you are god tier with it....and since you’re here asking for advice you’re probably mortal like the rest of us.

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  • Edited by Soji_Juice: 2/10/2020 3:55:51 PM
    Generally, the bow/AOS combo works for me. Subtle is fast, and it takes down to half health with one fully knocked shot, then I can finish with a well placed Ace bullet. I think you may be right about switching to a grenade launcher (Wendigo), but I usually like to let me teammates get the heavy and support them, so it's no big deal either way. {The Colony would likely wreck shop, but I can't do it with Ace}. I think I might need to focus more on backing up my teammates. Usually, my strategy is to flank, get some hits in while I can, and then fall back to my team. This works until it doesn't; usually someone on my team gets sniped and then I'm the last guardian standing.

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  • Edited by kellygreen45: 2/10/2020 3:53:50 PM
    You sound like you have a good game sense, and are a smart player. So that's not the issue.... I'm just wondering if a good sniper rifle might serve you better than that bow. Because it will do many of the same things....but it will also give you a OHK when you get a headshot, instead of being a mandatory two-shot kill from full health. If you're going to switch to a grenade launcher get one with proximity detonation. That will keep you from having to get direct hits on fast-moving Guardians. Wendigo is more a PVE weapon. In my experience the Crucible grenade launcher or Edge Transit with proximity det make the better PVP heavy weapons. The problem with rockets that you're going to be facing mostly hunters at that level of Comp....and Dodge will break tracking locks. Also most good players will know how to bait you into firing, only to have them dive for cover and have your tracking rocket fly into a wall. Another possibility to consider if you like precision weapons is the "Ritual" linear fusion rifle. It seems to have a significantly higher aim assist than other LFRs....and with Box Breathing you can take people over of their supers. (I won one match by taking a guy out of his Void Titan super from halfway across the map on Distant shore. They lost track of the Heavy, and I got it. He pops his super...and I one-shotted him. Game Over.)

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  • It might be worth switching things up for a Sniper build. I like the bow for my Kawhi mid-range game, and I've been stubborn with Ace just for the sake of getting hand cannon kills for the Luna quest. I'm thinking I could go with Revolker/Sunshot or Midnight Coup/IKELOS?

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  • Pc or console?

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  • PC

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  • On pc I’d stick with the meta kinetic HCs and go with a lengendary energy sniper. I’d avoid Sunshot because it’s kind of inconsistent. No one is clear as to why but I think it’s an aim-assist issue.

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  • Last Word/IKELOS it is. This may work out because while the Bow/Ace combo is good for me, personally, the play-style it demands might not be good for my teammates. Last Word sacrifices mid-range, but allows me to wreck at close range. IKELOS has great handling and reload. Appreciate the tips, I'll let you know how it goes!

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  • But then you aren't using your hand cannon as a primary weapon. You're mainly using it to clean up. Good hunting.

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