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4/11/2019 12:18:46 PM


everyone says offtopic is a family, right? and family gives second chances when people are dicks. family loves family unconditionally. since “offtopic” encompasses [b]all[/b] the users, can we please try to be nicer to one of the people that we’ve shunned? i’ve noticed that otter has been trying to be kind recently, so let’s be kind back. perhaps if he insults you, just don’t take it personally and just stop talking to him for a quick second. this post is in no way meant to bash on otter though, he really is trying, so let’s drop our baggage and try to be kind to him.
#Offtopic #luke

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  • While the sentiment offered at the start of this thread was nice, it looks like people in this thread are now just arguing over whether or not they should be civil to another user. This isn't an argument, everybody should be civil to each other here. If you would rather not see posts from another user, mute them and be done with it; vilifying them will just end in bans.

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    Fine. But let me just say this: I know what happens when you give toxic people another chance. They never change. They try to manipulate you into feeling sympathy for them, then they just go back to their normal bs. I had a "friend" like this once, in the sense that he treated everyone like trash only to try to crawl back later. I knew him for a good year and a half, almost 2 years, and for the first year he was really normal and laid back. Then I really started to get to know him via my other friends and how he treated them. He was really a spineless coward who saw his friends as just shoulders to cry on, but they weren't allowed to talk about their issues. Friends were nothing but entertainment, and if they ever wanted to get sincere, he would just disappear. But most important of all, he would never take responsibility for his mistakes. He would either play dumb and not know there was an issue at all, blame it all on "muh angzyetty" and "muh depreshun", even though he was never diagnosed with either, or just straight up blame YOU. Never ONCE did he actually try to take responsibility. Thankfully, we all realized how shitty he was at around the same time and blocked him on pretty much everything. Good riddance, you selfish bastard...

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    7 Replies
    • Edited by Kaishi Ritsu: 4/11/2019 2:51:25 PM
      Yeah we supposed to be one big happy group of morons 🤷🏻‍♂️so let’s not start ganging up on users we dislike. I made that mistake several times in the past and I’ve quit it. The only time I fire back now a days is when someone is talking smack bout me. Great post Buddy! I love the fact I’m kinda becoming known on this site now. It feels nice not being ignored by everyone constantly.

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      • Edited by Girraffalope: 4/11/2019 3:41:44 PM
        If he were trying to be nice, he wouldn't still be bashing me every chance he gets. He wouldn't still be bothering me, even after I walked away. If he was really sorry, he'd actually give a real apology, instead of the unconvincing one that he admitted was bullshit. If he was sorry, he'd act like it, but he seems to be the same old Otter. You clearly haven't really met him yet

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        10 Replies
        • Well said

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          • Ok👍🏻

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          • I've done my accidental damage and I feel bad. So I just hope he can give me second chance. He said he forgave me after the conversation though and we talked about pizza So I agree, kindful bump

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              Strawberry Pop-Tart
              Strawberry Pop-Tart

              Unimpressed - old


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            • Edited by Speaker: 4/11/2019 2:36:25 PM
              I have no qualms with Deputy Otter, I think he takes a lot of stuff way too seriously, but perhaps if I had his experience I'd be the same. Ain't no trouble. I just wanna ride my mooooooootorcycle... [spoiler]GI JOOOOOOE[/spoiler]

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              4 Replies
              • Still don't know what otter did, so it'd be quite difficult to forgive them... [spoiler]... Since I know of nothing wrong, although I have heard a lot about otter being a d!ck, I'll wait and see myself.[/spoiler]

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              • [b]NO[/b] [spoiler][i]SHADDUP[/i][/spoiler] [spoiler]jk plz no ban[/spoiler]

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              • I’m not in this realm enough to know exactly who he is or what he’s done, so I can’t really give judgement. “Do onto others what you would want done to you”, or something like that.

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              • kindness bump

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                4 Replies
                • I Agree. I'll be the first to admit that I could have been nicer than I was.

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                  • He's a cool person if you say to know him.

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                  • Edited by Loot: 4/11/2019 2:03:43 PM
                    ... Yeah, no... [spoiler]not included in the DLC[/spoiler]

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                    • I’m willing to give anyone a chance

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                    • Heck you! [spoiler]Jk, awesome words :)[/spoiler]

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                    • Like sand through the hourglass... These are the days of our lives.

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