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Edited by Spawn: 12/3/2018 1:18:46 PM

Exotic rng needs to be fixed. Players aren't being respected.

"Finding an Exotic should be rare but impactful. Right now we are falling short of the 'impactful' part of our goal. There's nothing exciting or powerful about getting your fourth Fighting Lion when all you really want is a Two-Tailed Fox. We plan to increase the chance for Exotics to drop something you don’t already have." Ha. Ha. Ha. Very funny, Bungie. -I think it's needless to say at this point, but the frequency of exotic drops, what you actually get from these engrams, and how exotics are acquired in Forsaken needs to be fixed. I know that different people are going to have different levels of luck for how many exotics drop for them, and differing opinions on how to fix the problems I'm about to address, but I thought I'd offer my opinion on this whole thing, in case anyone cares. I know I'm not the only one who's played countless hours of Forsaken since it's launch and received an absurdly low level of new exotics, and so many duplicates it's not even funny, and I think that needs to change. Since Forsaken launched, I've (somehow) managed to earn 4 Exotic Weapons ([b]excluding quest weapons[/b]), and 2 pieces of gear. Having logged a good 20 hours (on average) per week since the expansion dropped has left me relatively empty handed as far as new exotics are concerned, and up to the brim with duplicates, which really angers me. A number of my friends who have logged as many if not more hours than I have all received even less - one of them has only acquired 1 - the Lord of Wolves. That's pretty absurd if you ask me. My intention isn't to whine, but if you had seen firsthand the amount of duplicate exotics I had received in the last 3 months or so, you would probably feel as robbed as I do right now. Before Forsaken came out, I had basically all (non-quest related) exotics, for the exception of the Stag. When Forsaken came out, I expected to and looked forward to earning some new exotics, but for the large majority of my time since then, I've ended up with a situation that pretty much mirrored my expectations prior to the beginning of the "Season of The Outlaw". Even after Bungie released their patch to "increase the chance for Exotics to drop something you don’t already have", it feels like I've only received more duplicates. Just today I was "rewarded" with another Aeon Soul - boy, that made me feel good... I don't know if Bungie's refusal to just switch on the "Acquire Only Unobtained Exotics" setting (yes, I know it's not that simple, but I'm positive it's doable) is due to the fact that Activision has them on such a tight leash that they want players to pour hours of their time, hours that we don't have, into ignoring the countless duplicates we may receive in our undying quest to get new exotics simply because they want the game to do better or what, although this sounds a lot like a ploy that Activision would implement considering their discontent with Forsaken's success after launch, which I find absurd, as Forsaken was and still is a vital piece to what was a dying franchise after Curse of Osiris, and Warmind for that matter left players with little or no post-game to play through, as they all left for games like Fortnite. I just find it ridiculous that all of us had to pay $40-50 on the expansion, and still get rewarded with nothing other than exotics we already have, even from playing content that was introduced in Forsaken, like Gambit and Blind Well. On top of all this, the rate that these exotics drop, whether they be new or duplicates, is still way too low. I understand that Bungie's intention is that they want players to feel accomplished when they acquire a new exotic, but after hours and hours grinding to hopefully get a new exotic, and ending up with another duplicate, people are going to get tired, irritable, and frankly, pissed off. Like they said before, they really are falling short of the impact that receiving an exotic presents, but there isn't going to be any impact if there aren't ever any new exotics dropping. We all have lives to live, and the fractions of those lives that we have to play Destiny can't be spent (wasted) on getting duplicates of items we already own, especially when we spent that $50 in order to unlock these new exotics. I may be stepping over the line when I accuse Activision of forcing Bungie into this, but shouldn't a game developer want to reward their players for playing their game? I know I would. Right now I don't feel too rewarded, and I doubt many of you do either. I didn't pay $50 to earn items that I already had countless duplicates of, and unless you take some kind of enjoyment out of "getting your fourth Fighting Lion", I'm sure you feel like I do right now too. I don't have any big ideas as to how to implement better ways of earning exotics, but pretty much anything's better than "extremely rare world drops" at this point. I think what Bungie should have done was offer an exotic engram for completing the main Forsaken story, but considering they offered the Ace and Chaperone quests at that point, I can understand why they didn't. Maybe we could get some sort of weekly, or monthly bounty/quest to receive a NEW exotic, like the upcoming "Xur Bounties" suggest, but by the time the "Season of The Drifter" drops, I think it'll be a little late for that. I do hope things do start to go the fan's way in the future, and I hope you think so too. -Joe [spoiler]Moderator edit: This thread has been moved to #Feedback forum so that other Destiny players can weigh in.  [url=] See Cozmo's thread here[/url] for more information about the #Feedback tag and its uses. Feel free to private message the moderator who moved your post, link to topic for further clarification about why this topic was moved.[/spoiler]

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  • I thought Bungie gave us the exotic dup fix? Because the one maybe two exotics I did receive this past week or so was year one stuff.

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  • I'm in the top 2% of play time and for the first time, I don't have all the exotics. I'm missing one armor piece on each character. Since D1, I always had all of them before the next update. I think this is better than Vanilla D2's frequent drop rate but it is a little frustrating. I've had tons of duplicates which is annoying. I'd rather Bungie have exotic drops be more on the rare side, however, the only issue is that some of the exotics are extremely overpowered so its in some way not fair. For example, I don't have the one-eyed mask and its crazy OP in crucible.

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  • There are exotics in this game?

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  • Most people agree. The replies found here will be some people agreeing, and a bunch of Bungie apologists swearing there is nothing wrong ever about Destiny 2 Forsaken. There will be idiots who want to tell you what dropped for them as if it matters. You won’t see a reply from Bungie. They have been suspiciously silent on this topic since they announced the update to “fix it”. They don’t want to actually fix it because they are relying on RNG to force playtime. It sucks. It’s a problem with the game. I don’t expect it to change.

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    12 Replies
    • Edited by Kungen11: 12/4/2018 8:35:08 AM
      I have played around 8h /day for 7 days in a row. I played, PvP, strikes, Gambit and a dungeon, I have played solo and in team, I had a fireteam medallion active all the time all this resulted in how many exotics???? [spoiler]0[/spoiler]

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      5 Replies
      • Isn't this what killed D2 before Foresaken? And aren't the vast majority of players very happy with having fewer meaningful exotics? Like I thought that the extreme rarity of Exotics is what made D2 great again?

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        • Knockout system full stop if they are this rare, which they are.

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        • One of many problems with this game. If you look at it objectively you will see that giving into the dark side will only last Bungie so long. If I could get a refund on my season pass, I would gladly take it. Find it hard to believe anyone would want Destiny 3. I think the real disappointment is the characters. Some people really hype them up, but nothing happens with them and they end up being some of the most generic characters I've ever seen in a game. They story goes absolutely nowhere.

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        • But did you get the one thousand voices ornament before you even have one thousand voices? Cause i did

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        • didn't read your essay its piontless when you get something you dont have after getting 100 of something you do have that's the impactfull part kids like you are the reason year 1 exotics were shoved in our face the drop rate for exotics are fine they're meant to be the rare weapons of the game could you please stop -blam!-ing complaining

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          • Since the exotic dupe protection patch, 13 exotic drops, 12 were year 1 dupes. That protection patch either is not working or we were misled.

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            3 Replies
            • The most disrespectful part is that there is a triumph for acquiring all of the Forsaken exotics. I have pretty much chalked that one up to not gonna get it.

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            • bump

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            • Edited by Zero: 12/3/2018 10:55:23 PM
              I am playing for 10+ hours a day and i kinda have a feel for when things are bugged and not right. I feel (in my personal opinion) that they have done something to certain drops and certain players that bug or stop certain things from dropping. Seems to me that the dreaming city ghost and sparrow after 100's of hours of farming and getting everything EXCEPT the ghost and sparrow multiple times over at least 30 -50 (if not way more) times over that they should have dropped a long time ago. I feel the same way about exotics while certain players are playing enough they arent getting any exotic drops while i have most but am missing about 3 and now am continuously just getting super old crap over and over again like Darci's and star fire protocols. You can say what you will about oh how my RNG just isn't good or whatever but I've been playing for a very long time and spend most of my days playing.. ALL DAY usually.. and i know when somethings wrong. I would not doubt at all that this is some sort of Bungie or probably more likely Activision scheme to get players to play more and spend more money. Let me also add that I am not upset... I'm a fan and I'll continue to play and grind away pretty much no matter what but it feels super shady... I would not be surprised at all if what I wrote above is true.

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            • I've put probably over 1000 hours into forasaken and I've only received 3 new exotics in total!!! One armor piece (sixth coyote) and two weapons (trinity ghoul and queensbreaker) I am CONSTANTLY getting year one exotics! My clan mate that I play with regularly on the other hand, whom barely puts in enough time to complete weeklies, has recieved every forsaken exotic. I have a bit over 1860hrs logged on D2 in total, have my "Wayfarer" and "Dredgen" seal, and I dont even get excited when I see an exotic engram fall because its always the same old stuff. Id like to get Shards or Gwisin Vest BEFORE they get nerffed into the ground.......

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            • My last exotic drop was almost a month ago and it was a duplicate plus I play the game every single day for more than 5 hours.......I just want Geomag Stabilizers man. This is just a joke and whatever bungie did with their "fixed" rng it only worked for like 2 days and then got even worse! FFS BUNGIE DO SOMETHING!

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            • Edited by CannyJack: 12/3/2018 2:09:41 PM
              I don't know where Bungie gets the idea that it's an accomplishment to get a random drop. You have the same chance on Day 1 of Forsaken as you do on Day 200, and the same chance killing a Dreg as completing the Nightfall. More than half of my exotic drops have been from killing some random mob - not a boss, not completing an activity or a difficult challenge - just killing some redbar mook while doing something else. Like you say, that's not accomplishment, that's pure random luck.

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              • 9
                They need to return exotics to how they were in D1. Right now bungo has it so that all adds, thralls and dregs included, ALL ADDS, have a chance to drop exotics.. This is a problem as it removes the ability to grind certain add tiers to get exotics. In D1, only majors and ultras dropped exotics, making it so people could grind strikes, or farm certain adds to get exotics to drop. You cant do that successfully in D2. Duplication in it self is its own issue.. I am sick to death of getting year 1 exotics, when all I want is a Black Talon.. They need to remove the ability to get duplicates until all avaiable exotics have been collected.. I do not care one little bit of armor has random rolls. Dont frickin care. I just want to actually get new exotics.

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                3 Replies
                • Bungie need to fix this issue or lose more players.

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                • I have a similar issue. Tons of hours invested and all I have are the exotic sword and two of the revived exotic weapons, none of the exotic weapons I really want, and still have ZERO pieces of new exotic armor, and I've spent the entire time playing one class to boot. They did the supposed "increased likelihood of rolling a new exotic" and since then it's like the actual drop rate of exotics tanked. I got one drop in two weeks and it was Lord of Wolves. It's inexcusable to have a system in place where somebody plays content for 15 plus hours a week, which is a TON of time, and not receive at least a majority of the possible world drops. I loved the story content, but this problem really pisses me off. I paid for this year. If this problem isn't resolved and the content quality doesn't continue in this positive direction, I'm out. Finally out.

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                  1 Reply
                  • "Finding an Exotic should be rare but impactful. Right now we are falling short of the 'impactful' part of our goal. There's nothing exciting or powerful about getting your fourth Fighting Lion when all you really want is a Two-Tailed Fox. We plan to increase the chance for Exotics to drop something you don’t already have." I'm almost positive this was stated in order to buy them more time, keep players "happy" and playing, so they could keep their login stats high enough to keep Activision happy. Based on real-life evidence (duplicate after duplicate, and the abhorrent drop rate), it's a blatant lie.

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                  • I think we need a fall back to address the terrible nature of RNG. This use to be Xur. He allowed people who had bad luck a way to stay relevant. Unfortunately "Xur Bounties" are far off and are inside the DLC, not the season update. That's an issue in itself. Seasons have also proven poisonous to the game as Bungie is using them to hold off on updates instead of releasing them when ready. Anyway, I think we need a simple set limit to act as sort of default for exotic drops. I think you should have a 18 milestone window that guarantees you to get an exotic within it. This way you still have to play to earn you loot, but you're also protected from the complete shitshow that is RNG. Of course Bungie won't do anything like this, they enjoy watching their player base be frustrated. Note: the milestone "checkpoint" would validate people "earning" their exotics. It delivers a means to grind and a satisfying reward at some point.

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                    6 Replies
                    • Edited by Ceryncross: 12/4/2018 8:37:04 AM
                      Seriously, I for some reason get new exotics every other day to every week, while my wife gets close to none. This isn't good for our marriage.

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                    • Agreed!! I get exotics maybe once a month and it's usually something I already have from the last season!!

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                    • the thing is, they could implement a knockout list, just like they have with event items. well, like they did with crimson days, but that would give players what they are after too soon. the game doesn't care about length of play time anymore, if ever. supposedly not playing for a few days has earned people an exotic, so they may have changed something to reward returning players instead of active players.

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                    • I don't think it'd be hard to do really. Raid chests and nightfall chests if you reach a certain score should have an above average chance of giving an exotic. And by above average I mean if you raid and do the nightfall on all 3 characters you should be guaranteed at least one exotic a week. If the content is there people won't need that exotic grind as the only reason to keep playing. They'll actually want to use those exotic weapons in the game. Yeah the grind for an exotic might keep people playing for a little, but if they never get one it's not gonna work anymore.

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