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Destiny 2

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Edited by Teko: 11/7/2018 4:38:12 PM

How the Final Cutscene Of Warmind Should Have Ended

The Guardian, Zavala and Ana enter the Warmind chamber/bunker “(Russian)”- Rasputin “[i]Im Rasputin, defende...[/i]”- Ana “Why is he speaking Russian?”- You “What do you mean?”- Ana “Why is he speaking Russian? It made sense while he was believed to be that ‘shard’ of his mind on the cosmodrome, but now? And you said that all Warminds are ‘shards’ of his mind, so do they all speak Russian?” “Uhh...”- Ana “If I was alone without my Ghost or you translating, I wouldn’t understand a word of what he’s saying. So if I ever need his help and I don’t have either of you, it’s not gonna work”- You “Good point... Why don’t you speak English, Rasputin?”- Ana “(Russian)”- Rasputin “He said that he enjoys Russian”- Ana “But does he know English?”- You “Probably. They must have it programmed on his database”- Ana “So, why isn’t he speaking English right now, so that we can understand?”- You “(Russian)”- Rasputin “See?”- You “He said that he doesn’t want to speak English”- Ana “For the Traveler’s sake, I killed a worm god for him! Can’t I have that [i]honor[/i]?”- You “(Angry Russian)”- Rasputin “He said that if you continue with that attitude he is going to vaporize you and your Ghost”- Ana “I knew it! He should not be truste...”- Zavala Zavala is then vaporized by Rasputin “ZAVALA! WHAT THE HECK?! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!”- You “(Russian)’- Rasputin “He said that you could be next”- Ana “That thing is crazy!”- You “(DANGEROUSLY ANGRY RUSSIAN)”- Rasputin “He hates to be called ‘thing’...”- Ana “Now he’s sentimental? He just vaporized Zavala! He’s insane!”- You Shots are heard “What was that?”- You “I don’t know...”- Ana Then the Guardian receives a call “[i]Guardian? Cayde here. So, we are having some strange readings coming from Mars, and as you are conducting an operation there I figured out I could call you for a status repor... Wait a second, I’m receiving a call on the emergency channel. *[u]Yes? You figured out what that was? Wait, missiles? Who the heck would fire missil... Crap!*[/u]Guardian! What is the status on Rasputin?[/i]”- Cayde “We might have pissed him off...”- You “[i]YOU PISSED THE HIGHLY ARMED WARMIND?![/i]”- Cayde “When you put it like that...”- You “[i]HE LAUNCHED MISSILES AT THE LAST CITY! WAIT RIGHT THERE! *Yes? They’re already on the MOON? [b]EVERYBODY! ALERT THE CITY! TO THE EMERGENCY BUNKERS![/b]* GUARDIAN! YOU ARE...[/i]”- Cayde An explosion is heard and the call ends “At least he won’t die to Uldren... Anyway HE JUST DESTROYED THE CITY!”- You “(Russian)”- Rasputin “He said that he will destroy more things if you don’t apologize...”- Ana “I’M NOT APOLOGIZING! IS HE STUPI...”- You The Guardian then is vaporized, the franchise ends and everybody thanks Rasputin [i][b][u]THE END![/u][/b][/i]

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