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Edited by SierraAstaelion: 6/13/2018 1:32:24 PM

Heroic strike modifiers need improvement...Upvote if agree

Heroic strikes used to be my favorite part of the game. You could run them quickly and repeatedly, and if you got lazy you’d be killed, but you could actually have a conversation with someone while you were playing. I’d run them even beyond the milestone Bc they were just fun! I haven’t done a heroic strike in weeks Bc they’re a nightmare right now. I know Bungie says they’re looking into some adjustments so here’s what they need to know: A) [b]The stacking debuff combinations make it more of a nightfall than a heroic...[/b] The fact that there’s 2 debuffs and only 1 buff (I’m Not counting singe as a buff- which I’ll explain below) is already a bit much for a heroic but more than that The 2 debuffs interact with each other to create a perfect storm that makes it ridiculously hard even if you’re well above light level, and nearly impossible if you’re not. Doing 3 of these takes way too long for a milestone equally as powerful as call to arms and nightfall and public events. I literally skip it every week to avoid the frustration. B) [b]buffs are too scaled down and the debuffs are too ramped up...[/b]The damage while in the air modifier literally killed me two seconds after spawning me on a high ledge I couldn’t do anything but jump out of on lake of shadows… I’m sorry but that’s just a ridiculously high damage buff… add on top of that the one hit melee kill or any of the singes and I’ll be dead before I hit the ground every time even if I’m 385… I might be ok with this if one hit melee worked on enemies too (except majors and bosses)... but the reality is that even singe (which applies to both) is only a small boost for us and a higher percentage damage buff for enemy damage against us. Even the grenade boost (which is supposed to be a buff for US) is far slower recharge than it was on the nightfall... seriously WHAT GIVES GUYS?? The result is that you’ve literally triple or quadruple stacked debuffs against us: 1) more debuffs than buffs 2) percentages are higher against us than for us 3) buffs are nerfed for some strange reason 4) debuffs combine to create crippling scenarios [b][u]VERY easy and quick Solutions for this : [/u][/b] - add more buffs - take away a debuff - scale back debuffs - scale up buffs - make debuff effects apply to guardian damage Honestly I think I’d prefer you boost buffs in a major way and even add one. I don’t mind a challenge, but I want the tools to face it. Those grenades need to recharge as fast as they did in the nightfall, or faster, and do more damage. My singe should be boosted exactly as much as my enemies. If they’re gonna kill me in one hit then my melee (in addition to my grenade) or my super should recharge faster... again all of these were modifiers IN THE NIGHTFALL BEFORE!! These were FUN!!! Why did you create a new and horrible system when you had one that worked before?? The community has been telling you “we want to feel more epic/legendary” but heroic strikes are the least legendary place in Destiny 2. We look like a bunch of smurfs desperately throwing rocks at brachion before he looks at us and we die. Make the enemies hard OK, but make us feel epic too. Your buffs are limp wristed at best right now. PLEASE FIX THIS—WHAT SHOULD BE THE MOST ENJOYABLE PART OF THE GAME!!

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