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Edited by Spawn: 4/21/2018 1:10:57 AM

Solo Players Are Not Casual Players

Can we just recognise that a large % of Destiny players are solo and play just as much if not more than players who choose to put together fireteams and run raids? No one wants fast easy progression - It's a huge issue in D2 right now. Make it harder, make it slower - BUT make sure you make it possible for solo players. Iron banner was the go to activity to get higher light gear and weapons. That's gone now. Even Luke Smith recognised publicly that the majority of players don't raid or use fire teams. Guided games was a disaster. This progression update sounds like it wants to make it very difficult for solo players to hit max light. How about some more matchmaking Bungie? Of all the times to push group play - now is not the time with the lowest ever number of players online. Or do you just want to lose some more of your player base. [spoiler]Moderator edit: This thread has been moved to #Feedback forum so that other Destiny players can weigh in. See [url=]Cozmo's thread[/url] for more information about the #Feedback tag and its uses. Feel free to private message the moderator who moved your post, link to topic for further clarification about why this topic was moved.[/spoiler]

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  • I havnt played for a while and I only have a titan. I'm going back in on the next update to see if It can make me stay for more than a week. I'm glad they got rid of the exotic farming for levels and I'm glad they made it harder to level. What I don't like is there is what one or two new strikes and no new raid. But we cant level to max without doing the same content we have had for months. To me this is all ground work for September it will be dead again in 2 weeks after the people have done the exact same thing for 2 weeks.

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  • I love how triggered people are getting over this. If you don't play endgame content, you don't need to be max level and shouldn't be able to reach max level. Period. If all you do is public events, patrols, and strikes, there's 0 reason for you to be max level. That's like complaining that you can't hit OP 8 in borderlands 2 while staying in normal mode. Why shouldn't the people who do the harder content be rewarded more heavily?

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    22 Replies
    • I don't care for matchmaking, give me some solo endgame contact ffs. Waiting for my God of war to get there then I'm done with Destiny for awhile.

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    • Please consider all the hardcore patrol players !

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      • light progression isn't going to affect solo players unless they choose to make a fireteam and tackle prestige content. So unless Bungie makes Prestige patrols (Which would be AWESOME) don't let it bother you.

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      • Than go raid

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      • I am for vast majority of time solo player, I haven’t done raid or nightfall. I think better rewards for people who put in the time and effort to do raids end game stuff, is ok, and right. Max light level really doesn’t matter at all for stuff I do. Nice to get there but won’t lose sleep over it. Biggest thing for me would be to bring back random rolls. In D1 that’s all I used to grind for the gun that was just right for me.

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      • This change isn't a bad thing for solo players. The TWAB literally says, [quote]"Once you’ve achieved the soft cap, your progress is going to rely a lot more on your [b]own[/b] achievements..."[/quote]

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      • If you’re not doing the raid then what difference does it make if you get to max light or not? Light level doesn’t matter in Iron Banner and you’re not soloing Trials, what else do you need max light for? Seriously asking. Signed, a player still under 305.

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        2 Replies
        • Nah, I want to play hardcore, not casual. Activities which make people want to progress are better than those which give out progress to everyone. I class solo as casual because a majority of them do not partake in endgame activities which are coop. I also class casual as those who log on to do any daily routines or milestones that suit their fancy. I want this game to be a good grind rather than something given to everyone just because it's unfair on the casuals.

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        • Shut up casual

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        • It's dumb that the majority of the community think solo players are casual. I would be that half of the "group" players are casual too

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        • "Solo players" the issue is by your definition I am a solo player because I don't play with my friends. So? That doesn't mean I still don't raid or do trials? The issue is too many players don't put in the effort to raid, that's fine. Guided games just needs to remove the clan feature. Matchmaking for the normal raid and nightfall is fine, keep the prestige difficulties require full teams to reduce the toxicity. Its kinda funny you say "lose more of your player base" what do solo players actually care about besides a arbitrary number over your head? All the activities you guys do don't require max gear scores. Meanwhile raids do. So why do you care if you don't do the activities? Why is there a double standard all of a sudden? Bungie is simply using what MMOs do and all of a sudden you guys are harping on them while the MMO community just shrugs.

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          • It took you long enough. You're talking to the best Trials player outside of streamers... and I hardly ever play with other guys

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          • Get good and learn to solo the raid

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            6 Replies
            • Actually a lot of solo players are casuals.

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            • Casual doesn't necessarily mean playtime wise. Endgame content [u]should[/u] be the way to hit endgame power

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            • Edited by BESERKER sdmf: 4/20/2018 5:28:13 PM
              With respect some of us solo players are completionists, we want to experience everything destiny has to offer and would like to try and get to the max light lvl if possible on our own. Does that mean we we should be able to solo NF? Nope.... Should we get access to top tier weapons and armour? Guns that will melt all opposition in PvP? Nope not if we can't solo the top tier PvE stuff. Am I annoyed? Mildly. Am I suprised? Not really.. bungie pulled this shit before in D1.. us D1 solo vets will survive as we always have

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            • Lol yes they are.

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            • With the current state of the game being where it is, I think there are a lot more solo players than ever before: Ideas: A solo raid - Sounds crazy right. Crazy awesome! Get weapons and armor that can only be earned through a difficult & mentally challenging solo raid. Less mechanics, more thinking. Should be a new solo raid with each dlc. Can only be done solo. No help. You’re on your own. A solo Nightfall - again can only be completed solo. Yes, Nightfall’s can be completed solo now, but they weren’t designed for it. Change the layout and mechanics to be geared toward a solo experience. Solo Quests: similar to exotic quests in D1. Can be completed in public spaces. Strike specific gear. Strikes can be done with match making and this makes strikes more worth doing. For any gear that requires completing specific events or quests to get it, make them rare. Lessen the drop rate. I know that’s frustrating to not get the drop you wanted, but it also makes it more of a prize when you do get it. Also, I would like to have, and use, something that not everyone else has. “I’ve got something you don’t got!” is fun. (Random rolls helps here) Not much. But yeah. Solo stuff needs added at this point. Many clans and clan mates are no longer around. PVP is fun, but I like PVE too. And no, I don’t want to go make more friends :) I dislike that that even gets pushed.

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            • I’m a solo player I’ve always been and will be. I never did Raids to max out I just did iron banner to max out. I do think the game needs to be harder for people but don’t make it so hard that the solos can’t get anywhere just make it hard enough to get rid of the casual players.

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            • Edited by DarthBuffLizard: 4/20/2018 4:52:36 PM
              I have absolutely no problem with making the progression slower, but for the love of God, please implement more matchmaking options. My clan is dead (35 to 40 players at one time, only me left), nightfall is not so difficult you need premade fireteams, and why not let randos at least try Trials? Yes, father knows best in most situations, but sometimes parents just need to trust that their kids can figure things out for themselves and succeed or fail on their own.

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            • Yeah I haven’t had a regular fire team since D1, pretty much solo and that’s fine, but it does mean I’ll likely never do raids

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            • Edited by Stillnyte: 4/20/2018 4:54:23 PM
              [quote]Can we just recognize that a large % of Destiny players are solo and play just as much if not more than players who choose to put together fireteams and run raids? No one wants fast easy progression - It's a huge issue in D2 right now. Make it harder, make it slower - BUT make sure you make it possible for solo players. Iron banner was the go to activity to get higher light gear and weapons. That's gone now. Even Luke Smith recognised publicly that the majority of players don't raid or use fire teams. Guided games was a disaster. This progression update sounds like it wants to make it very difficult for casual players to hit max light. How about some more matchmaking Bungie? Or do you just want to lose some more of your player base.[/quote] I disagree, if you want to reach max Light then it should be a requirement for you to do the Raid, it should be part of the progression to reaching your maximum possible strength much like Destiny 1. Just like MMOs like EverQuest 2 or World of Warcraft, if you wanted to get the best maximum gear score, you'd have to learn the raids and learn how to work with 23 other people to overcome those challenges and Destiny 2 should be no different. What I do agree on though is Guided Games should be removed, reworked, and reintroduced or just removed entirely. As for matchmaking and finding people.. well, you have the Destiny 2 Game Hub for Xbox, you have community made Discord channels specifically for Destiny 2 on PC, and you have Destiny 2 LFG for Playstation and Xbox. Honestly, I'd rather have these 3rd party services to utilize rather than counting on Bungie's Peer-To-Peer system for matchmaking. While yes, Destiny 2 will bleed more players by going back to being a 'hobby' game, but in the end it'll being some hardcore players back and thus, again, those and the PVP players will be the ones that keep Destiny 2 alive and kicking until the eventual release of Destiny 3 much like Destiny 1.

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            • They probably dodged a bullet by explaining how the grind to max power was going to change. Now people have the chance to tell them to change corse. I myself don't really mind the change to the grind. However, Bungie seems to be fixing the wrong problem. Again. Players don't need the grind to be harder, they need the grind to mean something. Without random rolls, and power advantages, there's no reason to hit max power. And before anyone says anything, no, making everything into a bullet sponge is not meaningful progression.

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            • Edited by GeneJumper: 4/20/2018 4:43:45 PM
              « Filthy casuals » is a term i hear all the time.

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