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Edited by TheShadow-cali: 2/13/2018 2:53:19 PM
[quote] While Smith argued that the static rolls would make it easier for the sandbox team to adjust the weapon system, Destiny 2 has had almost no significant sandbox updates in the past few months.[/quote] Yeah, it takes 7 months to get an actual update with this new easy system they came up with that well allow them to have more updates on a regular bases right? Now why don't we tell the truth. D1 system was too hard for them to work with when it came to the sand box. So their way of dealing with it was nerf the most popular and called that "balance" Not just with the weapons either, but everything in D1 from weapons to sub class. What makes it worse is knowing Bungie now's the PvE aspect of this game has always been more popular and they apply that flawed logic to PvE as well. So, Bungie nerfs the entire game so it would make things easier for the poor little sand box? How about use your brain and find a lead that can handle this game instead of some baby that thinks things are too hard for him so lets nerf it because that solves everything. In all, Luke needs to be put back to working on raids and the sand box lead needs to step down.

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  • We did not even ask for that downgrade.

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  • Edited by SILLABYSS: 2/14/2018 4:53:37 AM
    This game is still based around lootboxes. Bungie want you to log in every day, so they dangle some carrots and say that they're "listening" - they want you to log in because their numbers say the more you login, the more likely you are to spend money on paywalls. They have already budgeted for your inclination to buy lootboxes, and they start to panic a bit when the player base dwindles.The longer the drought of new content, the more likely you are to spend additional money, and the less they actually have to do. At this stage we should probably assume that anything appearing to to be a "mistake", or an "oversight" is going according to plan - they got away with this for three years, and we all let them. Things aren't going to change unless we demand real changes, starting with the removal of Eververse.

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  • Edited by SeaWolv: 2/14/2018 3:25:14 PM
    I just really don't get why Eververse is now the symbol of everything that's wrong with D2. Nothing behind that paywall is game changing and all of it can be realized through Bright Engrams. D2 has way bigger issues than Tess Eververse.

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  • When end-game content is an exotic raid ghost, that becomes your end=game content...sorry but it's true...if each of those exotic ghosts in eververse had quests behind them to earn them, or actual playable content to attain them, I don't think we would need to question the motives of this company... But there it is - five exotic ghosts to buy, two exotic ghosts to earn - all with game changing perks found nowhere else in the game...if theres such a lack of things to do, why do we see twice as many items for sale as there are in the's insulting...

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  • [quote]The longer the drought of new content, the more likely you are to spend additional money, and the less they actually have to do.[/quote] I have to disagree. I've never once felt compelled enough to buy a single thing in this game with real currency. Mostly because I know I can get everything I want for free but also because the game is just throwing stuff at you. When the dawning first came out, the dawning exotic ghost was at the top of my want list. It would have been easy to buy silver to buy the ghost but instead I did a lot of dawning related activities to earn items that would dismantle into bright dust. Eventually, I earned enough bright dust to buy the ghost. On a side note: If someone starts buying things pre-content dlc, then they're certainly wasting their money at that time since the money that was spent could have been better utilized for the new content. But let's say there is a year drought on DLC. Your argument still wouldn't ring true because it's possible (even though it's time consuming) to earn the necessary currency for a particular item (e.g. Bright dust for eververse items) during that period. Why would anyone feel the need to make real currency transactions just because there isn't a new dlc conning soon? That's like buying a movie ticket to a similar movie you likely aren't interested because you're anxious about the new upcoming movie you're interested in seeing. If you mean impulse buying, then that still have the question: "why" would there be an impulse to spend when there isn't anything new to obtain yet?

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  • There are folks with addictions - not to mention the majority of this community are's fine if you are pro-gambling, but most people aren't...and this is gambling....if I have to go to vegas because gambling is illegal, how is it legal to put loot boxes in games aimed at teenagers...

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  • [quote]the majority of this community are teenagers[/quote] The average age of players is actually 31 years old. I can't quote the source right now but I read it in an online video gaming publication during Destiny Year 2 when the subject came up here.

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  • [quote]There are folks with addictions - not to mention the majority of this community are's fine if you are pro-gambling, but most people aren't...and this is gambling....if I have to go to vegas because gambling is illegal, how is it legal to put loot boxes in games aimed at teenagers...[/quote] I'm not sure that example completely connected... The game isn't directly aimed at kids in particular because there are too many demographics that this game appeals to. Not only that but this company literally uses shotgun marketing for their intended target markets in order to increase their total user count. It's essentially a numbers game. It makes sense if they want to appeal to more people & increase their products demographic awareness. Thing is: the power of choice exists and is present in the game. Its about choosing to take one action over another or choosing an action that yields the same benefit for a potential later date (delayed gratification). Impulse decisions aren't a great example of demonstrating addiction, issues of legality or even purchase pressure tactics. This isn't about addiction because that has nothing to do with the type of service being offered. The game had an addictive nature to some players but it doesn't create addiction nor does it feed the lack thereof. No person in the game is forced or even pressured to buy anything. In addition, the game provides various ways of obtaining items outside of real currency purchase unless it's content restricted such as the new raid ghost. Now, if the game offered loot boxes or items for real currency purchase as the sole option to obtain any item in the game, then I could agree with your point. Spot on. But this is not the case. The teenage mind is still developing and understanding concepts but it doesn't make them stupid or brainless. Kids today are quite perceptive (for the most part) and that perception includes cognitive thought. It also includes self awareness, which they do possess. It's not up to a company to tell people what they should or shouldn't buy, especially regarding teenagers. That's the role of the parents. Parents shouldn't hawk their kids activities per se but they should definitely be aware of what content their kid is exposed to. Not necessarily to take immediate action but only to [i]understand[/i] what they're exposed to and how this exposition may influence their kids desires. Not to mention, the kids get their money from some where (which is still managed or should be managed by the parents) whether it be a job the parents know about or a simple "allowance" from close family members. Whatever the case, the point is that parents have control over how their kids spend money. The companies do not. It's not the companies responsibility to tell a kid not to buy something. A companies responsibility is to ensure safe and secure transactions for any product or service they provide. That's it. And it's digital items we're talking about. Purchasing a digital sword doesn't have nearly the same detrimental effects of purchasing a real sword because the only risk involved with buying the digital sword is the loss of real assets (cash) as opposed to potential physical injury from purchasing a real sword.

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  • To many wrong decision for a buck. I guess Luke thought that most everyone would just except D2 and not say anything. The man doesn't have the talent that this company once had that left them a while back. And Luke thought he could fill in their shoes. Right, a grunt that has no experience nor has any business being a lead.

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  • Quick question: Why do you use your alt account to downvote posts?

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  • Edited by TheShadow-cali: 2/14/2018 2:32:14 AM
    Alt account? LMAO I bought D2 on PS bright one and have said this many time you poor little thing. I love how I bother you so much :))) Quick question: Why do you hide your profile and troll the forum?

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  • Don't deflect. Do you use your alt account TheShadow to downvote posts and upvote your own? It's a simple question.

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  • Edited by TheShadow-cali: 2/14/2018 2:41:41 AM
    Don't deflect. Don't you hide your profile and troll the forum? It's simple a question.

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  • Edited by RoseScythe: 2/14/2018 2:45:03 AM
    I don't need to deflect. My profile has been hidden since I joined the site, I haven't bothered to change it. I trolled occasionally during D1, not as much now though. Now back to my question, do you use your alt account to downvote comments and upvote your own? It's a simple yes or no. I guarantee you won't answer.

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  • Edited by ken31cayman: 2/14/2018 4:02:59 AM
    I already know where this is headed so I'll just say my piece in right now; Mute me too please! ha ha gotcha:-) BDF trolls...

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  • Edited by RoseScythe: 2/14/2018 4:05:15 AM
    Shush you ;) ..but seriously, where is it headed?

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  • Edited by TheShadow-cali: 2/14/2018 2:56:36 AM
    I have in the past when I make actual post because gamers like you like to downvote everything to try to shut post down. But I don't see how that has to do with anything knowing most my post are well liked so I don't need to. Anyways, have a nice night :)

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  • [quote]I have in the past when I make actual post because gamers like you like to downvote everything to try to shut post down.[/quote] In the past? So, you don't do it anymore then?

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  • Boy are you reaching real hard to find anything huh? I'm going to ride this out just to mess with you lol. Where are you trying to go with this pointless conversation?

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  • [quote]Boy are you reaching real hard to find anything huh? I'm going to ride this out just to mess with you lol. Where are you trying to go with this pointless conversation?[/quote] Are all gamers this insecure over answering a simple question? People do fact finding for a multitude of different subjects and interests for whatever reasons. I always find the ones that won't answer willingly are the same ones that are instigators just for personal publicity OR, like I said, are insecure (fear of being judged by others). The dude has me curious to know also. So.... Do you...? :)

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  • It's funny how people come up with different scenarios :) Yes I have, not because of what anyone thinks. I do to him because it bother him and I know because he follows me around like a puppy dog. See, what most don't know is, I'm the reason he hides his profile now lol. I was puling links up off his profile of him using vulgar words attacking gamers showing how he really is. It's the one thing no one can say about me so he tries to use things like this because he don't like me talking about Bungie. I don't go on any thread he makes but you will sure see him making replies to me trying to embarrassing me because I showed the truth about him. So you will continue to see him "trying" to look for anything he can from here on out on other threads I make. This is how obsessed he is with me, he can't control himself. He has been doing this for the last 2 months so I toy with him by not giving him a straight answer. Why not? it's free entertainment when it comes to trolls. You can look at my profile and see at least 3 threads yesterday of him pulling the same childish move because how hurt he actually is about me. I have only 2 accounts. I bought D1 on Xbox one and D2 on PS. But it's cute to see how he goes from saying I have one other account to "many other accounts" when he gets upset because of what i might of said.

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  • Edited by RoseScythe: 2/15/2018 2:41:56 AM
    [quote]Yes I have, not because of what anyone thinks. I do to him because it bother him and I know because he follows me around like a puppy dog.[/quote] Why does your story keep changing? First it was "Alt account? I only own D2 on this one". Then you switched to "I upvoted my own posts in the past, not anymore though". Now it's "I only use it to downvote Rose's posts". I thought you [i]hated[/i] liars, lol. Also, I only caught you doing it yesterday, my dude. Why would it bother me if I'm unaware of it? [quote]See, what most don't know is, I'm the reason he hides his profile now lol. I was puling links up off his profile of him using vulgar words attacking gamers showing how he really is. It's the one thing no one can say about me so he tries to use things like this because he don't like me talking about Bungie.[/quote] False. My profile has always been private. You didn't pull links from it. You used Google to dig up old posts of mine. You admitted to that in the same thread you linked to them in. Again, why are you lying? The post you dug up was in response to a mass upvoted thread asking for D1 exotics to be brought back. I was highlighting how ridiculous is was to be asking for D1 gear to be brought back when every other thread was bemoaning reskins. It wasn't directed at any one person. Hardly the offense you make it out to be. Speaking of hiding profiles; why do you hide the forum activity of your alt? Is it so noone can see you using it to upvote your own posts like an insecure 14 year old girl on Instagram? On another note; I actually find it quite funny that you claim I'm "hot and bothered", when, by your own admission, you use your alt to double downvote my posts. Think about it for a second. I upset you so much that you actually downloaded the D2 trial on your alt and played through to the farm, just so you could downvote [i]my[/i] comments twice. That is priceless!

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  • I make 1 comment on Twitter and I'm the stalker. He's taken considerable time to Google for your posts and keep record of them. Way more time and effort then I've ever thought about him. Yet I'm the stalker. The amount of hypocracy here is almost overwhelming. Between actual staking and real obsessive behavior to prove something about you just to bolster position.

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  • Edited by TheShadow-cali: 2/15/2018 2:52:22 AM
    OMG! LMAO I guess I struck a nerve lol Dude get a life. Days later and you are obsessing over this thread and what I have to say. Stop following me around like a puppy dog because your are obsessing over me. I don't want you, I'm not that kind of guy. Don't go away mad, just go away lol

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  • One day later, dude. See the timestamps? You didn't have to reply. Feel free to continue googling my post history or creating alt accounts to further downvote my posts. ;)

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