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Edited by Talia Sendua: 2/19/2018 12:12:14 PM

Why does Trials of the Nine sucks for regular players.

[b]Important! This post just shows my view of the console version of Trials of the Nine. As a surprise for me, the pvp on PC is much better. You can read my Post about that [url=]here[/url][/b] Hey, I just want to show you my view of the TotN and why it sucks at the moment. I just explain the most important problems I have with the playlist (mode/whatever) and the way how they broke the good feeling that TotN should be. Let's start with the biggest Problem: [u][b]The Playerbase is too low![/b][/u] At this point I want to say that I don't mean the hardcore playerbase (which means the pvp pro heroes out there), I mean the casual/common playerbase. This playerbase is gone, not just because D2 is at the moment really boring, it is because the feeling of the crucible is too sweaty at all. People want to come here and make some relaxed matches with some challenges for tokens and maybe some wins, but with the current way how crucible must be played, the game itselfs looks really unattractive in the pvp section. Let's head to the next point: [u][b]The Matchmaking sucks![/b][/u] This doesn't mean that TotN should be easy like Iron Banner (I know that, I'm a completely destiny player since launch) and I know it isn't for everyone, but that focus for "it might be too high for you" was earlier always a reference to the flawless win streak. Now is even every single match a really unplayable bunch of time wasting competition. That problem stacks itself with the low playerbase, because, with a good matchmaking and a big playerbase, I and my team wouldn't get matched against teams with 2 full K/D higher quotes than me and my Team, with 2 losts of 3 on the Card and 1 single win. Now the last point: [u][b]This damn PvP Clans[/b][/u] Yeah, I can't say that people shouldn't have a right/possibility to come together as a group just for one or two activities and build up a clan, especially since the crucible is more focused on teamplay. But it is still annoying if you get these "omfg-op-teams" with their extremely good aiming, in the crucible and get penetrated by their skill, just to see that it wasn't a single random, no it was a regular team, which plays the current activity in regular, like as the only thing as a clan. What I try to say: It is damn annoying to get -blam!-ed by this guys. At least, that are my current problems with the TotN. I really hope that bungie can solve this problems with the effects of the changes of season 3 because I don't play the Trials longer, just because they are so damn annoying and unfun. Cheers, I'm out.

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  • It's the worst shit ever. Graviton farm because Bungie too stupid to realise this would happen.

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  • Same here i like the challenge.But it has to be fixed this weekend i got only matches against SWEATY'S AND TWITCH STREAMERS no biggie if it happends once.But every match bungie fix this let people that are go flawless lock them out or fix the matchmaking based on K.D o wins.Give others a change also

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  • There needs to be like k/d match making. My team is a .54, .6, .7 and a 1. We are getting stacked against 2's, 3's, 4's,'s ridiculous. It should be fun/competitive for everyone!

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    1 Reply
    • Way too sweaty I just tried it for my first time.... It's not even fun man to get stomped 28 times in a row

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    • Edited by Stari: 1/13/2018 1:44:19 PM
      I am a hardcore player for at least 12 years now and have been highly ranked in different CoD's. FPS are my ONLY thing. But Destiny has been something else from DAY1. There were some CoD's, where i've experienced exactly the same thing. So i think that the biggest problem in Destiny PvP is latency/ delay/ distance between players. In 95% of all matches, there is one team with the connection advantage. Also mostly a full fireteam. They simply see you appear earlier on their screen. So on their screen they are already shooting, but on your screen you don't even see them yet. And when you do see them and you start shooting, your bullets don't do normal damage. You miss them on their screens, but you do hit them on your screen. The reason for this is that they are actually standing somewhere else, then on your screen. In Destiny i often feel like i just bought a gaming console and play for the first time in my life. But i've also had moments in D1, where i won from highly ranked players with 3+ k/d's, like i was playing against complete noobs. ALL of my friends (on PS4 and XBox) quit Destiny, because these problems. It's simply too inconsistent. The one match you are a god and the other match you are the biggest noob.

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      10 Replies
      • Edited by NYDIBS: 1/17/2018 12:16:58 AM
        There is no incentive for casual/average players to play trials. Why submit yourself to that abuse when you can just join a clan and reap the rewards The lower the population the less friendly the game mode becomes for average players

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      • Trials has always been a broken game mode. Its basically designed from the ground up to be UNFAIR, and to allow high-skill PVP players to exploit weaker players for fun and profit. While those same high-skill players do everything humanly possible to avoid having to play each other.

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        16 Replies
        • Trials wasn't mean for plebs, PvP scrubs and casuals. It was supposed to be an End-Game activity for the elite. Bungie nerfed that in D2 by removing light level advantages.

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        • Because regular players suck at trials of the nine.

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        • It sucks for REGULAR PLAYERS, because it is not for REGULAR PLAYERS, it is some-what "end game" for sweats, Hawthorne is giving away Trials guns like candy.. it is already as casual as it can be.. I wont deny that the matchmaking sucks.. It really does, my 1.1KD 5 x Flawless and 90 Trial wins matches me with 70+ flawless 3+KD and over 500 Trials wins.. But the only way to beat these people is to keep playing them you WILL get better.

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        • This attitude (i want it all) has fcuked this game up.Just play what you enjoy,if you lose you lose be sporting instead of crying\leaving matches,

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          1 Reply
          • The answer is in your question. [spoiler] [b]Regular [/b]- [b]players [/b]- [b]suck[/b].[/spoiler]

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            • I had a horrible trials weekend and still managed 3 flawless runs. It’s not that difficult. Even the less skilled team can win games against better players on paper with some simple teamshooting and coordination.

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              19 Replies
              • The whole goddàmn point of Trials is for the best of the best to prove themselves against each other. Everyone can enter but only few will excel at it. It’s not for regular players to do well in. Bungie has said this since the beginning of Trials 3 years ago. No participation trophies. If you’re getting stomped by a clan then that means they’re just better than you.

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                4 Replies
                • So what you're saying is you're upset that you're being matched against players better than you?

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                • Trials is for above average pvp always has been. Practice is the only way.

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                  2 Replies
                  • Trials isn't for regular players. At this point, regular crucible isn't even for regular players. Do like I do and just go in, catch your whoopin', get your milestone and forget about crucible for the rest of the week.

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                    6 Replies
                    • If Bungie limits 1 trial flawless per character per week, it will be much better. Furthermore, players will be matched their trial player depends on their skill level (both # of trials attempted and trial K/D).

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                      10 Replies
                      • looks like a ranked play list is on the way.. will it be implimented for TotN.. we don't know yer.

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                      • An idea to consider: Trials should be solo que only. 3v3. No going in stacked. Think you have what it takes to be the best? Prove it without your normal backup. Would stir things up and at least make it interesting.

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                        6 Replies
                        • There needs to be some kind of free for all endgame.

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                        • I would say I’m a regular and even though I lose sometimes, I put up one hell of a fight.

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                        • Not to mention the weapons and set ups that take no skill to use

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                          11 Replies
                          • Because you and other can't afford to buy a Modded Controller so we can get 22% K/D Efficiency with 32 kills and 0 Deaths!

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                            1 Reply
                            • Lol you can't find people on the app at all its all (pub stomp) this (platinum) that(flawless runs only) (must have a 6.0 kd and sacrificed your kid to the devil)

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                              5 Replies
                              • Trials is for paid carries & cheaters, that's all.

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