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Destiny 2

Discuss all things Destiny 2.
Edited by Lost Sols: 11/23/2017 6:56:20 PM

The Forums, Feedback and Communication

Destiny is a powerful Game. Not just in what has been loaded up on consoles since September 2014, but as a concept and vision that we all have for what else it could be. The Guardians that come to these forums are here because they are passionate about this game and it elicited an emotional response. Sometimes good, sometimes bad, but regardless of the experience these forums have been a place to offer up our feedback and hopefully help shape what this game can be. The caveat in that proposition is that there are millions of players who play this game and what we want and envision is not necessarily what everyone wants and so Bungie have to look at the overall scope of feedback and try to figure out the best ways to implement change that the Destiny community will enjoy playing. Over the course of the last 3 years there is a lot the devs have gotten right with the pulse of the community and there's also a lot they've swung and missed on. Despite the rose colored glasses of time that seem to suddenly paint D1 as the greatest gaming experience of all time, anyone who was here on these forums and who has a shred of honesty in them knows how unhappy people were on these forums for 3 years over countless issues. Destiny 2 is not a perfect game. From PvP to economy to meaningful endgame, it has a lot that it can and needs to improve on. The frustration that players feel, particularly in regards to functionality that was added to D1 over the course of its development that improved the game, but didn't make it into D2 is understandable. That said, Destiny 2 is also not the empty shell that it gets painted out to be either. There is a full campaign (imo one of their best) with a lot of awesome weapons and gear sets to get. The planets are put together well with a lot of activities to do that aren't the run in circles for 6 hours collecting Spirit Bloom to fully level a weapon or wait 3 days for a Warsat like D1. There are still strikes, Nightfalls, the raid and PvP; and to play it all to endgame across 3 characters is easily hundreds of hours of play. It can still be better and the fact is that it will be. Yes, it is frustrating to see the regression is so many areas and vanilla D2 is not the giant leap forward we all expected, but what we have going on here on these forums and in this community has devolved so far past representing actual feedback that it's hard to even log in and read it. Yes, everyone is entitled to an opinion of the game, but spamming the forums with "this game sucks'' or ''I got ripped off'' isn't feedback and it's not doing anything to better this game. People see EA pull microtransactions from BF2 and think the answer is to scream as loudly as they can and Bungie will magically make the game they want. That isn't how it works. Yes we do have a powerful voice together and can and have made change to this game, but when the masses gather just to all throw stones and vilify the people who put so much work into this game, it isn't productive and it isn't right. It shouldn't need to be said that these devs are human beings who are all immensely talented and who care very much about this game as much or more than we do. This is their life and their creation and THERE IS A LOT OF REALLY GOOD GAME HERE, because if it all just sucks, what's the point of asking for improvements at all? So if you have feedback to give, that's awesome and if you want to stand together for change, that's great too. But in a world being torn apart by fear, hatred and mistrust sown by our ''leaders'' where human rights are being stolen from us everyday (we're about to lose net neutrality, think about that as gamers), to come to a GAME forum everyday and rip apart the people who make this game and post obscenities, death threats and all the other bullshit that somehow is deemed right and fair, just because you are disappointed in the game... Is that who we are now? Is that who we want to be? Or do we want to try to make this a place the devs want to visit and want to hear our thoughts and opinions? And you can say they don't listen or respond and our feedback doesn't matter, but again, if that's the case why are we here? The fact is that communication is a two way street and yes, Bungie can and needs to be better, but so do we. Edit: bnet is a joke on the rest of the internet. It has been for years now. This is our community and our place to share our voices and opinions on the game and it's a joke. Why would the devs want to come here? Why would they care what we have to say? Here's your tldr because apparently the message is lost and this is somehow a "everything's great" post. [b]If we want these forums to have real meaning and for the devs to want to come read what we have to say, then we need to be better. We need to not be so shitty all the time and we need to support good feedback[/b] Here is one of the best ideas you'll read on these forums. Why aren't you all there bumping it and supporting it? Why are most of the comments just shitting on the post? These are our forums and I know I'm tired of them being a joke.

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  • Does this guy think he's important or something?

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    2 Replies
    • Edited by TheShadow-cali: 11/29/2017 2:53:02 AM
      [quote]Is that who we are now? Is that who we want to be? Or do we want to try to make this a place the devs want to visit and want to hear our thoughts and opinions? And you can say they don't listen or respond and our feedback doesn't matter, but again, if that's the case why are we here? The fact is that communication is a two way street and yes, Bungie can and needs to be better, but so do we[/quote] [b]I took a screenshot of this thread this time OP. Your mod can't edit screen shots ;)[/b] [b]This is nothing but an illusion that you been posting going on 4 years now.[/b] If this was going to happen they wouldn't be hiding like a child from their player base. Their way of dealing things has Always lets go silent and maybe things will go a way. There will Never be any form of communication from this company because they (literally do not know how to Period) This is the OP fighting gamers about the new system before D2 beta came out. "claming" it was better then D1 [quote]The boss fights are dynamic and not D1 bullet sponges.[/quote] With D2 2 primaries system with no way to purchase heavy ammo or no heavy drops. D2 endgame content is a lot worse then D1 and even nightfall. [b]This company is so disconnect from there play base that they are feeding lines to their player base like if it was Gomer Pyle giving them their lines....[/b] Deej "It's a friends game" Luke "it's a collectors game" Then there are things they come out with like " we heard that you wanted a fire team to run the lost sectors" Is this a joke? Any kid from 5 and up can run them. Then Luke has the nerv to make a statement that they will be improving things and made a list and had Cozmo post it as if a lot of that will happen before the DLC is released? Hog Wash, the base game gamers are screwed. A lot of that will not be applied to the base game and that is a fact... I get having a tiny bit of hope, but for most, it's more like, stop your rambling Bungie trying to buy time and show some action because when it comes to Bungie, talk is cheap... Edit: There was only 1 time Bungie made and attempt to reach out to their entire player base back in y1 and have Never attempted to do anything like that again. [b]This is how lost this company actually is...[/b] They sent out a survey, not to ask what gamers like about the game or what they would like to see added to the game or anything like that. They sent out a survey asking [b]"why did you stop playing this game"[/b] Like who gives a flying hoot about why gamers stopped playing. [b]That survey should of been for the existing player base actually playing the game Period. This company needs to hand over the rights, they have proven without a doubt that they can Not handle this game.[/b] Even the company that makes CoD has 2 other companies working on that game and Activision gives them 3 years to pump out just a (PvP game mode.) Destiny has a PvP and PvE game mode that D2 was pushed out within 2 yours of creating it and Bungie asking them for another year on top of it because they were way behind in starting development. That right there proves this company can not handle this game and they will Always be struggling with Activision's contract.

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      23 Replies
      • Yeah it has more weapons that you can't use cause you have to stick primary weapons in two slots instead of one leaving specials and heavies to share one slot. So in the end more equals less! No one asked for that!!! This is a classic case of snatching defeat out of the jaws of victory!!! The D1 dev team could have been remembered as a success. However the D2 dev team has stolen that away from them and sadly not for them selves because they made something better but by throwing it away by really falling short a long way!

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      • No.

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      • You write this shit like it's your day job lol don't think too hard about this trash can game

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        2 Replies
        • Every time I come to this forum I find that it's still filled by the same jackasses who do nothing but scream about how much they hate the game and how much they hate Bungie. Not a single one of those people realize that they're idiots, truly undeniably idiots. Its like their girlfriend left them and they just can't stop talking about her, they say how much they hate her to their friends but cry for her when they're alone. When are you dumbasses going to realize that all the shit talking you do isn't going to change shit, you're all only looking like kids or immature adults, is your life that hollow that all you do is roam through a video game forum to talk about how much you hate it, think about that, maybe you'll start to realize how much of an idiot you really are and hopefully you can start getting your priorities in order.

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            So three years of good feedback(not nerf posts), and we get served this? Three years of building content, adjustments and tweaks to the sandbox, and we start all over again? No dude, take your sentiment else where, because this company has brought this upon themselves from the beginning. I can understand showing a small amount of sympathy for the original, because it was a new IP, but to show even the slightest for this is absolutely idiotic. They deserve the hate and the nastiest ridicule. Nobody has answered these questions since purposed it months ago. How does a sequel get released with half of the content of the first? How does a company take the changes from the first, and strip it all out and expect people to stick around for another three years for another complete game?

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            62 Replies
            • WOW. From several hundred upvotes. (Before you sold your "sol" or is that "hol") ((D1)) Now only 18.... Sorry buddy YOU ARE IRRELEVANT. Cheers!

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              2 Replies
              • Destiny 1 was not great, let's be honest. But compared to D2, it was amazing.

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                54 Replies
                • Get this topic to 0 upvotes already lol

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                  3 Replies
                  • Edited by Vellither: 11/24/2017 5:13:05 PM
                    Was very clear what we want in the last three years. And we have point out the many issues of the game in the last 3 months of D2. And here we are with two tokens and a blue. No ranks for pvp. No random rolls. Static subclasses. A boring raid with out bosses. No options in pvp game modes. Only two pvp game modes. No content for the pve players. No specific loot from strikes. No armor ornaments. No deticate servers. Few strikes. No reasons to grind. Pointless armor stats. (Mobility) But they want to sell a 30$ dlc with 4 hours of content. Edit:This game has only the name of our favourite game. Has no soul is empty and hallow and looks like they made it to make money. And that is why the community is so mad,after three years of free pass they are slapping the funs in the face and they want from us to throw more -blam!-ING money on the screen.

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                  • Down vote as soon as I see you post. You sold out and no one cares what you think.

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                    • this guy trying his hardest to ride bungie for a job opportunity

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                      3 Replies
                      • Absolutely ridiculous post. This team deserves every bit of the shit that this forum is giving them right now.

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                        40 Replies
                        • [i]We[/i] don't need to be anything but the dissatisfied customers we are. They had over 3 years of feedback that they [i]chose[/i] to throw right out the window and now you're "shocked and appalled" by the response? I've said it before and I'll say it again; blame the cause, not the effect. Bungie is solely responsible for this mess and they deserve every ounce of backlash they get.

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                        • this guys vipers evil twin isn't he

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                        • [quote] [url=][/url] Here is one of the best ideas you'll read on these forums. Why aren't you all there bumping it and supporting it? Why are most of the comments just shitting on the post? These are our forums and I know I'm tired of them being a joke.[/quote] This is NOT one of the best threads, though it is a good idea. Problem is, there are companies that do things like this WEEKLY or BIWEEKLY. There should be a small team dedicated to this. Gathering information on upcoming changes and going on stream to speak to the community. I have to mention Massive yet again, as they do a State of the Game update very often. During those streams, they not only talk to the community, they answer questions directly from the feed, talk statistics, share personal ideas for the game, and more. It's not that hard.

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                            Best served chilled.💕🥛💕🥛 - 6/11/2024 8:54:56 PM

                            Wow, this thread got out of hand rather quickly now didn't it.

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                          • I remember DeeJ used to reply to some threads himself, now Cozmo barely does that

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                            2 Replies
                            • We pity you bro, take it easy 😐

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                            • These forums are a mess and I -blam!-ing love it. Sorry, but not everything is sunshine and rainbows.

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                              10 Replies
                              • It's funny to see a post about healthy communication coming from you, considering you're one of the most toxic people on this site. Feel free to waste your time creating these long-winded, self-important posts where you assume the intellectual and moral high ground in an effort to look sensible and intelligent, you've already exposed yourself as a hypocrite who is incapable of respecting anyone with a differing opinion.

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                                10 Replies
                                • Summary: yet another long winded, condescending, self important "lets-all-be-friends" upvote whoring wall of text by Sols give it up dude you have no influence here

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                                  12 Replies
                                  • Here we go with [i]this[/i] again. “You’re not complaining the right way. Your posts must be full of sugar and rainbows, then, [i]maybe[/i], Bungie will visit us.” Sorry, but NO. And you are no one to tell how people could and should criticize. They’re free to criticize any way they wish, as long as they follow the ToS on these forums. And as I’ve said before, communication is a 2-way street. If they want constructive criticism, then they should seek it. Judging from yesterday’s stream, it seems like they’re content with being in their isolated bubble.

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                                      That's funny, the only joke i see around here is you. Patronizing someone for selling a half baked product after three years of feedback, and you wanna show disdain. You wanna know what I see when I look at these forums or Reddit? I see a lot of unhappy customers that want there opinion heard. Were supposed to conform to a certain standard of feedback because of bungies feelings?..haha. Where have they acknowledged any of these concerns on this forum? Bungie is a very sad chicken shit company. Isn't it obvious? If it's not kissing thier ass, they won't appear. What it boils down to is, bungie has no customer support period.

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                                      1 Reply
                                      • I agree but I hate to tell you, this forum is a lost cause. The trolls and children have taken control, by the sole virtue of having screamed loudest and longest. I say we take off and nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.

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