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Edited by iktharius: 10/20/2017 2:32:36 PM

After 3 Years of Defending Bungie, I Never Thought I'd Say This... (3 Year Destiny Veteran)

Hey all - Pwnzor here, Kill Confirmed represent. Frankly I feel strange. The Destiny 2 experience seems for the first time ... hopeless. I have defended Bungie for 3 years on every fault. Now.. I just don't know. After the Prestige Raid yesterday, I had one of those stare towards the sky with Crawling in my Skin playing as I question my commitment for the last 2 months - 3 years. For the first time ever, I feel Bungie has won - making their $60-110 buy in per player, and not giving the players what was so proudly delivered in the years of D1. Game is bought, with expansion pass, and the $10 starter Eververse package, and thats all they wanted it seems --- which makes sense from a business standpoint. Maximum profit for minimal effort. I will still continue to play, mostly Trials and PVP cause I enjoy them a lot in any game, but there are real issues that need to be addressed. [b]Quick Backstory (slight boasting to give you perspective):[/b] I never thought I'd see the day where I made a post like this. I have played Destiny in its entirety since its inception in 2014. I was one of the first 50 Fireteams to complete Vault of Glass, Crotas End, POE 32/34/35 (night 1 of HOW), Kings Fall. I was the Worlds First Titan to Solo Crota (just google Mr Pwnzor). I have gone Flawless as many times as I've stepped into Trial to try. I have completed the D2 raid on 2 separate accounts over 15 times. I have collected every exotic in all versions of the game. [u][b]NOW GETTING INTO THE ISSUES[/b][/u] On a given forum, there is normally a complaint about a few things that could use tuning. When you isolate those issues, they can be defended by a majority of hardcore players. When you compile the list and really stare at it, it's really just not something I can defend. If the technology and innovation for the below existed in D1, why have so many things have been left out of D2? [b]"It's Crazy to Me” (My gripe with D2):[/b] [1] It's crazy to me that Power Level doesnt matter [2] It's crazy to me that they removed Weapon Rolls for replayability [3] It's crazy to me that 90% of Guns are useless regardless of [2] [4] It's crazy to me that Armor Ornaments no longer exist in game [5] It's crazy to me that Sparrow collection comes entirely from Eververse [6] It's crazy to me that Shader collection (less Trials and Raid) comes entirely from Eververse [7] It's crazy to me that Ship collection comes entirely from Eververse [8] It's crazy to me Token Systems become irrelevant after playing for 2 days [9] It's crazy to me that there are no Strike Specific Loot Options [10] It's crazy to me that there isn't a 6v6, 3v3, or additional PVP options [11] It's crazy to me that there are no Secret Exotics or Easter Eggs (Oryx Basketball Court) [12] It's crazy to me that Exotics look unique, feel unique, but do not act unique [13] It's crazy to me that Max Power Level can be reached with never doing endgame [14] It's crazy to me that there are no means of World Collection (Ghost, Calcified Frags, etc). [15] It's crazy to me that Raids give no incentive for replay-ability (seriously - I used to farm the SH!T out of raids for Ships, Raid Coveted Exotics, Shaders, etc.) [16] It's crazy to me that Vault of Glass is 3 years older and yet seems 3 years ahead of Leviathan [17] It's crazy to me that Crotas End is 3 years older and yet seems 3 years ahead of Leviathan [18] It's crazy to me that Kings Fall is 2 years older and yet seems 2 years ahead of Leviathan [19] It's crazy to me that Hard Mode (and frankly Normal Mode) Raid are simply for Vanity [20] It's crazy to me that Leviathan Raid is a Gameshow and not a Raid [21] It's crazy to me that Factions do not always exist [22] It's crazy to me that I have 2700 Legendary Shards and nothing to spend them on [23] It's crazy to me that no one looks forward to Xur [24] It's crazy to me that there is no arena like POE [25] It's crazy to me that there is no open world arena like Court of Oryx/Archons Forge [26] It's crazy to me that Sparrow Racing isnt in the game [27] It's crazy to me that Sparrows cant do backflips like the Hotwheels Sparrow TDB model [28] It's crazy to me that the meta leans towards 1 path 1 subclass for each class [29] It's crazy to me that Planetary Materials are useless [30] It's crazy to me that gear doesn't require being upgraded (took legit 3 seconds) [31] It's crazy to me that Trials isnt even hard this year [32] It's crazy to me that Public Events, Lost Sectors, Chest Looting, Adventures - are all useless [33] It's crazy to me that this Game is so casual it has driven all of my best mates away [34] It's crazy to me that I will continue to play with hopes of it becoming better [35] It's crazy to me that I can even see myself playing a different game soon, only 1 month after release. TL:DR The technology and innovation for the above existed in D1, why have so many things have been left out of D2. If it is a means of having people pay for more Content, then that is just wrong. Bungie has made the game too casual in an attempt to cater to everyone. Even the casuals find it too casual. Hoping there is a light at the end of this Dark, Dark tunnel. I can guarantee one thing - if there isn't a raid being release in the December DLC, alongside a complete loot system and token system overhaul, then this game is going to die. EDIT: All - just wanted to say thank you all for reading and providing your comments, concerns, and criticisms. We have been top trending for almost 24 hours. Trials has been canceled since this post (crazy?). I will continue to play PVP but let’s hope bungie makes the little changes we would enjoy so much! EDIT 2: Guardians, we’ve reach 1000 upvotes which is truly something else! I wish I could respond to all of your questions and concerns but there are just so many posts now. I’ll give some quick general responses here —�— I think pvp is fun and don’t have many issues (I know many do), I think selling old features as DLC is cash grabbing, I love destiny still just want the inherently needed changes, population should not be dropping this fast, any comprehensive MMORPG in history has expanded its world not shrunk it regardless if they dumbed it down, Trials being canceled makes me sad; all being said I am GOING TO STAY HOPEFUL. [b]ADDITIONALLY -[/b] I have put a job application in with Bungie. As an avid video gamer and dedicated player since Halo 1, with professional experience in WOW and other titles, I feel I could help the team. I am a mechanical and control systems engineer doing project management in New York City currently. My background and professional experience certainly makes me qualified. This has always been a dream of mine - I haven’t given up yet, so maybe I can help. Hope Luke Smith or Cozmo see this and spread the word lol.

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  • I read somewhere that they had to code D2 from the ground up brand new, since D1's code was bloated and stitched together in weird ways that made it difficult to add/adjust things in the game. This means, they have to go back and re-code all the features that people expect to be there. This is not a valid excuse for what they released. They were also under a contractual deadline that forced their hand to release when they did, rather than polish the game to where it should be. This is not a valid excuse for what they released. I agree with most of the Original Post's list, in general. I won't go into a point by point agree/disagree down the list, but I'll add my thoughts here. I don't believe all the changes were due to caving to casuals. It reflects a much more directed series of changes to cave to the PVP crowd (who also hate the results) to balance the entire game around the crucible, and to get people into the crucible or raids, and keep them there (with friends, in clans, who are only doing those activities). This means removing most of the leveling curve, and making light easier to get. Clearly they've failed to make goals worth pushing toward. The raid and its rewards are almost dumbfounding, but represents several trends: They wanted everything super easy to balance for the crucible. * That meant fixed rolls for weapons so they can balance each individual gun without taking into consideration all possible perks. (collateral damage: no grind for perfect rolled weapons that fit your style of play. Since there were some strike-specific weapons that people wanted perfect rolls on, strikes have also become nearly pointless to grind.) * That meant giving all players 2 primary weapons and moving snipers and shotguns into heavy, with the removal of machine guns, because that's what the big PVPers cried for (everyone must use primaries! stop sniping and one-shotgunning). (collateral damage: PVE feels very underwhelming. You feel weak as you plink away at enemy and boss health.) * That meant restructuring classes so there are only 2 trees to balance, rather than any mix of perks you wanted. Now they're dumbed down without choices or customization. (they gutted some classes so badly... and shifted almost everything into warlock - hunter feels especially underwhelming) * That meant reducing movement speed and increased time to kill. (To me, Titan feels super sluggish compared to D1, moreso than just the removal of titan skating. From what I read, (I haven't stepped foot into the crucible in D2, not even for Iron Banner) increased time to kill has changed crucible tactics to be more team based, which removes many encounters where one skilled player could turn the tides single handedly in close matches.) * That meant removing perks from some weapons that made them fun and versatile in PVE. (like tracking rocket launchers) and made several exotics into yellow legendaries. I could go on. On the topic of type-ignoring-infusion: I felt much more in control of my character's choices in D1, whereas in D2, I feel I have to use the item with the highest light, to ensure I get higher light drops of things I actually want. This has led to many horrible gaming sessions using entirely undesirable weapons that I hate using in PVE, like Pulse Rifles, snipers, grenade launchers, submachineguns, handcannons, sidearms and shotguns. I don't care how much faster light levels would rise with the old system in place, this system drives the fun out of the game for me. I want to play with a kinetic scout and an elemental autorifle with a sword or rocket launcher (would rather have a machine gun, but not an option anymore), depending on how close I can get to the PVE target. As to the speed of getting light levels overall... They seem to jump fast once you hit blue drops. They don't need to jump that fast. (I recall going up 40 points per slot at times) If they smoothed out the progression curve, with purples always being at least 1 light higher than what you have past 265, it might feel more meaningful to gain light levels. I do not think the game should require you to do "endgame" to get max light. That's ONE thing D2 got right, IMO. HOWEVER, I think they decided during D1, that light levels were mainly to be used to gate content, not to provide power to players. It's not like leveling up an RPG character where you get stronger and have more health with a higher level. Light Level only seems to matter as a gauge as to when something is out of your league if you go in too early, but has no benefit if you surpass that minimum barrier of entry... so you never feel sufficiently powerful in the game. When it comes right down to it, it feels like the game is binary: Above or Below the recommended minimum light level for the activity. It doesn't matter how far you are above or below... just 2 settings. (in practice, even if there are gradations in the code, it doesn't feel that way during my game play experience) Also, I think they wanted to allow late-comers to catch up quickly, so they could play with their friends faster. (Nothing to do with Casual vs Hardcore) In addition, I'd very much like a fashion system, where you can wear whatever gear you want for stats, and wear an entirely different set of gear just for looks, because I can foresee a time when I'm attempting to min-max my gear, and some gear (with fixed rolls) doesn't get the stats I want, but looks great. Also, shaders being consumable is a horrrrrrrrrible system. I liked to change my colors depending on the zone I'd be in, or what colors other members of my fireteam were, so it would be easy to tell us apart at a glance. Sometimes I just wanted to have fun. I find myself not using shaders because I never know when I'll find an upgrade and it'll just stick out like a sore thumb without the shader on it. Massively hurts the "fun" factor again. There is NO acceptable explanation for this change. It's past midnight, so I'll stop here.

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    16 Replies
    • Honestly I didn't read all of your comment. But, with a quick proof-read. I think I'm right there with you. I've moved onto other games already.

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      2 Replies
      • 978 raids in D1. Sadly, won't break 1000 unless game gives me a reason to play. I find it ironic that the sales point for D2 is that everything you love is gone...I have to agree that everything I loved about Destiny is seemingly gone. I already miss the days of standing in the tower looking down on the city and hoping that some day I'll know more. Now I know there really never was a bigger story, and the game feels vacant...

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      • I feel the same way man and it's funny because I was just about to do a post just like yours but yeah Bungie really ruin this game it's sad really is and I don't think I and the community can defend them again for another three years like, it's always come to the next update the next DLC or the next whatever for things to get better and it hasn't it's getting worse and to be honest I kind of find it insulting to the hardcore community because without the hardcore Community Destiny wouldn't had kept going and just shows how much they even care about us and they don't listen to feed back because if they did we wouldn't be in this situation right now.

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      • Everything that's wrong with Destiny 2: They removed everything that made Destiny 1 good, they couldn't even get the raid right.

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        2 Replies
        • All - just wanted to say thank you for the comments, likes, and feedback. We have been top trending for almost a full day. Keep it up!

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        • 100% agree, I have been with bungie since Marathon and all through Halo in its prime, I agree with everything you said, I feel the same way 100%, I am actually deleting the game off my HDD after this comment I am done, when it feels like a chore just to log in each reset to do same 3 mundane things to get an engram, just no, I am done.

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          6 Replies
          • I have to agree I'm a d1 beta player and d2 is a big let down reminds me of the division big hyped up game but rubbish and a big let down. D2 has loads of bad choices to cater for the the casual gamers that struggle. If I wanted a game that gives me exotics on a plate easy to grind all 3 builds to 305 with out doing raid. Plus raid is a big waste of time bring back vog or ttk bring back poe. Bungie I rarely complain about games but u need to drastically do some thing to bring people back as for what I see ur game is going to be dead in the water and can see a lot of people won't be buying the expansions until you fix this game. Im going back to final fantasy 14 and darksouls 3 as there more fun

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          • Right off the top of my head I can think of one MMORPG that got ruined by a new developer coming into play and just dumping the game down so much that it died and eventually the servers were shut down and now the game no longer exists at all. What is that game you ask? That game is Star Wars Galaxies I had to earn Jedi, but the new developer that took over for the old guy decided that Jedi should be something that everyone can play as so they dump the game down so much that it became a a shadow of itself.. If you don't believe me do a search for it I guarantee you'll find out what happened to it and then you can maybe compare these two situations... If Destiny's to travel down the path that Star Wars Galaxies did it's night night for this game. All these people complaining every single day about the game just reminds me more and more of how Star Wars Galaxies died... I'm afraid I'm going to see someone write an article and compare Destiny 2 and Star Wars Galaxies and then I will know for sure that this game is dead...

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            • This game is a sick joke. Honestly year three was good they could have incorporated so much of it in this one instead here play a game with no level advantage and no excitement...but hey no one missing out now, isnt that thats why we played to not miss out to grind for a good reason if this dlc doesnt blow my mind im done!

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              • I completely agree with this post and many responses. Destiny year 1 was a really rough journey but I, and many others, stuck with it and were rewarded with a really nice game that gave you something to play regularly. It was always those really, really rare rolls/items/cosmetics that kept you playing. ALL BUNGIE NEED DO WAS BUILD ON WHAT THEY HAD. Instead, they removed many of the hardcore/grind activities so they could make everything more attainable. They created a game that simply feels like it was designed for every player to do 100% of the activities with casual paly. If everything is easy to achieve/acquire, then achieving any of it seems valueless. When purchasing this game I assumed it would be as good as D1 at year 3 (obviously with less content) That is not the case. I don't understand why they would take away so much content that was included in D1 (random rolls, customized classes, strike loot, 6v6, 3v3, play specific game types. My fear is, they are doing it so they can sell it to us as DLC. If that is the case I am finished with Bungie. Also, canceling Trials over a POSSIBLE cheat (not even prevalent) is absurd and was the last straw.

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                • This is what u desirve, u fanboys kept on defending Bungie for all it short commings in d1, now try to defend this **** show.

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                • I completely agree with everything you have mentioned, however... "[15] It's crazy to me that Raids give no incentive for replay-ability (seriously - I used to farm the SH!T out of raids for Ships, Raid Coveted Exotics, Shaders, etc.)" You date incentive for replay yet also state you have completed it 15 times on each character?

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                  • The only way to force them to fix this quickly is to stop playing and don't buy DLCs until it's fixed

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                  • Ai mate. For hearth and home.

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                  • Thousands of hours played over 2 accounts on D1 only to be let down with D2. Many others in the forums have been specific with their complaints however for me, the fun is gone. Cannot put my finger on any one single area but rather multiple small issues. Exotics are boring, plain and simple, boring. We all complained G-horn was OP and too hard to get, but it made the grind worth it. When one could finally covet this beautiful weapon, all hard feeling went away. D2 has no g-horn nor anything that says OMG, must grind for. Tuesday used to be a predictable gathering of friends to do nightfalls, raids, or anyone of the many "fun" things. Nightfall is no longer fun. Time restrictions suck for the casual player. Rewards leave u feeling "uh". Give me 20 strange coins again, at least that was good for a laugh. I can't believe this game was released with only a handful of strikes. Also, most of them are also boring. These artificial stops to prevent burning bosses or racing through strikes is also annoying. I just wish there was some area of the game play is better to me but I cannot. Graphics are better but play is just not fun. Many times during the anticipatory period while waiting for D2, I quietly hoped only to not screw it up. I loved destiny and only wanted more of it. We all complained about many things in D1 however that was due to the passion toward the game. The passion is gone and unfortunately myself, and those I usually play with, have moved onto other games. Shadow of War has been great! AC Unity sounds exciting. But mostly, feeling butthurt about the game I was once so passionate for.

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                  • Luke Smith was spotted out!

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                  • Bungie might be tired of trying to please a million plus players. I couldn’t imagine the pressure of making the prefect game that is constantly running 365 days a year. It’s like being the president. If you make endless content people will say the grind is to hard . If you make a medium amount of content people be mad . Bungie I don’t see how you can win.

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                    5 Replies
                    • I seriously feel bad for those who can only have one game a year and destiny 2 is that game... Rip!

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                    • ‪#fireDeej‬ ‪#fireLukeSmith‬

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                      3 Replies
                      • As soon as I saw the #2 behind Destiny I knew that their plans changed for this game. So much for making this a WoW type shooter. I will not be supporting D3 at all!

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                      • The problem is with all of these bad reviews,issues&disappointment they dont even care and insist on us hating the game that we all loved more and more , i mean come on ! Every single person i talked or saw a youtube or even in the forum is showing how frustrated we are and they dont even care to comment to even promise to make quick changes its like they dont even give a shit"we got the money so -blam!- of fans" 😥

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                      • Nice and constructive post. its a good summary of whats mission. i will stay hopefull with you. i surelly arnt near as successfull (in destiny) than you, but i see we have some common thoughts. i feel there are very limited set of gear. i was ok with randome roll going away... but at the same time i was thinking there would be tons of gear. cmon, even world of warcraft starter edition (free) has more gear, maps and quests. it feels rushed (again). the next two dlc are already given. if it wasnt planed to change some of the thins mentioned above... then we will have to wait for the next „big“ paid dlc. i hope the 4th race will at least come with the 1th dlc

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                        3 Replies
                        • I agree with many things you say, but there is one thing that you have left out. Probably you don't realize it exsists: DELAY and HIT REGISTRATION. If you would have those problems, too....then you wouldn't even play Trials and PvP. Did you know that for some of us this is a huge problem and for us also Destiny PvP is FRAUD?

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                          • I feel like this was a way to get extra money and get people to keep playing Destiny 1.

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                          • D2 would be a good game if there was never a D1. Game devs don't understand that you never remove things from a sequel just improve the mistakes.

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