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Edited by iktharius: 10/20/2017 2:32:36 PM

After 3 Years of Defending Bungie, I Never Thought I'd Say This... (3 Year Destiny Veteran)

Hey all - Pwnzor here, Kill Confirmed represent. Frankly I feel strange. The Destiny 2 experience seems for the first time ... hopeless. I have defended Bungie for 3 years on every fault. Now.. I just don't know. After the Prestige Raid yesterday, I had one of those stare towards the sky with Crawling in my Skin playing as I question my commitment for the last 2 months - 3 years. For the first time ever, I feel Bungie has won - making their $60-110 buy in per player, and not giving the players what was so proudly delivered in the years of D1. Game is bought, with expansion pass, and the $10 starter Eververse package, and thats all they wanted it seems --- which makes sense from a business standpoint. Maximum profit for minimal effort. I will still continue to play, mostly Trials and PVP cause I enjoy them a lot in any game, but there are real issues that need to be addressed. [b]Quick Backstory (slight boasting to give you perspective):[/b] I never thought I'd see the day where I made a post like this. I have played Destiny in its entirety since its inception in 2014. I was one of the first 50 Fireteams to complete Vault of Glass, Crotas End, POE 32/34/35 (night 1 of HOW), Kings Fall. I was the Worlds First Titan to Solo Crota (just google Mr Pwnzor). I have gone Flawless as many times as I've stepped into Trial to try. I have completed the D2 raid on 2 separate accounts over 15 times. I have collected every exotic in all versions of the game. [u][b]NOW GETTING INTO THE ISSUES[/b][/u] On a given forum, there is normally a complaint about a few things that could use tuning. When you isolate those issues, they can be defended by a majority of hardcore players. When you compile the list and really stare at it, it's really just not something I can defend. If the technology and innovation for the below existed in D1, why have so many things have been left out of D2? [b]"It's Crazy to Me” (My gripe with D2):[/b] [1] It's crazy to me that Power Level doesnt matter [2] It's crazy to me that they removed Weapon Rolls for replayability [3] It's crazy to me that 90% of Guns are useless regardless of [2] [4] It's crazy to me that Armor Ornaments no longer exist in game [5] It's crazy to me that Sparrow collection comes entirely from Eververse [6] It's crazy to me that Shader collection (less Trials and Raid) comes entirely from Eververse [7] It's crazy to me that Ship collection comes entirely from Eververse [8] It's crazy to me Token Systems become irrelevant after playing for 2 days [9] It's crazy to me that there are no Strike Specific Loot Options [10] It's crazy to me that there isn't a 6v6, 3v3, or additional PVP options [11] It's crazy to me that there are no Secret Exotics or Easter Eggs (Oryx Basketball Court) [12] It's crazy to me that Exotics look unique, feel unique, but do not act unique [13] It's crazy to me that Max Power Level can be reached with never doing endgame [14] It's crazy to me that there are no means of World Collection (Ghost, Calcified Frags, etc). [15] It's crazy to me that Raids give no incentive for replay-ability (seriously - I used to farm the SH!T out of raids for Ships, Raid Coveted Exotics, Shaders, etc.) [16] It's crazy to me that Vault of Glass is 3 years older and yet seems 3 years ahead of Leviathan [17] It's crazy to me that Crotas End is 3 years older and yet seems 3 years ahead of Leviathan [18] It's crazy to me that Kings Fall is 2 years older and yet seems 2 years ahead of Leviathan [19] It's crazy to me that Hard Mode (and frankly Normal Mode) Raid are simply for Vanity [20] It's crazy to me that Leviathan Raid is a Gameshow and not a Raid [21] It's crazy to me that Factions do not always exist [22] It's crazy to me that I have 2700 Legendary Shards and nothing to spend them on [23] It's crazy to me that no one looks forward to Xur [24] It's crazy to me that there is no arena like POE [25] It's crazy to me that there is no open world arena like Court of Oryx/Archons Forge [26] It's crazy to me that Sparrow Racing isnt in the game [27] It's crazy to me that Sparrows cant do backflips like the Hotwheels Sparrow TDB model [28] It's crazy to me that the meta leans towards 1 path 1 subclass for each class [29] It's crazy to me that Planetary Materials are useless [30] It's crazy to me that gear doesn't require being upgraded (took legit 3 seconds) [31] It's crazy to me that Trials isnt even hard this year [32] It's crazy to me that Public Events, Lost Sectors, Chest Looting, Adventures - are all useless [33] It's crazy to me that this Game is so casual it has driven all of my best mates away [34] It's crazy to me that I will continue to play with hopes of it becoming better [35] It's crazy to me that I can even see myself playing a different game soon, only 1 month after release. TL:DR The technology and innovation for the above existed in D1, why have so many things have been left out of D2. If it is a means of having people pay for more Content, then that is just wrong. Bungie has made the game too casual in an attempt to cater to everyone. Even the casuals find it too casual. Hoping there is a light at the end of this Dark, Dark tunnel. I can guarantee one thing - if there isn't a raid being release in the December DLC, alongside a complete loot system and token system overhaul, then this game is going to die. EDIT: All - just wanted to say thank you all for reading and providing your comments, concerns, and criticisms. We have been top trending for almost 24 hours. Trials has been canceled since this post (crazy?). I will continue to play PVP but let’s hope bungie makes the little changes we would enjoy so much! EDIT 2: Guardians, we’ve reach 1000 upvotes which is truly something else! I wish I could respond to all of your questions and concerns but there are just so many posts now. I’ll give some quick general responses here —�— I think pvp is fun and don’t have many issues (I know many do), I think selling old features as DLC is cash grabbing, I love destiny still just want the inherently needed changes, population should not be dropping this fast, any comprehensive MMORPG in history has expanded its world not shrunk it regardless if they dumbed it down, Trials being canceled makes me sad; all being said I am GOING TO STAY HOPEFUL. [b]ADDITIONALLY -[/b] I have put a job application in with Bungie. As an avid video gamer and dedicated player since Halo 1, with professional experience in WOW and other titles, I feel I could help the team. I am a mechanical and control systems engineer doing project management in New York City currently. My background and professional experience certainly makes me qualified. This has always been a dream of mine - I haven’t given up yet, so maybe I can help. Hope Luke Smith or Cozmo see this and spread the word lol.

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  • Buying this game and uploading it onto the Xbox I couldn't wait. But even the beta got boring quick. I remember my brother asking if d2 was worth getting and I said yeah course it is there is so much to do..... Then I got to max light and quickly realised half the stuff to do is irrelevant. I have now got the remastered dragons dogma game and haven't even bothered with destiny. It lasted just under a month for me. D1 lasted years I always came back to it. It's a shame. The lost sectors are a waste but a good idea. Why not make 1 of those heroic a week or something. Nightfall timers are ok but tbh people like to solo these things and not rush them. Prestige raid. Lol I'm not even bothering with it tbh. I agree with alot of people when they say this game is guna die quickly.

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      Nice post man. The real question is is everything wrong with this game Bungie's fault or Activision's?

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      • Lol

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      • Agreed.

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      • Bungie...hire this man...because he gets it. A sequel should expand the universe not shrink it. D2 is a gutted experience of D1. It's not even more pleasing aesthetically. I don't like the cartoony presentation of D2...D1 had a more serious art presentation. This is like Skylanders and Overwatch had a baby and they put a Destiny sticker on it. What happened to the game I was soooooo looking forward too? Biggest let down since Battlefield 4 after Battlefield 3.

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      • I'd love to see a response here by Cozmo or Bungie in general.

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      • Wow. You actually said everything that could come to my mind about destiny. Well said.

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      • I think vanilla D2 is far superior to vanilla D1, except the raid rewards, and lack of variety in armor. I think Bungie is doing the 3 steps forward 2 steps back dance in order to extend the life of the Destiny ip. If we got D2 at year 3 D1 standards, it would be hard to top and even harder to top come D3.

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      • In my opinion, all that wouldn't be as bad if the game at least had an enjoyable raid, strikes and PvP. When D1 was dry I went to grinding for the exotics I didn't have or to Trials or Crucible, I can't do that now, considering I have mostly all the exotics (easy asf to get), Trials is also very easy and crucible is unenjoyable to me with 4v4.

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        3 Replies
        • Extremely well written post. I feel you in every single one of your points. I myself did 2 encounters on Prestige raid difficulty and was doing a lot of progression in the 3rd. I felt the Prestige raid was so so good. They made it Ps much harder and it was a really good raid.... BUT NO POWER INCREASE 😐

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        • Great post I unfortunately share your feelings on the game. It feels like with Destiny as a whole I keep waiting for it to fulfill its potential, hope is literally what's kept me with the series. But 'blind hope' is not my thing, so minus the occasional crucible match (i like the fundamental pvp changes, NOT the regression in modes) I'm done with this game until there are substantial changes. I've been vocal about Bungie not giving us the option to play heroic vanguard strikes (with burns to keep challenge up) and the option to not only replay the campaign, but to letting us play through with both heroic and prestige modifiers. So i think it's crazy these features aren't present, at least in D1 they had the weekly story mission playlist for end game.

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        • Like you Guardian brother I have been here since D1 Beta. I'm sad to say I agree in every point. The gripes are not really about gameplay but about content. We left D1 thinking that D2 was going to be as big as D1 was by the end of its cycle. I miss my Armor perks paired with a GOD ROLL eyasluna. I miss the glow on my heroic raid sets and the special perks it granted me for the raids. The options to raid, play heroic strikes, do PoE or mess around in the crucible. They took my options away and it just doesn't feel right. Bungie understand this, is not that the new activities offered are bad is that you took away really good and fun ones away. Maybe activision's deadline and money hungry ways are bleeding in to this company. If so do yourselves a favor and end the contract. You don't need them any more. Bungie now you have the money. Make the game we the players want. You can be inclusive and build a world where casuals and hardcore players band together and have fun. Destiny has been the first and only game that caught my attention for more than a month. D2 is losing the that captivating thing that D1 had. You even erased someone the lore, what hell? Rant over, Bungie get your balls back from Activision's purse.

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          5 Replies
          • Hallelujah!!! Everything wrong with Destiny 2 summed up. I have hopes that the game will improve in the coming weeks up to the first expansion's release, but those hopes are fading fast. I've been playing more and more Titanfall 2 and Final Fantasy XV lately. I even started a new Fallout 3 playthrough. It's like Bungie took everything they learned from the first game and threw it out the window. Luke Smith, Deej, Cozmo, and the rest of Bungie are clearly wearing blinders. They want to pretend like nothing is wrong.

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            • I go back to D1 and the witcher 3, this is muy last time i got some game from this company, they only want us $. Cya and good luck with "Destiny 2".

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            • #34 " i will continue to play" I stopped listening after that.

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            • Edited by Unforgiven: 10/21/2017 2:19:56 AM
              So all that boasting and all that I read was Maaaaa this game sucks. And I just wasted 3 years playing a video game. Well Boo -blam!-ing hooo. If you were a devoted fan of Bungie you wouldn't cry wolf every time you guys hit a level cap or get burned out on the grind. You call yourself a hardcore gamer? You realize there are other things to do other than games right? Like real life for example. You burned yourself out now, take a break. Or go on the forums and make some long post about how you are Veteran and bla bla bla soloed some bullshit. Get a life bro. Go cry to your mommy now. And by the way if you guys post on me saying I am 12 years old or have low maturity level. You will be 100% wrong on first and correct on the 2nd. Also I love this game and cannot wait to get home to level up my hunter. Buh Bye! P.S. See you in the next DLC :) . Rofl

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              • Edited by thebatmantyler: 10/21/2017 3:08:41 AM
                This game is dying by the devs b/c the devs can't make more things to do and things to get it seems they have went back a step if it continues then the so call waframe is better is true (and I'm a warfare fan so i have a something better and i play both so ya)

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              • Preach my dude.

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              • I didn't read all of it but I do agree with a good bit of what you're saying although it is unfair that you're comparing D1 with ALL its DLC to D2 with NO DOC. If you understand where I come from..

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                • Even if we only compare vanilla destiny to vanilla d2, d2 still falls flat. Just look at strikes. In d1 you had the original strikes, then you had strike playlists, two of them if memory serves me. On top of that you had heroic strikes plus the nightfall, which was actually difficult to complete, let alone some bs timer. The hard raid had weapons that didn't drop in the normal raid. D2? Nope. You could replay stories on heroic difficulty at any time. D2, nope, you can only do three of them a week and their difficulty is the same. D1, at this point, I had maybe a quarter or maybe even half the exotics, if that. D2, I got them all, no need for xur, he is just a waste of space now. Public events and patrol space? That's the only thing I can say d2 actually improved upon, but seriously, who the f*ck cares about that? That's not the meat and potatoes, it's a side dish. Also, just a side note, I see a lot of people saying to "give them time". Listen, I get it, we went from an expanded game to a base game, but when comparing base game to base game, destiny still had my full attention and I wasn't board with it at all because I still was collecting, and the game would allow me to continue to collect until I choose not to. Destiny 2, in already done collecting anything meaningful, unless I plan on having a beauty pageant.

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                    Here's something to look forward to... [url=][/url]

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                    • Great post! Thanks for taking the time to do this!

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                    • Yeah this game sucks

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                      • Unfortunately Bungie doesn't decide about D2 , Activi$on does ...

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                        • Mine as well hire this guy. Bungie can't get any worse

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