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originally posted in: Invisibility is beyond broken
10/19/2017 3:12:20 AM
nah. dodge in general needs a buff and invis should honestly last longer. oh and I saw your comment about hunters being the best class for pvp. warlocks actually are the best. hunters were a lot better in D1 but warlocks were still the best class.

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  • Edited by Inkerin_Fööni: 10/19/2017 11:41:16 AM
    Warlock (= Stormcaller) is really close to Nightstalker and Gunslinger in terms of PvP power, in that you are quite correct. Arc web grenades and Stormtrance with Ionic Blink are extremely strong, just like they were in D1. However you don't seem to realize the true power of the dodge in general since it very often keeps the Hunter alive in a situation where any other class would have died. When comes to invisibility I could be okay it staying on a second or two longer if they put the aim assist in there. That would actually promote the flanky gameplay invisibility should be used for, not insta-win cheese bullshit. If you have trouble seeing how broken it is, you probably don't match against top tier players who know how utilize invis. Go try it out yourself: equip Antiope-D or Last Hope and keep your eye on your radar. When you see an enemy on the radar behing a corner, pop invis, jump in the air while you pass the corner and start spraying them from above. The enemy has no way to adjust their aim quickly enough because the first second of the engagement they lack aim assistvon you. If you hit your shots, you win 100% of the time unless they manage to escape (probably with Hunter dodge btw).

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  • Edited by aura: 10/19/2017 8:13:02 PM
    [quote]However you don't seem to realize the true power of the dodge in general since it very often keeps the Hunter alive in a situation where any other class would have died. [/quote] I do know the power of dodge but it isn't as good as shadestep or even Y1 blink. hell, even D2 blink has gotten me out of situations I would've easily died if I was on my hunter. it's not as good as you're making it out to be. [quote]If you have trouble seeing how broken it is, you probably don't match against top tier players who know how utilize invis. Go try it out yourself: equip Antiope-D or Last Hope and keep your eye on your radar. When you see an enemy on the radar behing a corner, pop invis, jump in the air while you pass the corner and start spraying them from above.[/quote] "top tier players" LOL if you claim you're a 3.0 kd player you shouldn't have such trouble with invis? but then again you're on playstation, everyone over there is garbage and it's easy to maintain a 3 with a team. oh and I forgot to mention if you've played halo then you would know that invis was actually a lot stronger than how it is in destiny. in halo reach, you had a shorter cooldown, longer duration, and it interfered with radar. invis SHOULD be strong as it should be able to compete with a healing rift at least which literally lets you hold map control easily and saves you a ton.

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  • There is no difference between Xbox and PS4 players. There are hundreds of thousands of players on both platforms which means that good and bad players inevitably spread equally between the platforms. It might surprise you but more aim assist actually raises skill cap on consoles (unless its ridiculous like in Borderlands...). I think Sir Dimetrious has talked about the subject as well. Your argument that I should win a 2-3KD player who has AA on me but I don't have AA on them is ridiculous. There is no way. On the other hand I destroy 4KD players with insivibility in 1v1s with ease. It is too good. Controller is just too inaccurate without aim assist.

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  • I'm saying as in the game is much, much easier on playstation and a lot of streamers or even players who play on both consoles already confirmed this, especially for destiny. [quote]It might surprise you but more aim assist actually raises skill cap on consoles (unless its ridiculous like in Borderlands...). I think Sir Dimetrious has talked about the subject as well. Your argument that I should win a 2-3KD player who has AA on me but I don't have AA on them is ridiculous. There is no way. On the other hand I destroy 4KD players with insivibility in 1v1s with ease. It is too good. Controller is just too inaccurate without aim assist.[/quote] I'm saying if you're a good player you can easily play around people who ape with antiope and last hope. if you let them go invis and kill you it's your fault it's just like getting shotgunned in D1.

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