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10/19/2017 1:53:14 AM
But that’s the whole “refresh” joke from Deej on twitter. Make everyone’s light “refreshed” back to being a regular pleb... then everyone having to compete and taking the psychological competitiveness in us all to drive to be max light, Trials flawless (and Scarab) or Raid beasts. We lose our gear/loot and have to get it back... They just did the same thing as Destiny 1 except instead of just our light being refreshed it’s the whole game. Also the gear when they refresh will have no significance in D2. I still miss refilling my weapons at the gunsmith... Destiny 2 will be amazing in 3 Years because they have to do very little to make big $$$ It’s like Apple, make a great SAFE product and make it SLIGHTLY better so that basically the next phone is nearly identical to the last but you want it so badly it hurts... it’s like the Destiny refresh model... SAFE $$$

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