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10/18/2017 5:30:13 PM
As somebody who doesn’t live in this forum every day, I find it hilarious how the vibe went from incredibly positive the first 2 weeks to now very negative. It’s extremely simple; you are playing and looting this game beyond intentional means. You did everything there’s to do? you got all the loot you want? Great!! Now go outside or play another game until the DLC drops .. that’s what typically happens when you drop 100 hours into a base game. Just saying — accept, move on, stop crying

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  • Oh, for the LOVE OF GOD.....this. The problem is you have these guys whining because tthey expected a BASE game that had half its systems redesigned to play like a game that was three years old, and had multiple expansions and free updates to its credit. They just wont accept that NO developer can produce content at a rate to keep up with people burning through it a clip of 30+ game play hours per week. Its just not humanly possible.

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  • What’s your rarest gun you have that’s really cool and all your mates want it? What’s the best piece of armour you have with raid perks on it? What god roll pvp gun do you have? What god roll pve gun do you have?

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  • Edited by kellygreen45: 10/18/2017 7:06:15 PM
    [quote]What’s your rarest gun you have that’s really cool and all your mates want it?[/quote] Don't know. Don't care. The guns I most enjoy playing with are Vigilance Wing, Hard Light, The Adjudicator, and the raid rocket launcher. [quote]What’s the best piece of armour you have with raid perks on it?[/quote] There aren't any, and I don't miss them. Though the Warlock helmet is my personal favorite. The Lore surrounding The Fulminator is pretty interesting though. I think we'll be hearing more about "beings of sentient energy" in the future. [quote]What god roll pvp gun do you have?[/quote] They no longer exist in the game, and they never motivated me in D1. I'm not the guy who would run the same strike over and over again trying to get that Grasp of Malok with Braced Frame and High Caliber Rounds. [quote]What god roll pve gun do you have?[/quote] Again, don't exist...and don't miss them. Already told you what my favorite weapons are. But when its time to get real work done, Hard Light goes and "The Number" (FWC) or "Sunshot" goes into the energy slot. TLDR: There are a SHIT TON of fun weapons in this game to play with when you're focused on the EXPERIENCE of playing with them....and not on how OTHERS see them, or whether or not they are the "best in game". But that was my original point. I'm a gamer who doesn't care what you think of what I'm playing with, as long as I enjoy playing with it, and it gets the job done I need it to do. Conversely, if I hate using it, I won't play with it. No matter how "good" it is.

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  • Don't you get his point there is no purpose in grinding his game every level up you make is a waste of -blam!-ing time

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  • Oh I get his point just fine. Its a waste of time to YOU and HIM. If I'm having FUN....NOTHING I do is a "waste of time" to me. Its the difference between that internal and external motiviation.

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  • Unfortunately destiny was designed around some of those very things that I said, the whole experience was about obtaining that sort after piece of gear. That is what makes a good loot based game, the loot. So when destiny 2 comes out and removes the majority of its core experiences people are going to be unhappy, especially after paying for it. This has nothing to do with entitlement, they are just turning this into a casual generic shooter. I’m glad you’re so easily pleased and that you’re enjoying the game but it appears that most of the vocal community don’t share your enthusiasm.

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  • Destiny 1 was a game made by an inexperienced (in MMO and RPGS) developer who had no idea what they were making and who they were making it for. Then---when the game got into trouble---they tried to be everything that everyone wanted it to be. Destiny 2 is a game that has a very clear notion of what it is...and what it wants to be. Say what you want about Luke Smith. But he is the ONLY guy I've ever heard speak about this game (from Bungie) where I've NEVER gone, "Oh man, they really dont' understand their own game." Luke Smith has a very clear idea of what this game is...and how MOST people play it. Bungie didn't "remove most of the game's core experience". What they did is REMOVE THE ONES THAT MATTERED TO YOU...and gamers like you. EVERY question you've asked me points to you being someone who is very strongly motivated by externals. The only time I've heard you even talk about the INNER experience of playing this game, is in DIRECT response to you NOT liking some external reward, or not liking the absence of some external reward. I understand that this is how some people are wired...and I'm not here to say whether that's good, bad or indifferent. But Bungie has made a clear branding decision to turn AWAY from that....and to target a different kind of gamer. Lastly, I am not "easily pleased" In fact, I am VERY particular about what games do, and do not get my precious time and attention. The difference is that I AM NOT YOU. I am NOT motivated by externals...ANYWHERE in my life. I am---and always will be---internally motivated...and that just carries over into my gaming. The only measure of quality for me that matters, is....IS THIS GAME FUN TO PLAY. If it is...I'll play it. If its not...I'll take the disc out and it'll do duty as a coaster for my beer. ..and MANY games that other people think are "great"....are coasters on my coffee table at the moment. I'm enjoying Destiny 2 because Luke Smith understood that players like me, were the ones they were looking ot cultivate. So they doubled down on the parts of the game thatI enjoy...and the things that motivate me to play. I'm sorry that you're finding the changes frustrating. But the game can't please everyone...and this game was built around inclusivity. Not exclusivity, and creating status symbols to show other people.

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  • The game play in destiny has always been great, the world is stunning, my issue is I like a challenge and they have removed that from this game. They needed to find a balance between the hardcore and the casual gamer and unfortunately they didn’t. Can you explain to me what you mean by external rewards? As for destiny having a clear vision well I have to disagree, what they have done is the same as if someone turned fallout into call of duty, that’s not vision that’s indecision. Maybe you shouldn’t come into a passionate post like this persons and criticise people for having genuine concerns about something they love. Maybe you should make a post about what you love about destiny 2.

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  • 1. Because most people don't play video games to challenge themselves. They play them to have fun and relax. 2. To be honest----no personal disrespect----No they don't. They probably will try to find a BETTER balance than the current one. But most of the things that externally motivated players and content creaators are complaining about are BAKED into the game....and Bungie is showing NO signs of backing away from these changes. 3. Sure. Its about what MOTIVATES you. I am an INTERNALLY motivated person and gamer. The best way to describe me is (oddly enough) a line from a movie about a character that has a similar personality to mine, [i]"He's not the kind of guy who cares about riches. In fact he wont' even waste his time on that. He'd rather impress you with what he knows, than with what he owns. " [/i] My "currency" is developing what is on my INSIDE...and when I game what hooks me is the INNER experience of playing the game. Namely....IS it FUN? If its fun...I'll play it to death. If it isn't....I'll break the disc over my knee and never look back. To me Destiny (both games) are FUN. Overwatch is cute...but stops being fun after a few hours. Someone who is externally motivated is someone who is motivated by EXTERNAL rewards. Money. Status. Praise. The attention of whatever sex you're attracted to. Trophies. LOOT. They derive satisfaction not from doing whatever....but from WINNING and POSSESSING these external rewards. In gamer jargon....being and feeling like that "special snowflake." If you want to see a particularly funny example of external Say No To Rages vidoes talking about the Clan Reward system. Now here's a guy who claims to be "inclusive" because he sherpas people through raids....complaining BITTERLY about people getting ONE raid weapon PER ACCOUNT PER WEEK....without having to do the rair.d It was funny to watch him contradict himself because his complaints boiled down to two unsustainable positions: One, it disincentivizes people to run the raid (wrong...the only way to get raid ARMOR is to do the raid); Two....I FEEL LESS SPECIAL and like my time in game is "devalued" when people who don't raid get raid weapons." Point two, is a STATUS argument----in his mind raid gear is a status symbol and a validation of his skill as a gamer----and an example of external motivation and external reward. As well as the issues that come with them. 4. You're welcome to feel that way....but you've got that backwards. Destiny 1 had no idea what it was, or what it wanted to be...and tried to be everything to everyone...and failed. Destiny 2 is trying to be a particular type of game...and appeal to a particular type of gamer. And Destiny 1 players who fall outside of that are getting frustrated and angry. Despite Bungie telling us---very clearly last summer---what kindof game they were making. 5. The only thing I criticize are unreasonable and unfair expectations....and I have no intentions are backing down from that. I'm not telling anyone that they have to LIKE this game. what I'm trying to do is help people to understand WHY they have a problem with this game (not because its "bad" or Bungie's "lazy") they can handle their discontent in a better and more satisfying (to them) way.

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  • You refer to people as whiny or entitled, I don’t see how that helps them understand their problem with the game? Yes but that’s his opinion (sn2r) that doesn’t mean that everyone shares those same thoughts. People play games to escape, relax, all those things you said, that’s why I play and earning those rewards is only part of it, helping others to get those elusive rewards is just as rewarding as the reward itself. Everyone is motivated by something, I believe you found the new iron banner system very rewarding. in life people who say they aren’t motivated by money generally don’t have any, but if someone came along with a large sum of money and handed it to them they wouldn’t say no. I wonder if that makes them entitled? For thousands of years people have used a reward system to motivate people why do you think there is currency? I guess you don’t work, why would you you’re not motivated by money so benefits should do just fine. We could go on all day back and fourth but people have every right to be dissatisfied with this product even if it’s a small minority, people could say that you’re scared they might make it challenging again, does that make you entitled? Don’t like to put too much effort in for that gain.

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  • Yeah, that's where they killed my interest in loot. It's all the same, nothing seems that cool. Destiny 2's loot is bland as hell.

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  • [quote]nothing seems that cool.[/quote] Depends on how you define "cool". My definition is "Is it fun to play with ?" By MY definition, this game has a shit load of cool weapons. Just no game-breakers or "status symbols".

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  • Your point is as broken as this game. Gg.

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  • No. His point is right on target. Its just something that the whiny players don't want to hear. Because they think their $60 entitles them to an endless fountain of things to do. When the fact is that $60 won't even fill up the gas tank in my car.

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  • War frame has 200% more content and you can do, collect and play all of it for free... 32 classes... Let me repeate 32... Classes.. And that's not even getting started. So should there be expectations after spending 60$? Hell yes. And this watered down mud is not it.

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  • Pshh, $60 can fill up my car twice. I think you are just into gas guzzlers.

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  • Twenty-gallon tank and a V8 engine that gets very mad it me if I try to give it anything other than 93 octane.

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  • [quote]Twenty-gallon tank and a V8 engine that gets very mad it me if I try to give it anything other than 93 octane.[/quote] I’m glad your not motivated by “external rewards” Oh dear.

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  • What were you just saying about external rewards and bragging? Oh my!

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  • sounds OP. please nerf.

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  • It is OP....and don't you dare touch my baby. :))

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