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10/18/2017 5:30:13 PM
As somebody who doesn’t live in this forum every day, I find it hilarious how the vibe went from incredibly positive the first 2 weeks to now very negative. It’s extremely simple; you are playing and looting this game beyond intentional means. You did everything there’s to do? you got all the loot you want? Great!! Now go outside or play another game until the DLC drops .. that’s what typically happens when you drop 100 hours into a base game. Just saying — accept, move on, stop crying

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  • Edited by Atomic: 10/18/2017 9:14:16 PM
    Lmao we blew money into this -blam!- you we ought to have a say in this product bungie marketed this product as having more content than destiny 1 which was clearly a -blam!-ing lie

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  • You are completely clueless.

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  • [quote]You are completely clueless.[/quote] What he said

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  • I haven't. I haven't completed a nightfall or the raid. I certainly haven't completed most of the adventures or whatever-the-blue-endgame-campaign-missions-are-called. I've played an hour or so of crucible, no trials, no iron banner. The game just got real "samey" and boring super quickly. It's like the lessons learned and applied starting with The Taken King were forgotten or neglected.

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  • #Fax

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  • What's the point of endgame content? Endgame means just that, endgame... you know when you complete everything the base game has to offer? Nightfall, raids, trials, crucible, milestones, flashpoints, and clan XP... The end game sucks and that has nothing to do with how many hours I put into the game or what weapon or armor piece I'm chasing. I don't care about any of this -- Nightfall, raids, trials, crucible, milestones, flashpoints, and clan XP. The endgame is boring.

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  • Then you need to go play a different game. This one isn't for you.

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  • That's why I only play on reset. All I need is a helmet to hit 305. I have about 3 or 4 chances a week until the DLC comes out.

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  • [quote]All I need is a helmet to hit 305[/quote] To do what, exactly?

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  • I got my helmet. Well, not me, someone in my clan got me a clanigram.

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  • Because it's the only thing I have left to chase in this game. Like I said, I only play on reset so I can get my powerful engrams and hopefully get a helmet (if it drops at 305), so I can't wait for the next DLC and have something else to chase like gear or a new power lever if they raise the cap.

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  • Edited by kellygreen45: 10/18/2017 8:17:20 PM
    [quote]Because it's the only thing I have left to chase in this game.[/quote] So you have: 1. Three characters who are 305. 2. Every piece of gear in their arsenal is 305 3. Every piece of gear in your vault is 305. 4. You have every exotic in the game. 5. You've played with and tested every legendary weapon in the game. 6. You've collected every planetary and vanguard vendor armor set in the game. For all three characters. 7. You've got a full set of raid weapons...for all three characters. 8. You've got a full set of trials weapons...for all three characters. . 9. You've gone Flawless in Trials....on all three characters 10. You've got a full set of IB weapons. For all three characters. 11. You've got the Platinum Trophy 12. You've got a full set of FACTION gear (from all three factions) for all three characters plus weapons (not possible). 13. You've beaten the prestiege version of the Raid (not possible, yet)...on all three characters...and have a full set of gear plus weapons 14. You've beaten all the raid challenge modes (not possible, yet.) So I **sincerely** doubt you have "nothing left to chase". You might want to rethink and rephrase that.

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  • No, see. I have nothing left to chase that I enjoy. 1. Three characters who are 305. No, I have a Warlock, well I have three. 2. Every piece of gear in their arsenal is 305 No, every piece of gear I want is 305 except my helmet. 3. Every piece of gear in your vault is 305. No, my vault is empty. I have no reason to hoard anything. When I say "empty" I mean filled with only things I use. I have no reason to have a 305 hand cannon, sniper, or grenade launcher... I'll never use them. 4. You have every exotic in the game. Yes, I have all the Warlock exotics and I'm only missing four more, but I'll never use them, so I don't have to collect them. I'd just dismantle them anyway. 5. You've played with and tested every legendary weapon in the game. No, my favorite primary is the Origin Story. I rarely ever use The Number, and my favorite rocket is the Reginar-B, the blue version or the Morrigan. (One of the only two rockets in the game with tracking.) 6. You've collected every planetary and vanguard vendor armor set in the game. Yes, I had them and I don't like them. I prefer the IB gear set. 7. You've got a full set of raid weapons. No, I don't like the raid. There's no reason grinding an even I don't like for something I'll never use. 8. You've got a full set of Trials weapons. I don't play Trials. I don't like it, I never have and I play solo... Trials is a 4 man team. 9. You've gone Flawless in Trials. Nope. And I don't plan on ever going flawless. 10. You've got a full set of IB weapons. Yes. 11. You've got the Platinum Trophy I'm on Xbox, I don't care about achievements, gamerscore, or trophies. 12. You've got a full set of FACTION gear (from all three factions) for all three characters plus weapons (not possible). I don't care. There's no reason grinding things I won't use. 13. You've beaten the prestiege version of the Raid (not possible, yet). No, and I don't plan on it. 14. You've beaten all the raid challenge modes (not possible, yet.) No. So yes, I'm done chasing what I care about except maxed power.

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  • Edited by kellygreen45: 10/18/2017 9:29:48 PM
    [quote]No, see. I have nothing left to chase that I enjoy. [/quote] Which is exactly what I expected you would say. You have NOT run out of things to do. You've just CHOSEN not to engage large parts of the game. That is a VERY different situation. There is a LOT left to do in this game. You've just chosen not to do it. ...and THAT is what's going on here.

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  • [quote][quote]No, see. I have nothing left to chase that I enjoy. [/quote] Which is exactly what I expected you would say. You have NOT run out of things to do. You've just CHOSEN not to engage the rest of the game. That is a VERY different situation. There is a LOT left to do in this game. You've just chosen not to do it. ...and THAT is what's going on here.[/quote] Exactly. I do what I find fun.

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  • And everything that you designated as "fun" involves an EXTERNAL reward....and your relationships TO those rewards. In this entire exchange, I haven't heard you mention ONCE the actually game play mechanics. 'How you be reasonably upset with Bungie, when you've chosen NOT to play (it sounds) 60% of the game? There are whole worlds of play experiences you are turning your back on because you play THREE warlocks, and don't use HALF the arsenal.

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  • Edited by Ant Heuser Kush: 10/18/2017 9:51:23 PM
    So in order to enjoy the game, I have to play with a Hunter, a sniper and a hand cannon? Things I don't enjoy. Sorry, but I've three Warlocks since D1 (I had a Hunter, but I don't like them). I've always had fun with D1. I'm not having fun with D2. There's no reason I have to do something I don't like in order to have fun. The game has adventures and lost sectors, have I done them? No, because they're boring. I haven't complained about the gameplay mechanics because there is nothing wrong with them. My biggest complaints are the token system... (at least it's consistent), being punished for having three Warlocks. What I mean by punished... my loot only drops at my power level on one character, something that didn't matter in D1. No post-game rewards for IB. Light level (power level) doesn't matter. You can't check challenges in the game without interruptions (unless you get lucky). I can't pick my crucible mode. There's no reason to grind strikes. Raid drops don't even drop, you have to gamble with the token system. Non-IB loot in IB loot packages. Those are things I don't like about this game. I can only hope that it gets as good as D1 as the years go on. I just feel like Bungie stripped them away to sell them back to us. I hope I'm wrong.

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  • You don't have to do ANYTHING. What I'm pointing out to you that its a MUCH more productive use of your time to stop getting MAD at Bungie because you're bored and have run out of things to do....when you are choosing not to play the vast majority of the game. A more productive use of your time is to try to figure out WHY you aren't having fun. WHY you aren't enjoying those parts of the game...and then use that SELF-KNOWLEDGE (which many gamers have a SHOCKING lack of at times) to better PICK the games you choose to play. Not every game is for everyone..and THIS type of game may not be for you. And trying to "make" it be fore you simply because its a popular title may be just setting yourself up for frustration. If you're someone who is more externally motivated (versus internally motivated) Warframe may be a better choice of game for you. As someone who is more INTERNALLY motiviated----while I recognize Warframe as a great game----I got bored and frustrated with the grind after only 2 weeks. So what did I do? I stopped playing because it stopped being fun. But I feel no bitterness toward the game. Its just one that doesn't suit MY tastes as a gamer....and I only stand to make myself miserable if I waste my time demanding the developer completely RETOOL the game just to make it conform to MY individual tastes. To be frank. Odds are most of the things your complaining about arent' going to change, because Bungie made the changes for good reason. 1. Bungie retooled the progression system. Because so many people ran three of the same class as a specific means of BREAKING the system, and leveling up much faster than game was designed to support. So they've neutralized any progression advantage you might gain by doing that. So that people who decide to play a variety of characters aren't disadvantaged by you doing that. 2. People complained CONSTATNLY about IB drop rates....and that they were too low. The token system takes that complaint off the table. Now people are no longer complaining about not getting ANYTHING....they're complaining about not getting EVEYRTHING or the SPECIFIC ITEM they the course of ONE IB event. First World problem. 3. Light level NEVER mattered in any practical way.....and it stopped mattering at all after 1sr month after a light increase. 4. Yes you can't pick your crucible mode. But then I guess you failed to notice how short your MM times are, and how crispy the connections are in most matches. The two are related. 5. Because they dont' want you hiding out in the strike playlist and playing the same one or two strikes over and over and over again. Making the open world empty...and making yourself burned out and BITTER in the process. when you've run the same strike 50 times...and you're mad because you can't force the thing you want to drop (sounds like IB....) 6. So moving the SAME RNG from an in-game drop to vendor "ruins" your experience? Seriously? The advantage of the token system is that you can run the raid with one character, and use the tokens to get loot for a different one. A point you'd appreciate if you werent' running THREE WARLOCKS and they can swap gear around. Bungie stripped those things we were using to BREAK their game. Because they watched how we played (and broke) Destiny 1...and learned from it.

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  • Let me ask you something. And I don't care about your gender, your age, your political views, your K/D, your raid completions, or how many characters you have at 305... What makes this game fun for you? What brings you back week after week?

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  • The sheer fun of shooting aliens in the face. ...and I don't even LIKE shoooters. I'm more of an RPG, strategy game, and simulator gamer. So Destiny 1 wasn't even on my radar until right around the D1 alpha I stumbled onto More Console's YouTube channel and got to hear some of the pre-release story elements and lore, and was intrigued. Decided to play the beta...and was hooked. I knew that Bungie had something special on their hands when I was running patrol in the Cosmodrome during the into a boxing match with a Vandal...and found myself **swearing** at the thing. Destiny had---and still has---some of the most satisfying and IMMERSIVE FPS gun-play and game play that I've ever run across. To me, most FPS feel like running around in a shooting gallery and everything politely walks up and presents themselves to be shot by you. (Yes, you Call of Duty campaign). But in Destiny AIs will charge you when they feel they have the advantage. Run away when they're weak or feel you're overpowered with respect to them. They'll make use of cover...and (particularly annoying in D2)....certain trash mobs will even try to circle strafe you to gain advantage. To me, the game is the only FPS I've ever played where I ACTUALLY feel like I'm in a fight...and that I'm personally at-risk. No other FPS games have been able to hold my interest like this since the first Planetside (PC) and Titanfall (XB1). To me...all the loot and rewards are nothing more than toys for me to play with. Something to give my game play focus....and a way to experience the game mechanics in a different way. The game plays differently when I'm slow moving, but fast-healing Warlock.....than when I'm a fragile but ninja-quick Hunter. The game plays differently when I'm standing off plinking away at enemies with a scout riflle versue up-close and using a hand cannon or SMG. The game plays differently every time you're in the open world you can play the same pub event 5 times in a row...and it will play differently each time depending on who shows up...what classes they are...what weapons they use....or if even anyone shows up at at all. Plus in the open world I can choose where I go, what enemies I fight...and how I go about fighting them. So the experience stays fresh to me. Versus holding up in a strike playlist and playing the same handful of strikes time and again..... That's what keeps me coming back to this game every day...and has kept me coming back for over three years.

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  • Edited by Ant Heuser Kush: 10/18/2017 11:27:45 PM
    This I can agree with... it's what kept me going back to D1 [i]"Destiny had---and still has---some of the most satisfying and IMMERSIVE FPS gun-play and game play that I've ever run across. To me, most FPS feel like running around in a shooting gallery and everything politely walks up and presents themselves to be shot by you. (Yes, you Call of Duty campaign)."[/i] But you didn't mention any endgame content... I would ask you what's wrong with the game, but it doesn't really matter as long as you have fun. I hope when the Curse of Osiris DLC comes out I get that enjoyment back. I respect your opinion, but shooting aliens in the face won't keep me coming back... I love shooters too much it's easy to move on to the next if I get bored. [spoiler]First exchange on these forums where no insults were spewed.[/spoiler]

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  • I did mention the end-game. FUN....and playing around with build variety IS my end-game.

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  • Fun isn't endgame content. Endgame content is stuff you do when you hit the highest power level in the game. Things you do after you complete the campaign. You should be having fun all the up to the endgame content not only at the end. The Nightfall, prestige mode, the Raid, prestige mode, Trials and Iron Banner are considered endgame content and none of those activities are fun. The endgame isn't shooting aliens in the face or making friends. The endgame is doing the games hardest activities and getting the best rewards. It's not about showing off. It's Destiny... a looter shooter where collecting loot is no longer fun -- for me. If you enjoy playing the same 289 public events back to back but with a different weapon every time just so it feels different, more power to you. If you think the endgame is deciding whether or not to use a Hunter, Warlock, or Titan or which subclass skill tree to use... I really don't know. I can't tell you how to have fun, but I can tell you that your definition of endgame is not endgame content... It's just something you enjoy. Big difference.

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  • Edited by kellygreen45: 10/19/2017 1:55:58 PM
    End-game is an experience. Its not content....because you will ALWAYS run out of content. That's the point that externally motivated gamers miss...and why they (as a group) are always complaining. There is nothing intrinsically wrong with being motivated to chase carrots or win trophies. The problem is that the world always---eventually----runs out of them. Your rigid definition of what is and isn't end game, only serves to limit the ways in which you interact with the game. MY end-game (assisted by the changes Bungie made to the game) is WHATEVER I choose to make it on any given day. One day its raiding. Another day its pub events in the Open world. Another day its the Crucible. The day after that its the strike playlist. So I'm constantly hopping around and partaking of differnet parts of the game....and the beauty of Bungie's design that EVERYTHING in the game is "end-game relevant" either directly or indirectly. Yes I'm having fun....and Bungie changed the design of the game such that a player like me can have fun and be FREE to interact with the game in whatever many **I** chose. So the INNER EXPERIENCE of playing the game always remains FRESH to me. But the result is that the externally motivated gamer like yourself isn't finding the external rewards and carrots to chase....and they're getting frustrated. Because they're not only bumping their heads against a boundary in the video game...they're also hitting one that exists in the real world. ...and when people hit their heads against it in the real world it usually triggers a "mid-life crisis", and someone looking around and wondering "Is this all there is??" No. But it is all that you've allowed yourself to see.

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  • Nope. Endgame is supposed to be Destiny's hardest activities. There's a reason they're locked behind a power level or completion of a certain activity. The game is designed like that for a reason. There's a reason there's a weekly reset. There's a reason there's Iron Banner, Raid, and Trials specific loot. There's a reason exotic quest are only accessible after you beat the campaign. There's a reason there are a level and power cap. There's a reason Iron Banner is only once a month. There's a reason we have weekly milestones. If this game wasn't about external rewards, then there would no reason to chase loot. Can Bungie remove the carrots from the game and people would still have fun? Sure. But it would just be another shooter.

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