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Edited by bronze189: 10/18/2017 4:03:33 PM
Hello my name is Stevenson swarty and i “humbly” disagree with you, i think everything you said is wrong because the game is not supposed to be good on launch day it has to be good months after when the next DLC launches (but if its not good then, then its the DLC after that and so on) oh and did i mention that destiny has amazing raid weapons? You can get raid weapons that kill several seconds longer then the other weapons from the vanguard! I mean thats like several more seconds of fun cuz you can shoot at one enemy longer then one shooting them who wants to do that? Not me. Oh and then the prestige raid oh mama thats gonna be amazing you get the rewards you were already getting but more of it! I mean its exactly what i have been asking for! A harder raid for just more gear thats not better then the current gear I have its amazing its like they read my mind. Then you have the lore in the game oh i love reading weapon descriptions not the silly cards ug just delete them all ug. Also i hate how people complain about how the lore in destiny 2 is not consistent with already said lore like not keeping you as an iron lord, i mean lore making is hard guys you have to type stuff on a computer you have to understand the amount of creativity goes into this sort of thing that only bungie can do because they are special. Ok that’s enough from me stevenson swarty out!!

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