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Destiny 2

Discuss all things Destiny 2.
Edited by BraveCole: 10/17/2017 6:09:16 PM

I never thought me, of all people, would say this.

But I am starting to lose interest in Destiny. And I'm starting to lose it [i]fast.[/i] Yesterday, I kept browsing the PlayStation store looking for new games. And then when I closed it out and saw Destiny 2, I just sighed. I just don't understand. How does this even happen? I was expecting Destiny 2 to be everything Destiny 1 was(Post Rise Of Iron) and better. It's not even that. This just feels like a repeat of Vanilla D1. And as much as I hate putting on those stupid rose-tinted glasses, Destiny 1 actually had a raid that was enjoyable. It had fascinating gear with perks that were HELPFUL(Bonus damage to oracles, and extra heavy ammo boots, anyone?) And all the weapons were top-tier, and if they weren't top tier, they were still good. Fatebringer, Found Verdict, Mythoclast, Praedyth's Revenege, Hezen Vengeance, Vision of Confluence. It also gave us a sense of prestige and sense of wonder. Elemental Primaries! A legendary type of weapon that could only be found as a reward from the raid. Obtaining these gave you a sense of [b]power[/b], as on Nightfalls with a burn, your -blam!-ing primary was doing an unreasonable amount of damage. Everything in D2 seems.. Weak. Unimpressive. (Except Legend of Acrius. I love that thing.) I'm a titan main(duh) and in D1, [i]An Insurmountable Skullfort[/i] and [i]Dunemarchers[/i] were not that appealing to me. But in D2? They're arguably one of the best exotics titans have right now. And they're still the same version from D1! I'm just gonna cut this post short and say this: [b][i]The Endgame is not fun, and the rewards aren't worth the headache.[/i][/b] I'm not gonna do the stupid Exodus Crash strike on prestige because it's [b][i][u]BUGGED, IT IS NOT FUN TO DO BECAUSE OF HOW POORLY DESIGNED IT IS, AND BECAUSE OF TIMERS AND THE STUPID TIME ONION RINGS AND ODKWKDJEOWKRNWOWJRJWD[/u][/i][/b] And what reward am I gonna get? A duplicate/and or undesired exotic and some tokens? I am 305. These rewards don't mean anything to me anymore. The Prestige raid won't mean anything to me because it doesn't increase light level. The weapons are boring and dull. And the bad part about this is, the community [b][i][u]HAS BEEN SAYING THIS SINCE LAUNCH. WE HAVE BEEN SAYING THE SAME -blam!-ING COMPLAINTS SINCE LAUNCH.[/u][/i][/b] YOU KNOW WHAT WE GET? WE GET STUPID WEEKLY UPDATES TELLING US SHIT WE ALREADY KNOW AND AT THE VERY -blam!-ING END OF IT, WE GET "We hear you" OR SOME OTHER VAGUE SHIT I. JUST. WANT. ANSWERS. Address each of our problems and give us solutions that you are working on. Getting a "we hear you" every week is demoralizing, Bungie. It really is. I mean, -blam!-. This game has become such a bore that I'm not even motivated to write fan-fictions or some other cringy crap. That at least should tell you how I am feeling. Please. Stop the reskins. Stop half-assing. Talk to us. Give us a roadmap. [b][i]Do something.[/i][/b] I'll still stick around. But I will not be playing as much until something changes. It has to, or you're asking for your game to fail. Come on, Bungie. I know you can do it. All those talented folks up at Seattle can give us all what we've been asking for.

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  • I'm here thinking spot on, and then get motivated to add my two cents. But then I read on only to see someone else already said it. Then I thought of more I felt was relevant to post... and then saw someone else beat me to that as well. I will simply say ^this... all of this. Except for the Bungie fanboy that tried to defend it [coughBungieemployee].

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  • Edited by Boss: 10/22/2017 3:24:18 PM
    Ahh. Yes. Bungo, Time to listen up now. When Bravecole puts out a highly formatted and Grammatically correct post, you know it's a problem. That statement is coming from me, the guy who literally complained about people saying Planets.

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    5 Replies
    • I just logged in on the first night after reset and no one on my list is playing... it’s getting bad now.

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      • I would get Civ 6 if it didnt cost so much.

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      • Preach it brother your not the only one, come on bungie, I still have hope.

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      • I agree with most of what you said. I generally don't play anymore after Saturday, because I've done all the powerful engram challenges and there's no incentive to log on and do ANYTHING outside of that. The only reason I'm doing those is because I have 1 piece of gear on 2 of my characters which isn't 305 yet, so my overall power level on those two characters is 304. Plus, I like to carry 1 of each of my favorite weapons on each of my characters to avoid having to gear-switch, and I'm trying to level them all up to 305. But that's just the completionist in me, and I'm not playing because I'm enjoying the game. D2 is far inferior to D1 in that sense.

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      • Edited by Nintentard: 10/18/2017 2:25:09 AM
        Damn. You know its bad when he makes a post like this. I’m waiting for Nike’s.

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        2 Replies
        • Pretty much exactly how I feel. Sad. Bungie really delivered a lack luster sequel. Its more like Destiny LITE. A weaker, watered down, boring version of the game I loved so much. I can only hope that over time, with the DLCs it will improve. I remember Mark Noseworthy saying in some interview right before D2 released that they were holding all the info back because they wanted to keep everything a surprise for us. WTF was he talking about? A F'in token system? Some revamped public events? Where are all the "surprises" he was talking about? Now I know the truth was that Bungie really just had nothing else to show.

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          • Edited by TwigTwig: 10/18/2017 2:10:46 AM
            It's funny how everyone that defended it vehemently pre release are now all smack talking it. The same thing will happen for Destiny 3. They'll make promises, the fanboys will lap it up and praise it as the greatest looking game ever, they'll buy it and be disappointed. The cycle continues.

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            • Same! I loved d1! but this! This! Is a piece of crap

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            • You will get blues. That's the most annoying thing about doing anything. I hate getting blues. Give me my damn legendaries. Why do nightfall if I'm getting blues anyway?

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              2 Replies
              • Everyday for the past few weeks since I've stopped playing I've contemplated uninstalling. I thought maybe IB would get me interested again until I heard about how fricking bad it was. What is there to look forward to in this game's future anymore? Just more disappointment it seems. Right now the end game is so bad I'm sure PC sales will be hurt by it. The future for the franchise looks grim at this point in time. Why haven't I uninstalled? Hope. Hope that's diminishing daily.

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                • Edited by Ianferno: 10/18/2017 2:26:22 AM
                  Someone on here made a really great point. Destiny 2 doesn’t feel like a true sequel. A real sequel has NEW stuff that drastically separates the new game from the old game, WHILE ALSO BUILDING OFF OF WHAT THE OLD GAME WAS, RIGHT AT THE END. Destiny 2 doesn’t do that. There are many instances where Destiny 2 actually is worse than Destiny, and goes backward. Titan move speed is so god-awful, and I’ve despised it since the beta. It isn’t crisp and smooth. I sometimes stop sprinting all of a sudden because I guess I tried to turn too sharp. I hate it. I don’t feel powerful. I won’t even get into Crucible issues, but all in all, D1’s was insanely better. There is a scout rifle meta. And it’s basically MIDA with a sprinkle of Nameless Midnight or the Trials scout. D1 had many different metas, but at least there were guns that countered other guns. I had so much fun using Thorn against a Last Word-yielding d-bag. They probably thought I was a Thorn-wielding d-bag, and that’s fine! There was a bit more intrigue there, especially given the lore behind the weapons. 6v6 is better than 4v4, and moving to strictly PS4/XB1/PC was supposed to fix issues, or so I thought. It is so boring now. Again, I don’t feel powerful. I can’t use Striker and Death from Above, and Fist of Havoc three or four opposing players taking a control point, or trying to get heavy ammo. While that may be possible in D2, it is much more rare. I just don’t know how much more I will play. I’m already looking at Battlefront 2. Considering that, as well as a few other games. Didn’t think I’d be in this position.

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                • I feel like we played 3 years of d1 and just got burnt out of destiny.D2 gives us a break from the grind.There really should be strike specific loot,Max light drops only at endgame activities- nf,raid drops 295-300,prestige nf,raid 300-305.That would give an incentive to do end game activities.

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                • Bump

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                • Brothers to [i]the end[/i]. [spoiler]Feels as though it's no longer on the horizon. It's here, manifesting in the corners of our vision before silently greeting us with the facade of new beginnings. The mask can't hide what it is. The stench of death falling from between the teeth of its smile as it presents beauty with no substance, art with no soul... I watch from a distance, as I have for the past year to see what time brings. Dropping off before rise of iron, I'd hoped my disappointment would have become just another memory. I now warn those I care about away from game before they too are claimed by the enticing snare of regret.[/spoiler]

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                  2 Replies
                  • hahahahahahahahaha.....holy shit.....the desticles are complaining! Cosmo, take note.....EVERYONE agrees this game is schitt!

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                    185 Replies
                    • D1 : Fool me once... 🐒 D2 : Fool me twice...🍋 Destiny Franchise : Game OVER...for this weary Guardian. 🤕 Congrats epic demo of how to snatch a resounding defeat from the jaws of an almost certain victory. Y'all must be very proud! 🤥 H-U-B-R-I-S - writ large, methinks! ☝️ It's time to sever the cord and walk away from this toxic relationship...for, in reality, that is what it was. Constant lies, deceits, broken promises', theft - of everything and anything WE the Community, liked... It's been like living with a lying, cheating 'loved one', who never fails to break your heart at every turn... Or a drug addict...or an abusive lover / partner / spouse...or a truly deceitful 'friend'... You (BungleVision) used every trick in the book to deliberately make monkeys out of the loyal fan base that you inherited on a wave of goodwill from HALO. Your actions towards the creative key personnel speaketh volumes to those who could see past your smear tactics and duplicity; the fruits of which, was D1 - a very 'broken' product indeed. We, the Community, gave so much positive feedback on how to improve / make better, the incredible potential that we all could see, was there - plainly evident, in D1. In fact, that's all we ever wanted... All you had to do was to be straight with us, and, to fix the things that needed fixing! It was that simple!! However, you hid behind a virtual 'wall of silence' and poured scorn upon those who could see your game for what it was. Your merry band of U-Tubers / Twits / Detesticles / Shills / etc., rallied to your cause...tongues wagging, fingers grasping, hands held out for your paltry 'blessings' and filthy lucre. Don't worry, we know who they are...and now they're beginning to drop like flies...and pretend they did not know!? Nah! Their cards are well and truly marked. Rodents - every single one of them. And we won't forget! And then you foisted D2 upon us... I could go on, but, like playing D2 - what's the point?! These forums are heavily laden with countless complaints about how you've ruined Destiny. Of course, it's all purely 'anecdotal'... 😉 I could go on...but what's the point? Like I posted in an early D2 reveal thread: the emperor is bereft; he has no clothes. Destiny: possibly one of the greatest of the greats, that coulda, shoulda been...gutted and ruined by T.W.A.B. [b]T[/b]he [b]W[/b]⚓️s [b]A[/b]t [b]B[/b]ungleVision SMH 🙄 Well, that's me done! YMMV

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                      2 Replies
                      • You make good points about the VoG Raid guns - everything about VoG was awesome, and it was arguably the high point of all of Destiny to date, both in creativity and because it was something NEW, something the game failed to fully capture in subsequent releases. (I don't raid anymore, and haven't since King's Fall, so I don't have an opinion when it comes to the D2 raid or anything to compare it to.) That said - and I'm asking seriously, not just to be argumentative - what did you do in D1 after you finished VoG and maxed out your character? What about D1 post-release-endgame kept your interest until TDB launched that D2 post-release-endgame is missing? After you had the raid weapons, all the early exotics (and dupes were common back then, too), after THOSE rewards didn't mean anything either, what kept you playing D1 for the next 2-3 months until more content (new story/missions/strikes/raid, new gear etc.) was added? Not a criticism of your argument (I already know I'm in the minority around here, and the points you make are shared by many), but it can be summed up by "I was [i]expecting[/i] Destiny 2 to be [i]everything[/i] Destiny 1 was (post-RoI) and better. It's not [i]even[/i] that." I think, if anything, D2 was overhyped and cast as a "continuation" rather than a "resetting" of the Destiny universe, fueled by speculations and hopes and expectations. Those rose-tinted nostalgia glasses keep making D1 out to be more than it actually was at this same time in its development cycle, and I'm not sure anything Bungie can do will take away that warm fuzzy glow of "Man, I was really hoping..." D2 isn't D1 Y4, it's a whole new game, being built from the ground up. If D2 had launched with EVERYTHING and more than D1 had concluded with, how long would it be before players were STILL upset that they'd done it all and wanted more? Assuming D2 is going to be another 3-year-ish game, if we got three years of content at once we'd still do it all and be "bored" by Christmas, leaving "nothing" to do for the rest of the 2 years and 9 months. Just my $0.02, for whatever value an opposing voice has.

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                        34 Replies
                        • This is the beginning of the end. Major community leaders begin to leave.

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                        • i thought tanks were going to be a regular thing. not just in one story mission. and a rare spawn in the arms dealer strike.

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                        • Edited by Duddits: 10/20/2017 1:59:12 AM
                          I had 15 mins of fun today on titan doing the flashpoint. Got 2 purples and an exotic but when i went back to rahool i got my 25th bad news and my 44th errant knight vest. My yellow was some shitty arsed gauntlets for hunter that improves my ready speed for side arms ....really cmon who made these?. So yea turned game off after that n went on division

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                          10 Replies
                          • you are not alone.... easynow1337 said most of what many think.... dpj AND miss5000watts AND well most are saying the above ...iam bored now ' but i do thank bungie for one thing.... they have broke my destiny addition 🙂

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                          • You said "I'm just gonna cut this post short" and then wrote like 400 more words. Just sayin'.

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                          • I'm sure people felt the same way in destiny 1 (AND IM NOT SAYING THIS TO BASH ON IT) It's just that you have everything you want, why even bother :/

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                          • I agree with everything OP said and I'll add one more reason why Bungie screwed up. Fixed stats on armor n weapons. I'll just stick to the simpler of the two. Armor. If we discuss stats on weapons we'll be here for hours. But ok, armor. So you're chasing a particular piece of armor whether it be helmet, arms, chest piece, legs or class item from whichever activity (iron banner, ikora gear, crucible gear etc.) You get the helmet u been chasing, yet it has no recovery on it or it has no resilience or it has no mobility. If you end up getting that same helmet to drop again, it drops with the same stats cuz it's a fixed stat. I mean, proof of laziness is right there in plain sight. So they changed it from intellect, discipline and strength to mobility, resilience and recovery but at least in D1 u could grind for the best stats on armor. But in D2, u HAVE to wear SPECIFIC gear (doesn't matter if u like how they look on your character) to reach a particular setup you're looking for. It's just insane dude. They basically designed some ugly clothing and mixed in some decent looking ones, drew fixed stats on all of them, wrote some coding on when and how they drop and said, ok guys, go play. Angry Birds 2 and Candy Crush look like they put more effort into making their game compared to Bungie honestly. It's a shame...

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