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Edited by xIXEROHOURIx: 10/18/2017 2:12:32 PM

I think it’s time for we hardcore players to face the music

Destiny is no longer targeted to us. Just browsing the forums, casual players seem totally content with the game and are enjoying it massively while we hardcore players are up in arms over the fact that we were 305 week two and have nothing to do. Bungie wants the game to be easily picked up and played for “fun” not no lifed by hundreds of thousands of Dattos. It sucks but the game just isn’t for us anymore. Think, the new DLC will come out, we’ll finish it in a few days tops and then go right back to complaining about there’s nothing to do. A casual would have MONTHS of entertainment from the upcoming winter DLC. We are the minority now ladies and gents and just got shafted by the developers. [b]EDIT: As some people have noticed I HAVE NOT completed the raid yet. As far as the reason, at the time I couldn’t be bothered. I had no interest in the raid and was also already around LL 300 at the time. I know people will read this, roll their eyes and scream excuses which is justifiable but I do plan on doing the raid at my earliest convenience an anyone who’d like to team up and complete it together, I’d be happy to squad up with. [/b] [i]~Nyahh! =^,.,^=[/i]

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  • I'm a hardcore player, and I'm content with the game.

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    18 Replies
    • Stopped reading at zero raid completions.

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    • I've not hit 305 yet with my main but I'm getting the same, it's started feeling like I can only level on a reset day then I'm sat waiting around for a week because nothing higher drops, the game itself is fantastic but I'm loosing interest in the strikes now no matter how many different combinations of them their are

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    • Umm. I wish y'all would stop saying this. I'm casual and I have the same issues I hear all over this forum. The guys you are talking about are not "casual". I mean,some are..but they are also Fanboys who cheer for their side no matter what. "I" want a deeper loot pool with random rolls. "I" want an end to the stupid token system and a place to see my stats in game. I want a Forge or Court to have some fun in. All I want is a reason to keep playing. Stuff to play for that isn't the same old static rolled stuff. I want more complexity in the armor. The current system is stupid. Stop using casual to mean lazy and entitled. What casual really means is that I have other things to do,so I spend all my video game time on ONE game. I don't have time to learn the controls on five different games a week. That doesn't mean I don't want this game to be the best it can be. What Hardcore actually means is that all YOUR spare time is spent playing video games,and you have a lot of it. In other words, I am "hardcore" at real life and you are "casual".

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      5 Replies
      • I'm sorry, but you I'm browsing the same forums, 99% of people are hating on the game. Oh and who is excited about the upcoming dlc when they asked the community what they wanted in dlc, implying they have no ideas. Look at their track record, they don't have any ideas..I for one am not excited for the dlc, one or 2 pvp maps, a strike that will be meh the first time I have to play and some half arsed story mode? Oh and some reskinned gear and some new economy

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        4 Replies
        • Edited by MindfulPizza: 10/19/2017 11:37:59 AM
          Yea are word of mouth to tell real life friends were , are like game sucks. after 10 hrs of play if you beat the story. pvp ok. but everyone use same weapons, and if got day off from wife and kids or work and do 8hr+ marathon run it sucks. there better games out there and if on cheap side there better free to play games out there. sucks that a company that use to be triple aaa lost there light. It no longer a home game. to come back and play. At least warframe got there new free expansion coming out.

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        • Edited by TexasJedi_705: 10/19/2017 2:29:15 AM
          [quote]we were 305 week two[/quote] [quote]305[/quote] [quote]week two[/quote] There's your problem

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          2 Replies
          • Edited by Nuu: 10/19/2017 9:28:14 AM
            There are hardcore console gamers? Okay, maybe there [i]are[/i] some. But leaving a game only a month after it's partially launched doesn't sound very [u]hardcore[/u] to me, especially considering that PC launch will probably be pretty significant to the state of the game, as major updates and new content will likely follow PC launch and not precede it (which very likely means more progression for hardcore players). I am happy you are being all-inclusive and everything but I don't think you and I are 'listening to the same music'. Thanks and happy gaming!

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          • I hate to say but this is what the game should be. I have a job, family and other stuff going on in life. It's too much to be sitting down grinding for hours for different things within the game. Most people want to be able to get on a few hours a day or night do some things and still feel as if they accomplished something. I don't know why the hardcore as you say base feels as if they need to be playing for thousands of hours for their entertainment to be fulfilled. Not to be rude but you people need to find something else to do with your life other than grind destiny for mindless amounts of hours. This is coming from someone who spent too much time in D1. The game is in a good place. Does it need more content sure but it isn't the end of the world.

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            • Totally agree man. This game has turned into nothing more than an old school arcade game. You go in and pay and you never get your moneys worth even when you continue to shell out more money. I mean don’t get me wrong the lose of interest is a good thing for me because my life is getting to that point where I can’t constantly be in playing all day. It still makes me sad to see such a great game go down so quickly without so much as a peep from Bungie about their “attempts to save it.”

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            • I could always find stuff to do.... only problem is the weapon system sucks and it's no fun to kill things sooook

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            • Yep agree 100%. I have thousands of hours playing D1 and now I'm bored with D2 after just 6 weeks. If Bungie just raised the Light Level of D1 to 450 without adding any content I'd be playing that and uninstalling D2.

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            • I'm a casual player but I miss the grind that we had in D1 especially when it launched I had maybe 3 exotics the first month(remember I'm a casual) and I felt like i accomplished something getting those. Then after TTK was launched it was much easier to obtain them and by then everything was nerfed so bad that people were mainly using Legendary weapons. D2 on the other hand(still a casual player) is just downright absurd with it. I had 75% of the exotics in the first week or two.

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            • Two characters does not a hardcore player make.

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            • Edited by Sweets: 10/18/2017 2:53:32 AM
              A VERY IMPORTANT FYI If you want a game title for that 'hardcore experience', get a title like Dark Souls, Nioh and the like. You can grind as much as you like and get one shotted by bosses and kicked to restart the game at your leisure. A title like the Destiny franchise has been by design to be far more inclusive to create a community and not an elitist circle of snobs. Not to mention hardcores do not drive sales and ratings, casuals do. -Now let that sink in

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              60 Replies
              • You forgot the satire tag dude

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              • Edited by Legion 87: 10/19/2017 1:08:22 AM
                There is literally no reason to raid anymore.. Everything that made the raid worthwhile is long gone and now it’s just tedious and ultimately fruitless.. D2 is just a 5 out of 10 story and PvP... there is very little reason to stay once you have had your fill of those two things.

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              • I don't judge you on not completing the raid, there really is no point to doing it more than once. I was withholding judgement until Prestige Raid dropped, hoping for light increase, interesting weapons to hunt for...ANYTHING. Bungie what are you thinking?

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              • [i]Betrayed by the ones whom we loved the most...[/i]

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              • Sad, but true. I want more of Destiny. I don't want no witcher lore, I want Destiny lore. I don't want WoW raids, I want Destiny raids. It's not what Bungie wants to deliver, and that saddens me.

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              • I think the issue with this game is that too many can - based on their quick progress - be considered "hardcore". It doesnt take much at all, in terms of time invested or skill, to breeze through the shallow content. Bungie is of course tryng top twist this fact by saying that it's good that a high percentage is completing most things and that mentality actually works when there isnt a monthly fee and you always get the money upfront.

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              • You have always been the minority. You just failed to notice...and Bungie was too busy trying to make Destiny 1 everything-to-everybody to point that out to you. But this isn't a "fight" between hardcore and causual players. I'm a hardcore player, and am quite happy with Destiny 2. This is a fight for control between INTERNALLY motivated players, and EXTERNALLY motivated ones. The people who play this game for the fun of shooting things, and the fun of playing with friends. The fun of collecting new toys to try out and play with are really enjoying this game. The people who are getting frustrated are the people who either: 1. Want the game to be a mandatory daily grind like WoW or Warframe. 2. Who are purely externally motivated. They only play for loot, and the status of having "rare" things or the "best things" in the game. In some cases they dont' even enjoy using them. They just want to have them and know that you don't. Destiny made a conscious decision to move Destiny 2 away from those things....and those players are unhappy. But they are----and always have been----the minority. A high-profile and very VOCAL minority----since a lot of streamers and other content creators fall into this category, either naturally or for business reasons----but still a minority. At this point, Bungie shows no signs of backing away from these changes. So these players have three choices. 1. They can leave the game, and go play a different game that will scratch those itches for them. 2. They can take a break from the game, and come back when the DLC drops. 3. They can hang miserable....and try to make everyone else miserable too. Needless to say, I recommend options 1 or 2.

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                32 Replies
                • We the hardcore players were there when all the casuals done a runner so bungie has turned there backs on us we’ll do be it , when the hardcore players go then the casuals get sick and leave bungie has nobody else to blame apart from themselves.

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                • LOL "hardcore gamers". Pathetic.

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                • Until Bungie faces the music when Activision starts seeing revenue drop

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                • Beat the raid you filthy casual

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