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Edited by H_TOWN_BALLA_80: 6/23/2017 3:15:40 PM
In response to: [quote]With all that said, I have played it and of everything I experienced playing the D2 PvE, the new weapon system was hands down my favorite change to the game and I'm not alone. Mercules904 (who's probably the preeminent weapon tester in the game) said when asked what it's like going back to D1 after playing D2 "It's painful to me, actually. I never realized how much nicer it is not having special weapons all the time. D1 feels broken after D2"[/quote] I don't know who Mercules904 is, is he the guy that I see videos for sometimes testing weapons in PvP? If so would that indicate that his opinion is in fact biased towards PvP? That's the conclusion I have to draw as of this moment based on the above quoted information. How anyone could possibly say that D1 feels "broken" because of having special weapons and how "nice it is" to not have them SCREAMS PvP bias. Most any shooter I have ever had has snipers, shotguns, rockets and MG's and guess what? They're NOT all grouped together.. It's quite common for shotguns and snipers to be considered "special"/secondary weapons, not 3rd tier heavy's. Also, to those floundering about, trying to make the horribly bad argument that this game is heading towards Halo style game play and that it's a good thing and people who don't like it should play something else as this game may not be for them. News flash - this game was NOT designed to be a Halo clone. Maybe instead of crying to get this game to be like Halo, YOU should have gone somewhere else. No, instead this game had to be shat on until it became boring old Halo again. GG. I know you have played the game, so please help me understand why this change is so much better. I've seen the "now I can have a weapon for each engagement" tripe but that doesn't make sense. I ALREADY had options for each engagement. Primary scout. Someone coming in close, switch to shotgun (no I don't need to switch to HC or AR, I have a shotty thanks). Need to hit long distance, pull out the old sniper and I can have my rockets or MG for crowd control. Yeah no, I don't need 2 primary's which by the way is all that is. There is nothing nuanced or crazy cool that I just don't get as a knuckle dragging pleb here. It's a primary. IN 2 SLOTS. That's it. period/end/stop What am I missing? How am I not understanding the magic that apparently is coming my way from my benevolent overlords at Bungie who dictate my play. I know I sound sarcastic but I'm being serious, at no point has anyone convinced me of this magic moment that's apparently heading down the pipe in September. Last thing real quick since I mentioned MG's. I'm hard pressed to think of a shooter or many shooters who just don't have a form of MG as a heavy weapon. Now Destiny is REMOVING them from existence lol. How can that even be defended? Does no one else see the crazyness and bullshit here that I am seeing? Are they going to at least give us some back story on how MG's just magically no longer exist haha? Sometimes I hate having common sense because it pisses me off too much when I see bullshit like what is happening with this game right now. Are we going to get a grimoire card called "Hurt Pee-Pee's" that explains the vanguard had to do away with MG's due to PvP kids crying? So much of this game is just turning into a joke at this point. How hard was it to just go into your menu and switch weapons? I don't want and never needed 2 primary's. I also heard you mention something called "Freedom Builds". Not making fun of you as I know you didn't coin that term, sounds like Bungie did. I just want to know if I'll get patriotic country songs and a side of "Freedom Fries" when I make my "Freedom Build"............ (PS I'm not attacking you Sols, I'm frustrated by the arguments I see that make no sense IMO and I'm seriously asking just how I'm apparently not seeing the magical unicorn that some people apparently are when it comes to PvE and the weapon slot system in D2)

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  • My issue is that Players/people in general always take the path of least resistance. We will see ALOT of sameness in loadouts in D2. Same 3 weapon types on everyone. Makes me sad.

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  • Bungie knows a lot of people are going to compare it to D1 and a lot of people are not going to like it. I am sure there a many employees that work there that may even feel the same way and think "I liked how D1 did it better", but the fact of the matter is: it's been done. It doesn't matter why anymore, there is no argument to be made, because they aren't pushing back a release date they already gave, a beta test they've already announced, or postponing anything to change it at this point. Welcome to the next 3ish years of destiny. Play and provide feedback (btw, complaining you don't like a change you haven't experienced yet is not feedback, in fact, complaining in general is not feed back - "I would like the ability to ____ in ____ situations" is feedback) & maybe future installments will change back or to something else.

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  • How do you know how it feels? Have you played it yet? [b][u]Seriously[/u][/b] tho, I've had that argument slung my way, and in my head, I'm going "it's TWO primaries!" And in the way Bungie's game is structured, it's not fit for two primaries unless some power weapons go by the wayside. And THAT means nerfing. I'm not feeling where D2 is going.

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  • It 100% smacks of PvP bias to say "it's so nice to have no secondary." Also, when you switch to your second primary Toby Keith starts singing Courtesy of the Red, White, and Blue. A Bald Eagle kicks a terrorist in the face. And the stock market soars. It's -blam!-ing beautiful.

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  • HAHAHAHAHA that is the EXACT song I thought of when I made my Freedom Fries reference if that's the one with the line "...we'll put a boot in your ass...."

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  • Or "Made in America" by Toby Keith. Either way...guns...bacon...'Merica. -blam!- yeah!

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  • You took the words right out of my mouth. Last part too

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  • The magic unicorn will be encounter tuning in d2. It'll work, you'll see

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  • It needs to or the change to the weapon system will have been a gross miscalculation.

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