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5/24/2017 7:23:51 AM

Why 4vs4 PVP?

Just wondering what all went into deciding to go with 4vs4 in PVP. I know that I am not one of the biggest players in PVP but do enjoy it from time to time. But my most enjoyable moments came from being able to play it with my Raid team of 6. It gave us another option to play together other than just the raid. Don't get me wrong. I am greatly looking forward to see all the changes made in Destiny 2 first hand. IF the traditional team death match/clash is making a return I just don't feel it will be the same with just 4vs4. I have heard that it was lowered to possibly help with match making and to allow the more competitive players a chance to supposedly played more skilled without being killed from the side or out of now where while killing another player. However, I look at that last part just as ridiculous. I agree it sucks to die that way but I see that as lame reason. It takes more skill to not die that way. In my personal opinion PvP in Destiny 2 and other games is forever now trying to make it big on the competitive side in hopes of having their game accepted into the MLG. Not everyone plays it for these reasons. And when a game gets geared this way it takes the fun out of it for casual players. I think Trials was the best option for the competitive aspect of PvP. As much as I would like to visit the Light House just once to see it for myself but I happy with not going. I am not into the competitive side of it. I run the bounties and the moment that's done I'm finished with it. My personal choice is normally just plain old clash. And if it is returning I feel it will suffer at such a lower setting. But then too I have always personally really enjoyed a death match/clash type of game play with bigger maps and more players. The Chaos that comes with it was always fun to me. It really just kept you on your toes. One actual question and just my personal opinion.

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  • Food for though on this 4v4. Granted a lot of us wont know anything until much later times. But if its going 4v4 and semi objective games (like what most of us have seen on youtube that the lucky chosen got to play) but you have revive tokens to limit the number of times you can revive and be revived. I see a BIG problem with this. Because if I can win by simplying killing you until you have none of those left.....who the hell cares about the objective. I have seen this happen in other games PvP. If I can win by killing the other team than why would I waste time acctually playing the game objective.

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  • Edited by TheShadow: 5/25/2017 5:47:24 PM
    IMO starting the game out with only 4v4 is not a good thing. I'm not that good at PvP but it doesn't take brain surgery to know not having other options like 2v2, 6v6 and 8v8, just playing Halo 5 even though they have 12v12. I would be bored as -blam!- not having them other options. It's a bad move and I can't see it going anywhere especially with the sandbox that even after going on... [b]( 3 years )[/b] they are still lost on adjusting weapons in this game. Yet they call this MLG? There is also Trials that will have an effect on this game with the lovely streamers that knows what's best for this...[b]( entire game...)[/b] [spoiler][/spoiler] But the best part yet out of all of this is PvP gamers that ( will ) complain about...[b] even single thing in crucible that no one can laugh at it anymore and that's because it's not funny anymore. Yeah, gamers use to joke about it a lot in y1 but look at things now...[/b] Knowing Bungie just made shotguns totally useless in both PvP and PvE if the heavy slot plays out when D2 is released, knowing how there are shotgun lovers lol. The nerf calling in this game with 4v4 is going to be 10 times worse then then it has been. [spoiler]Knowing PvP gamers like having a "rotation" along with gamers crying for a rotation there are going to be sooo many unnecessary nerfs in this game because...[b]Bungie's sandbox thinks nerfing the most popular enstead of buffing weapons to compete is called rotation.[/b] They use the excuse of gamers not using the weapons that are not the next go-to to nerf the most popular to try to get gamers to use the weapons that have less of a value. From y1 when most weapons worked across the entire board and that means in every single event. Bungie has nerfed so many things in D1 that it took the incentive out of this game in both game modes IMO. I'm not saying or will say how this game needs adjusting when it comes to weapons etc, [b]But no one will ever convince me that nerfing every single thing in this game after 3 years is the sandbox only option. Because PvP "needs" a rotation.[/b][/spoiler] I don't like the control Bungie is putting into this game because off PvP and no one can deny that this loadout for D2 wasn't setup because of PvP. Some of you may like the idea, but I can almost guarantee PVP is going to crash with the help of Trials and the lovely sandbox.

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  • D2 is gonna suck shit, best to play other games👎🏻

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    • I'm not being a wise ass. I don't know... Is it official every game type is 4v4? That seems odd. We have doubles, elimination, skirmish and then plain old 6v6. If true why cut the experience?

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      • Because apparently we don't deserve dedicated servers

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      • seems to me that Bungie are trying to fix several complaints to the game as it stands now 1 Easier to balance. less skills less opertunity to use power weapons and double primarys 2 slower game play. Smaller maps and 4v4 makes it more team based and more tactical there by slowing the gameplay 3 trying to speed up match making by having a more even spread of players 4 making it seem like there are more players in the game. more players playing and less joining matches in progress 5 trying to reduce the lag. by having less players in theory there should be less of a networking issue between all the players in the lobby 33% less 4v4 also reduces the skill gap between all the players, and were back to sweating our asses off every match, as well as smaller maps, no point to snipers again. Every match is going to be like a trials match which is OK if you play trials, but for the rest of us without a regular team, its going to be decidedly unfun. I can see what they are trying to accomplish, but I think this will end up hurting PvP more than it helps it Its also probably going to hurt PvE with any balances, as all the balancing will be done on the PvP side, with such a huge focus on pvP play and so much of PvP changing, I worry tht pvE will be forgotten about or nerfed to death

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      • 1. Because D2 will still be peer to peer and 4v4 "hides the lag" easier than 6v6. They actually stated it will help with connection issues. Um, ya. 2. The whole Halo thing. 3. The MLG YouTube's that said "remember Halo 4v4" and have 100k subs. And just think how great would it be to pub stomp casuals with 4 MLG players instead of 3! Think of the montage clips! So trials against TV, Hovey and nKuch on one team wasn't bad enough, now add SirD (or insert whatever YT, play all day, paid to play name you like) 4. Trials people that think- damn if we had 4 self-reses and 8 stickies we would be unstoppable, until they get lagged out at 8-0. 5. Cuz games like Skirmish and Elimination are to sweaty. Need that extra player to act as a tampon to soak some of the sweat.

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        • eSports. That's all that needs to be said.

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        • My guess would be for faster mm and more stable connections. Won't work

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        • Because bungie don't want you or normal players playing PVP. They want to force competitive shit down your throats while saying "look we are competitive" when it's the only option in the game. I see mass amounts of people leaving over this. Stupid idea and who ever came up with it should be fired in the spot.

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          • Just heard PvP being restricted to 4 vs 4. Not happy. Love the 6v6 and would love a 10v10. The more players the more chaos and chaos is fun sometimes, well most of the time. I play 5 to 15 hours a week and 90% of that is PvP and I avoid trials and skirmish of the low number of players. I pretty much always play with a random players and almost always enjoy myself. The best PvP experience I have ever had was in Warcraft with Alterac Valley and that was 40 vs 40. I don't see the harm in having options in PvP and letting the players pick which game/battlefield they want to participate in. If no one picks 6v6 then fine, eliminate it, but if it is even 20% I don't see the harm in keeping it. Also not crazy about spawning with no special ammo, and I rarely even use a special weapon, but I like to have the option if need it without having to run to an ammo box all the time.

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          • To be honest I thought D2 was going to step it up in the number of players in pvp. At least I thought they'd stay the same. People are saying it's because destiny wants to be competitive. However they aren't releasing the game with the standard competitive shooter model of 60fps, and dedicated servers. 4v4 will be fun for sure, but I'll miss the casual 6v6 fun. I mean how boring will control and rift be 4v4. (If they bring those modes back) Maybe someday down the road they'll bring in a 8v8 mode.

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            • It's stupid af. I had a lot of friends considering coming back but not after hearing this 4v4 bullshit. This is a dealbreaker. Whoever made this decision is a cancer to the game and should be fired immediately. 2017 and you only have 4v4? Pathetic

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            • Because if they didn't make a stupid decision people would wonder if Bungie even made this game

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            • ESports will dictate all things D2 PvP. Just my prediction.

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              • While still making the same money

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              • Because it makes their job much easier.

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              • They made the game 4v4 because its apparently easier to make maps and overall balance for that player count. More players need bigger maps, bigger maps have a larger chance to be unbalanced. At the most i hope they add a 10v10 game mode, similar to Warzone in Halo. It'll give those players that want chaotic game modes something to do, while keeping the base format of those more balanced 4v4 game mode separate. Maps could be made specifically for this game mode

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              • Because it's better

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              • For some reason they want to create competetive only PvP, and for those purposes 4v4 with smaller maps works.

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                • Will Trials be 4v4 too???

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                  • Bump!!

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                  • Edited by Zero the Remnant: 5/26/2017 7:27:51 AM
                    Honestly, I think it is a better change. At the onset it will seem unnessicary but as the months & years go by it will help reduce MM times, lower the amount of long distance players who suppositly drag down the connection.

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                    • don't worry even 4v4 means i will lose game after game. will gain play hard and to win. plus KD but seems bungie hates me as always on the losing team.

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                    • They already said it on Stream why, it's based on the feedback of competitive players that goes on Tournaments and has been a very popular setup for these comp teams, go check [url=]iAM vs BSK video[/url].

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                    • All the maps are the same size that's why So no big maps and no small maps Things like doubles needed small maps and clash needed big maps so you had maps no one played on So 4 was the middle ground and all maps will be playable all the time

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