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Edited by Cyfer: 1/24/2019 2:37:56 PM

FANFICTION: Delta Ch2 Part 2

[b]The Escape Part 2[/b] What happened next could only be described as impossible. All of the Fallen fired their weapons, but none of them found their mark. As the Fallen had landed from their ship, Delta had immediately taken note of the trajectory of their weapons, and calculated the exact maneuvers to avoid them. All of them. In an impressive display of reaction time and acrobatics, Delta dodged and rolled out of the oncoming fire. After that it was a matter of combat. He spun around on his heel and let loose with his MIDA, taking out several Fallen. The rest of the monsters charged, but Delta was ready. He shot down two more and then tackled a dreg. A Vandal swung its arc blade down at Delta, but he quickly rolled over, gripping the Dreg, so that the blade sank into the alien’s back instead of his own. He then threw the body aside and kicked the Vandal in the face. As Delta got to his feet, another Vandal lunged in with its blades, but he was prepared. Delta sidestepped like he had done before, but this time he grabbed the blade by the handle and plunged his Mida into the Fallen’s head and pulled the trigger. The alien fell to the ground and Delta approached the remaining Vandal he had kicked, arc blade in hand. His adversary swung from the right, but Delta simply parried and skewered the Fallen with his blade. He let the body fall to the ground, blade still in deep, and turned around. All that remained was the Fallen Captain, who had been watching the whole altercation transpire. It began speaking furiously in its own language. Neither Delta nor his ghost could translate, but the tone was clear. This Captain meant business and this was going to be a fight to the death. The alien roared and drew its own arc blades, much like the ones the Vandals carried only these were bigger. Delta reloaded his rifle and took a defensive stance. He wasn’t sure how or why, but he could feel his body surging with power and he needed to unleash it. [i]‘Screw this,’[/i] he thought. Delta was originally going to wait for the Captain to make the first move, but he felt an innate desire to test his own limits. [i]‘It’s now or never.’[/i] Delta let off several shots directly into the Captain’s head, but the arc shield that surrounded it stopped the bullets in their tracks. The Captain took its opportunity and slashed forward with its blades. Delta barely rolled out of the way. He did not anticipate an arc shield. The Captain continued to swing at Delta, and it was all he could do to dodge the blows. The Captain was extremely agile for its size and Delta quickly realized that he wasn’t going to win this fight by simply trying not to die. He glanced at the weapon in his hands. [i]‘This will do.’[/i] On the Captain’s next strike, Delta held out his Mida and let the arc blade sink into the rifle’s frame. This was his chance. With the Fallen’s blade caught in the Mida, Delta thrusted his hand outward as if it were instinct. To his amazement, his hand erupted into purple energy and the Captain flew backwards several feet. “What was that?!” Delta asked aloud. “That,” replied his ghost, “was the power of the void.” Delta smiled. He could get used to this. He noticed the Fallen Captain was getting back up, but this time without an energized glow. [i]‘Its shield is down!’[/i] Delta decide it was time to end this fight. He had experienced the void, and now he knew how to use it. He focused on the great power inside of him, and called forth every ounce of it. The Captain regained its footing and prepared to charge, but it was too late. Delta had built his power, and with one powerful lung he unleashed a devastating nova bomb. He watched as the void engulfed his opponent and then… nothing. The Captain was dissolved into the void. “Impressive," marveled his ghost. Delta was overjoyed with his newfound abilities. It wasn’t long though before he heard the sound of descending ships. He looked up to see two more Fallen dropships coming in from the ketch. Delta braced for an onslaught. BOOM! One of the dropships violently exploded and a Guardian’s ship barreled over the hub, shortly followed by several more ships that proceeded to shoot down the rest of the Fallen combatants. “The Vanguard is here!” exclaimed the ghost. “Quickly, grab your rifle and get to the hanger before the place comes down on us!” Delta nodded and obeyed. He swept up his Mida and ran for the hanger as debris came crashing down all around him. As they neared the hanger the ghost materialized next to Delta. “I’ll open the hanger doors, you start the ship.” Delta acknowledged, then crashed through the entry door and bolted for the nearest warship. He boarded through the side hatch and made his way to the cockpit. Delta took the pilot's seat and began flipping the ignition switches. He wasn’t sure how, but he knew how to operate a warship. All systems were online in a matter of seconds and Delta primed the engines as the complex shook around him. Sirens began to wail as the massive doors before Delta sprang to life and the moon began to show itself from beneath. There was the brief sound of a transmat. “I’m back,” said the ghost. “Let’s get out of here.” From there the ghost took control of the ship’s thrusters and the warship blasted out and up into the night sky. It wasn’t long before a radio call came through to the warship. “Warship respond. Respond. This is Daelic of the Last City. Identify yourself.” “Designation Resurrection,” replied the ghost. “Requesting cover fire so I can bring my new Guardian home.” “Acknowledged,” replied Daelic. “Hang tight.” The Fallen ketch was unloading all of its firepower on the jumpships that circled it. Daelic and his crew bombarded the bridge so as to keep the Fallen’s attention on them. The tactic soon worked, as Delta’s warship flew away to safety and the Fallen were in full retreat. Daelic came through the coms once again. “Have a safe flight, warship. We will clean up here.” Delta leaned back in his seat in relief. “Where to now?” he asked his ghost. “Home,” it replied. "We are going to the Tower.” [url=]Chapter 3[/url] [url=]The Hub[/url]

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