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5/18/2017 12:13:07 PM

Protectors of Light Ch. 7: Training with Light... After Coffee

Logan and his ghost joined Angel back in the living room. He sat back on the couch, then turned to his girlfriend. "What did I tell you? 'Crazy'," Logan said, referring to Merlin. Angel grinned, then she looked down and fiddled with her fingers. "So, what's the plan for today?" She asked. "Coffee," Logan replied as he wiped the early-morning tiredness from his face. "What's that supposed to mean?" Angel asked. "I mean, I've been up for too long without my morning brew," the warlock replied. "You've been up for ten minutes!" "Eight minutes too long," Angel huffed. "Where's the shower?" She asked. "Huh?" Logan asked, not thinking properly. "Sho-wer," Angel repeated. "I've been smelling like a swamp for two days, and I'm sick of it!" "Oh! Oh right, sorry. Down the hall, third door on the right," Logan said. "I'll have coffee ready when you're finished..." he said as he trudged to the kitchen. "What?... How long does it take you to make coffee?" Angel asked. "Not that long. Why?" Logan asked. "Do you know nothing about me? How long do you think it'll take me to get ready?" The titaness crossed her arms and waited for his response. "You don't want to answer that, dear..." Alice said to Logan, as she flew over to her Guardian. She had been secretly awake most of the morning, she just didn't want to deal with Merlin. "I don't know. Fifteen, twenty minutes?..." Logan asked. "Huh... Start the coffee," Angel said with a flat face, before walking away. She stopped, then turned around. "I'd ask if you'd have [i]anything[/i] that I could wear... But I think I know the answer to that..." "Probably not, no..." Logan replied before yawning. He seemed to get more tired as the morning continued. "Yup... figured..." Angel said as she beared her teeth. "Don't worry, dear. I'll go out and find something nice for you to wear," Alice said before flying out the door. Angel turned away and headed for the bathroom, leaving the barely functioning Logan to himself. A little over an hour later, Angel stepped out of the bathroom, then tossed her towel into the clothes-hamper in the hallway. The woman was wearing a bright white blouse and some faded blue jeans; all picked out by her ghost. She walked back to the main room, to see Logan passed out on the counter. "He never did get his coffee," Merlin said as he continued to wave his wand around. He was trying to summon something, but what that could be was a mystery. "Awe, he waited?" Angel asked as she stood on the opposite side of the counter from Logan. Merlin glanced at the sleeping man. "I... guess he did wait..." Angel rubbed Logan's arm, trying to wake him up. He finally startled awake, then looked up. For a moment, Logan just stared. The sunlight shining through the windows made Angel's carmel hair seem more golden, and the light made her faded green eyes seem to shine even brighter. "Thirsty?" Angel asked with a large smile on her face. Logan snapped out of his awe. "Oh, yeah... I'm sorry, but... I thought you wore glasses?" Angel began to walk over to the coffee machine, carrying a mug. "I don't remember ever wearing glasses," she said as she poured coffee. "I guess, I just dreamed that you did..." "They hide my secret identity," Angel said jokingly as she gave the mug to Logan. "Yeah... You said that in my dream..." Logan said with a confused stare. An hour and a half later, Angel and Logan finished their breakfast and now stood in a large combat simulator in the back of the facility. "You really want to do this again, especially after yesterday?" Angel asked. Logan rubbed his sore nose. "We're not doing that. I want to see how you wield your Light," "How would I know?" Angel asked. "There are three forms of Light: Arc, Solar, and Void," Alice said. She scanned her Guardian once, twice. "Normally, you would discover your 'natural Light'--what you are most comfortable using--through trial by fire. However, it seems that passing through the Void has left... well, residue..." "Residue? What do you mean by that?" Angel asked, concerningly. "I mean, you contain an exceptional amount of Void Light in you. More than you should at this early in your life," Alice replied. "Angel, the Void is very dangerous to work with. You have to be relaxed, but focused. Even though you are learning to wield the Void, you must learn to obey it as well," Logan said as he took the titaness' hand. "Don't worry, I'll be safe," Angel said reassuringly as she stepped into the center of the arena. Alice, Logan, and Merlin waited at the edge. "You should be able to channel Void energy and cast it out as a large Ward of Dawn around you. Be careful, it takes endurance to hold it up," Alice stated. Angel took several deep breaths. She closed her eyes as her body began to tense up. She slowly drew her arms together as she began to glow a faint purple hue. Logan watched patiently, but worried nonetheless. Angel threw her arms apart, but nothing happened. Small bursts of Void Light spit out of her hands, but nothing more; like when a torch struggles to hold a steady flame. "That was disappointing," Merlin stated blandly. Angel opened her eyes, then relaxed into a more casual stance. "What?..." she asked weakly. "That's odd..." Alice said as she reviewed her scans. "Try again, dear," she told the titaness. Angel started again. She took deep breaths, and got into a meditative state. Her armor began to glow dull purple as Void energy focused in her chest and arms. Angel took one deep breath in, then threw her arms out as hard as she could! This time, small parabolic discs--the start of a ward of dawn--formed around her hands, but they dissipated almost instantaneously. "I feel... lightheaded... and numb..." Angel mumbled as she wavered back and forth. "Oh no!" Logan yelled. He rushed over and caught Angel, then slowly lowered her to the ground. He rested her head in his arm, then checked her pulse. She was fine. "I think that's enough for now," he said. "That can't be right!" Alice exclaimed after flying over to the two Guardians. "All scans show that she should be able to create a ward! Sustain one, even!" The ghost began panicking as she scanned Angel more. "It'll be okay, Alice. I didn't master the Void my first time either," Logan said. He looked down at the still dazed girl in his arms. "In the meantime, you're gonna need a second cup of coffee," "That sounds great..." Angel replied quietly.

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