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originally posted in: I don't care about a gameplay reveal
4/25/2017 3:13:14 PM
The biggest red flag should have been the things we already know. We lose our weapons and gear, which I don't mind at all, because the cabal destroy our tower. Now doesn't that seem a bit lazy on the writing side. How about the gear that's already on us. Wasn't this suppose to be an all new game with new worlds. Then why are the cabal still here and why is Cayde a character still. Your last point might be the most accurate. They aren't going to add anything new. Slight increase to graphics but most likely a reskin of everything we already do and have, just like call of duty. Money is not an issue but as gaming has changed we have earned the right to be picky with our game purchases. There are way better games coming out this year. Bungies going to have to earn my attention. I'm waiting on actual gameplay and real reviews. Not going to be some sweaty nerd that just gets destiny 2 because it's bungie. Even the name is lazy. It leaves nothing to the imagination for a game that was suppose to be completely different. How about a different name instead of a giant 2 at the end. Just be mindful of everything this company has done in the past 3 years. It's not that great.

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