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originally posted in: I don't care about a gameplay reveal
4/23/2017 3:25:04 PM
1. This isn't really a question. Or even a thought provoking comment. More of a general statement. 2. I hope so. If the changes to the crucible have shown one thing, it's that PvE is very much an active and important part of this game and should be treated with equal consideration when it comes to cause and effect for changes that affect both sides. 3. With the direction that they were going, the best way to flesh the character of the guardian out would be to change the game format almost entirely to a freedom of choice type game, instead of this "everything is on rails and cannot be changed" type path. This is an unlikely change to the game, so their best course of action would be to try and define the characters that our guardians are, there's still the freedom of choice as to what tools we use for the most part, but I would appreciate if they didn't try to "fix" every creative approach to the problems that they throw at us. If someone finds some way to do something in a way that is smarter, lower risk, and generally easier than being balls deep in a shitstorm of chaos, then let them do their thing. 4. I would hope so. Several games that have had very well polished methods for doing just that have done quite well for themselves. 5. Why is this #5? I mean, it's not an issue for me in the slightest. But, i would chose graphical quality over quantity of frames. But hey, if bungie can optimize the game to do both, then I've got no problem either way, as long as it runs and plays smoothly. 6. This one is actually more important than #6 when you make a big game that caters to a wide audience, you have to make sure you have a lot of content for everybody. This means, that you have to have enough options in PvP to keep it fresh and interesting with events (plural, as in, more than iron bananer once a month) and enough playlists to sate everyone's palate. (Aka, if people like mayhem then don't take it out of the rotation. until people get bored of it at least.) the same for PvE. For the love of all that is sugar coated and diabetic inducing do more with PvE than "here are some raids, you can do them once a week for stuff." You are on the right track with the weekly featured raids, but there still needs to be more for players than just raids. Queens wrath was a good event. Make more events similar to it. Heck, people would probably love it if you brought back the HoW patrol events for a week. The point is, keep the game fresh and interesting by always having something different than last week for players to sink their teeth into. 7. Hopefully not a bad one. Hopefully it will be consisted of a lot of different mini grinds for a lot of little rewards that add up to a big reward. Like mini quests for perks on a weapon, so that when you are done, you have a weapon that [u]you[/u] made to suit [u]your[/u] needs. 8. Hopefully these aren't a thing. Destiny does not need them. Destiny should not want for them. 9. Yes, there will be a beta. It will be out around the same time as the beta was for destiny. Likely, it will exist to further confirm the validity of the new concepts that destiny 2 will present. Since at this point, there's not a whole lot they could do to change the final product. Unless the beta absolutely sucks ass, then we can expect a huge delay in the release date and several canceled pre-orders as they try and put out the flaming turd that they left on the doorstep of the world. But this situation is pretty unlikely.

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