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originally posted in: I don't care about a gameplay reveal
4/23/2017 2:27:47 AM
can we have a nice long break from the hive in d2? are we gonna get exotics that are more than gimmicky legendaries? is there going to be a real reason to remain loayl to a faction outside of a shitty class item? shaders..are they going to be a thing still or are we gonna get a color wheel or something? are the open world-ish areas going to be populated with more than just enemies, patrol becons, and public events? are my sub- classes going to have more depth than my weapons this time around? has pvp gone to die in a hole where it belongs? (pvp shooters are less than a penny a 100) are there gonna be more than 4 models for each gun type? can we leave the base template for armors behind? (titans and the swept back look thing think inmost lighthelm) is the lore gonna be in the game?(this should be on every list) is there ever gonna be fan made items in game (warframe style) more than one type of ground vehicle? bosses with mechanics outside of raids? more mechanics in the game at all? more than just swords for the heavy slot? you gonna rework the weapon system so we don;t have to be bound be certain slots only allowing certain weapon? will there be sidearms in more than 1 of the raids? are classes gonna be limited only 1or 2 types of jumps still? are there gonna be ghost shells that are more than reskins and a few sticks and button glues on them? are there gonna be more races to play as or kill? is the pc and scorpio versions going to look better or are you going to try and cripple them so the sony version doesn't look like it was released on sega genesis by comparison? are you gonna have a progression system in d2 so that there isn't a sudden dead end until the first dlc. are we going to be able to believe it's not butter? are you still under the delusion year is a reasonable time for exclusives?[spoiler](if so go fk yourself)[/spoiler] are more items gonna get ornaments outside of exotics and raid gear?

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