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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by Ishigauche: 4/4/2017 4:13:39 PM

Just some Thoughts

I love this game, just as a heads up, no matter what I say or what I rant about. Just some thoughts, hopes for Destiny 2, etc. Activision and their stupid Micro transactions, and cutting original parts of games, leaving story incomplete, and selling them later as DLC need to stop. Profit is good, but doing what they did with the first game? Dirty and low. At launch of D1, People quickly saw that the game sucked. 5/10, 6/10. On a triple A game, from a very well respected studio. I mean, the game was redone A YEAR BEFORE LAUNCH because leadership thought the plot was "too campy and linear". Heck, I think that story would've been better than the complete lack of story we got. Who is the Traveler. Who is Osiris? Who is the Stranger? Things like that. And also, the majority of the story and lore is in a -blam!-ing Ebook online! You have to read it, not even in game! What the -blam!-. Now, we can all agree TDB sucked. No content, a buggy raid, and a new NPC. HoW. The game was headed in the right direction, with Etheric Light. The Reef. (By the way, the Reef was supposed to be in the original game). Trials. (Good for a while, the ruined the balancing). Other random stuff. Now, TTK. Best expansion that ever happened to the game. New subclasses, weapons, a story that made sense, new location, new light system, vault space, kiosks, etc.... The cancer known as Eververse Trading Co., which gives you nothing you want ever. The Kings Fall is the second best raid overall in my opinion, second to Vault of Glass. The challenges were actually semi difficult, and promoted diversity in the roles of players (Daughters runner, Golg. Gaze, War priest aura, etc.....) It was very fun. But, after we did everything, it got dry, for like, a 5 month period until the April Update, (They were so orginal in the naming) which added MORE "new" (rehashed) stuff. Fun stuff for a month or 2. Direct infusion. Challenge of the Elders. Chroma and Treasure boxes. Now, RoI. It was good story wise, giving us Saladin's, an NPC nobody knew, story. Who the Iron Lords were. How they fell. The awesome threat known as SIVA. Wrath of the Machine is probably the most fun and easiest raid, but Siege Engine is my personal favorite encounter. Vosik challenge was easy, but Aksis just by himself was moderately difficult. Outbreak Prime remains the best and most difficult quest in the game, besides the Sleeper Simulant. Gjallarhorn was easy to obtain, but a fun readdition. The other Year 1 exotic that should've been in game still (Icebreaker) is still missing. The Dawning was amazing, better than the Festival of the Co$t by far. More chances to get the loot you wanted, Strike Scoring, SRL, a snowy Tower, more Concordat lore. It was fun. Enter another dry period. Now, the Age of Triumph. It's just a money grab for the treasures, banking on nostalgia. "You've already gotten these weapons and armor, spent months grinding for them, but we're gonna throw exotic titles and new ornaments onto them so they are technically different, even though they aren't." The 12 page record book is extremely easy to complete, I myself am already 85% complete, I'm waiting on clash (Really Bungie) and VoG. I don't play Hunter and Titan, nor do I do trials. The Treasure of Ages are horrible, drop rate wise. The only new content in the packages, and they are only possible rewards. I've seen people use like, 3000 silver worth and get like, 2 armors from The AoT. It's stupidly low to get anything you want. So, with Destiny 2 finally being revealed, I really hope this sequel is a fresh start, and way better than this game was. It was a train wreck from the start. I'm glad all the crappy and nerfed to the ground loot is being left behind, Gary would probably be immune to my Thorn. And my Vex. And my Icebreaker. I really hope this game franchise gets better, since it was an amazing game Gunplay wise, at least till everything got nerfed to the ground. Raids were fun. Strikes were repetitive, but I still don't have a Fatebringer Imago loop. I'm hopeful, but reluctant. To my orginal point: I wish this game had been what we saw at E3. I hope the lies discontinue in the sequel, they actually haven't lied in a while, they've been very open about things. The story? SBMM? Vault Space? Old Gen holding it back, yet I still get stupid loading screens between areas? Open World? Exotics from bosses? So many things I hope for in D2.. Oh and Josh? I respect what you are trying to do with balancing, but can you cut back on the uncalled for nerfs? I don't think people wanted to Blink nerf, or Truth. Truth excelled at its purpose, so was nerfed. At least you fixed it, and try to communicate with us. Now, last thing again, I still love the game. Edit: To all preordering- Why are you paying 100- 250 dollars on a game you know nothing about? You haven't even seen gameplay. That's unwise in my opnion. What if the gameplay sucks, or it launches again like the first with a horrible story? At least watch the stream first and see what it's like, just a thing to keep in mind. I probably will preorder too, but after the gameplay stream on the 18th. Edit 2: I realized I was way too harsh with my words, so I drastically edited it

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  • Edited by Rocker 782: 4/4/2017 5:43:20 PM
    I the same way most feel. I don't trust bungie and won't even get the game til like three years later with how this one went. I mean season passes use to give you all future content. But now it's like the first couple.months and have to pay twice as much for the next thing like it's a new game. Like I got the second special launch version when this first came out. And I was fine with it cuz I got dark below and house of wolves so I wasn't as jipped. But then taken King was announced and was 40 bucks, I was like I am not buying that no matter how much addicted to the game I was. It got me off for half a year until it went on sale one week. Also there was the that whole special edition fiasco there with the stupid exotic class items only in the version where I'd have to buy the game and first two dlcs again. I thought it was so greedy to get money out of us like that. That little content was worth five bucks at most. Then they just kept making newer versions of the game acting like its a trilogy of games. And you would buy each new version for the price of a normal game, which severely down priced the content we or others bought at full. Like even if you missed playing the content in its prime what's the point when you can save hundreds of dollars on the game by waiting. And like you said the RNG in the boxes is absolutely terrible. They said that these would have like guaranteed chance to drop something we don't have. But out of all the new boxes I've done I've gotten two pieces of the new armor and dupes of the stupid rimed armor almost half of them. It's so bad

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  • At least Destiny isn't no man's sky. I've played destiny across three consoles (Xbox 360, xbone, PS4) since 2014 and I have to say I've felt the content lack at first but it was also what got me into fps and competitive play. from a viewpoint of one who has enjoyed the privilege of playing mature rated games with more in-depth stories the game could seem very lacking and I could see how one could feel ripped off. From the viewpoint of someone coming from a more sheltering household the T rating and the action that comes with it becomes a much more welcome experience. I do understand they are a company but there is a nice thought that they aren't having you feed right out of their hands, that you have to find the story for yourself, that you have to find your Destiny.

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    2 Replies
    • I agree. I can't trust Bungie at all, no matter how much I want to. I am a very forgiving and trusting person despite my terribly difficult upbringing, and would love to believe in them, but I can't because that would make me a fool. This summer I will be gardening. I love Destiny or did love it, but the game feels like a cheaper version of what it once was, due to nerfs. There's no going back now. Don't know that I'll be completing many raids or the book, now that the gardening season is upon us. I love the sun, I love the cooler spring and early summer sun, so I'm going outside for a while. Good luck on the raids everyone! *waves*😎

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    • Yep it's the ole fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me thing, will be waiting for player reviews.

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    • You know what i hate about the destiny community , they are already getting hyped for destiny 2 already, we don't even know anything of how the game has evolved beyond the crap fest that was destiny 1 vanilla story but bugievision is already marketing the expansion, what kind of rubbish is that, successful games like Witcher and zero horizon dawn didn't even market expansions before the release and they were very profitable, i already doubt destiny 2 will be great, will pick it up when all three expansions go for the same price

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      • I have alternatively defended Bungie and attacked them, depending on whether I felt they deserved it or not. Ironically, lately I find myself doing both: I am overjoyed with Age of Triumph, no mistake about it. Elememtal primaries, old raids coming back, Prison of Elders relevant again. We said we wanted it, Bingie delivered it. As far as I';m concerned, the people who are complaining can go soak their head in a grimy bus station urinal. However, I am appalled by the changes in the Crucible. This entire meta seems to have been designed to use anger and frustration to drive players to use the "approved" weapons. And, despite the fact that all it did was cause people to use rely endlessly on the same weapon set, Bungie stuck with it. The Crucible is a nightmare now, and the only reason I play now is out of a perverse desire to rebel against the meta. It's a atrange, strange world.

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      • I played the game. I enjoyed it. I played it some more. I played it enough that I got way more out of it than I paid. I preordered the next one because I enjoyed the first one. It really is that simple.

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      • They are gonna roll this game out just like many sports games. It's gonna look prettier and they will give us mostly what we had already and the in expansions add shit like a gjallahorn and act like its new. It's gonna be the same shit over and over.

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      • I gave you a like because you took your time and nailed some good points Destiny is not the "best" game ever, has had it share of ups and many downs But... [spoiler]BY GAWD I ENJOY PLAYING THIS GAME[/spoiler] I took a long break (Oct till last week) and have found Destiny to be my "go to" time waster again and can't wait to go back into VoG (Crota down), KF and even Wrath I'm good

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      • I had you last night. :/ stay out of my dreams k thx

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      • Edited by AtomicTangerinet: 4/4/2017 4:01:59 AM
        Its easy to point out the flaws of a game and speculate on why things happened they way they did but you need to remember that this is unnecessary. It took me a while to learn but people do, in fact, know what they are doing. This post comes off as condescending as if you just want to start making people angry. Example: [quote]Edit: To all preordering- Why are you paying 100- 250 dollars on a game you know nothing about? You haven't even seen gameplay. That's stupid in my opnion. What if the gameplay sucks, or it launches again like the first with a horrible story? Have you not learned your lesson?[/quote] This is definitely unnecessary, who are you to tell me what I have and have not learned and we are allowed to do what we want. Another thing, you know nothing about anything behind the scenes of destiny 2 so please stop telling me how to think about a game that isn't out yet. You opinion should be respected and has a right to be here but just chill out a little. Edit: I have not pre-ordered yet and am waiting for my tax return and gameplay release.

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        • Why do I have to defend them? I've enjoyed the game, so I have no concerns with pre-ordering.

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        • I mean people complain about them brining the old raids back with small changes in them but people were complaining for 2 years that the old raids needed to come back. People also complain that the update is just adding in old content, when bungie never had to update the game in the first place. They could have just let the game be dead for the rest of the time and fully focus on marketing destiny 2 but they choose to spend time and money giving old destiny players who have been waiting for the old raids to come back what they wanted. Also I guarantee that if everything people said about how old bungie employees talked about there being more story was true, those people would have been sued in a heart beat.

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          2 Replies
          • Release Music of the spheres, Bungie plz

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          • You can cancel a preorder at anytime, I don't see what I like then I'm good. But I've enjoyed every bit of destiny so yea I'm gonna preorder it. People like you would be better off if you focused on enjoying what you were given and making the most of it instead of bitching about and harping on what you weren't given. Sure, I've had initial disappointment from content I thought was mediocre(HoW) but I enjoyed what I had and moved forward and when I got bored, I played other games until something was there for me to come back too

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            • Dont need to defend them. Ttk sucked. Kf sucked Between kf and sbmm being added, the game damn near died, as everyone left.

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            • Knowing that this is just another rant post seeking attention, I do think the business practices of this game will worsen until the game reaches its 10 year mark. Most importantly this will be activisions number 1 franchise for profit as call of duty is as stale as ever.

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              • [quote]How can you defend Bungie?[/quote] Probably with Blessing of Light...

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                2 Replies
                • If you don't play Hunter or Titan nor do Trials, I highly doubt you are 85% in the book since that equals 3 of the 12 pages or 25%.

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                  • LMFAO hilarious. Sarcasm or not

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                  • You take that back! Bungo=GOAT [spoiler]Sorry if you're too stupid to figure out this a fukking joke[/spoiler]

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                  • Haven't preordered yet but probably will. You ranting on the forums isn't gonna change how most people spend their money. I've never spent this much time in a game before, so I'm gonna take a safe bet and assume I'll spend a lot of time in destiny 2 also. I enjoy it, so I buy it.

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                  • Edited by GiantTurtleWave: 4/4/2017 5:21:04 AM
                    This was well written! I agree with your thoughts on Destiny.

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                    2 Replies
                    • Everything you blame on the development studio is likely the publisher's fault. Most of your facts are right, just think you're blaming the wrong side. It is all Activision.

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                    • I enjoy the game for what it is, even if they're are some things wrong with the studio. You don't have to play destiny or destiny 2 if your going to complain about everything they don't get right. They're not perfect.

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                    • Yeah, I probably won't get it until after release. They dicked the community around hardcore. They only started releases ng actual content after the season passes expired. They're all about micro transactions now, and refuse to disclose any information. "We're working on it" "working as intended" "sometime in the near future". They don't care about their community, they just care about the money. They put in the bare minimum amount of effort and are just coasting through this game now. We haven't seen any actual new content in over a year. Everything is a reskin of year 1 gear at this point. Everything.

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