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Edited by Cozmo_BNG: 3/22/2017 4:46:03 PM

Last Age of Triumph Stream at 10 AM Pacific

We will be live in 15 minutes to tell you about a few Sandbox changes and new rewards that await your Guardian in the Age of Triumph. Join us at [url=][/url] to see how ridiculously good looking your Guardians are about to become.

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  • Hope u'll have dedicated servers for destiny 2, it's 2017 not 1997!

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  • #StrokeTheForge

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  • Free Curry🍛

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  • Why did this have 0 upvotes?

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    1 Reply
    • Does Deej not know how to dress. His suit was as pretty as a freshly eviscerated animal

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    • Was hoping for some sort of Subclass fine-tuning other then just a fix to health regen abilities, and a negligible "fix" to Blink, for this final update. Several subclasses need some improvements, but I guess we'll never get them. Hope they don't screw up with the Subclasses in Destiny 2.

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    • Edited by xcutioner_0: 3/23/2017 1:24:23 AM
      Cozmo. Can I just point out that I love everything about Age of Triumph so far. Except for elemental primaries being Exotic. It's completely dumb and is being done without good reason. [b][i]NOBODY[/i][/b] from the Destiny community asked or even wanted this to begin with. I expected the team over at Bungie to learn from thier mistakes at least once more before the sequel, but I guess you can't fix ignorance. Since you are our community manager, go ahead and tell your bosses or whoever is directly managing this update what I've said. I'd be excited to hear a response from them, since nothing else anybody says gets through.

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      16 Replies
      • I think the bigger story here is that @Cozmo has an imgur account. Which do you prefer: FP or User-sub? That's what I wanna know

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        1 Reply
        • Edited by Dark Raven 2501: 3/22/2017 11:19:11 PM
          Wow you assholes did it again all for those who do raids and nothing for the regular player of destiny so pat your self on the back for all the bullshit so much for your age of triumph No new armour from vendors or factional groups No new weapons from vendors just the same old shit

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          24 Replies
          • 1. awesome new gear 2. great we have 16 new exotics to chase 3. awesome those of us that play alot will have grinding to do when the book comes out 4. WHERE DO YOU WANT US TO PUT EVEN MORE STUFF. Bungie please with D2, find a way for me to hold on to my gear in a way that allows me to look how I want to without issues. Hundreds of pieces and only so many to hold them. 5 new armour sets per character on top of the ones from ROI and TTK.. its just to much.. If I could have one question answered it would be why you never created a raid kiosk for raid armour to be repurchased. something that isn't pay to win, where you need to infuse gear into it, similar to the rusty iron engrams.. why..

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            5 Replies
            • That Crota gear though. Damn.

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              9 Replies
              • [quote]Bosscuts, If you see this in the mass of comments I will attempt to explain, at least from me and my group of friend's perspective. This post, not coincidentally, will also be the last I ever make about the game on here or reddit. I do not suggest that I speak for anybody but myself and friends, so please, just understand how one person or group of adult, reasonable people feel about this information that has come to light today. From my perspective, Destiny is unlike any other shooter that exists or existed. Unlike a Diablo-esque loot-based game, where you chase loot, but, in the end, the loot is just pixels on a screen, you actually "feel" the effects of the gun in Destiny. You can argue then that the guns are Destiny. Our characters are simply vessels for the guns that give us the feel of the game. We, therefore, as players of the game, grow attached to these weapons, especially when we spend hours and hours grinding for them. That feeling of joy when Fatebringer first dropped or Vex or Gally still lives with us, especially players who have been around since the Alpha and Beta. Because of the, undeniably, great gunplay in the game, many people forgave Bungie for including a poor, nonsensical story, and gave them much leeway in the early part of the games release because they were treading into a new game genre. It is still my belief that the greatest time I ever had playing a video game with my friends was during the Vault and Crota raids, and, naturally, I, therefore, associate that great time not with my character, but with the guns of the day. My classic loadout was: Fatebringer Black Hammer Gally, Like so many others. My friends had their own layouts as well. One liked scouts, so Vision, another never got Gally to drop until the week before the nerf, so he used Icebreaker. Then they took our guns away... I know some others on here have no empathy for people like me and my friends, but that does not concern me. I am simply answering your question explaining my personal perspective. In our minds, Bungie betrayed us. Another poster in this thread included the link for the statement that they never would make our weapons obsolete. Naturally, he is immediately told how he is wrong. Of course, that is an example of the responding poster's lack of empathy for others. Regardless, of how other people feel, OUR opinion was one of betrayal and we stopped playing the game through the Skolas era and picked the game back up briefly during the Taken King, but nothing was the same. Our trust was betrayed, and we looked at Bungie now in a leery way. With the release of Rise of Iron, although my friends vowed to not purchase the expansion, I felt the urge one, last time and convinced them to join me. We played, we had fun, but nothing was the same. With the news that Gally was coming back we were happy, and had fun with the quest, of course, this joy was not complete because hanging over it like a shroud, was the fact that we believed it never should have left and was, merely, a marketing tool for Bungie to get players like us to purchase the expansion. We did Nightfalls with burns and couldn't use Vision and Fatebringer, though they sat in our vaults. Three copies of each, in case Bungie, as we believed, "maybe would come to their senses" and allow infusion. What slapped us in the face, of course, was that we could use Zhalo for arc burn. Only Zhalo... The final straw before today for us was the wonderful announcement that Icebreaker would return. We were happy, until they announced it wouldn't be a quest or infusion, but instead a random drop. If you play Destiny a lot you know how many times you have done the different Nightfall strikes. You can imagine that the prospect of grinding the same strikes we completed countless times for a weapon we had three copies of in our vaults did not appeal to us. Instead it infuriated us, but alas, I convinced my friends one last time to relive the Destiny heydays and we dusted off the game again, even completing Wrath with our old raid group for the first and last time. Once the last of us got Icebreaker to drop we all agreed that we had had enough. We no longer trusted Bungie as developers, we agreed that there really are far better games out there, and we realized what we always knew to be true, that we were simply grasping for straws that Bungie would ever give us back those weapons that made us fall in love with the game in the first place. Which takes us to this present moment... Here I am, responding to you now in my last post and the night I officially delete the game and make 60gbs of free, much needed, hard drive space on my PS4. I opened up Reddit today to see what the final information was on my beloved guns returning and you now know what I found. I find that not only can't I infuse the guns in my vault, but I can't even have an arc Fatebringer anymore and Black Hammer is non-existent even when none of this matters when the game will end in a few months. There was no feeling of betrayal, there was no feeling of sadness, just a feeling of confirmation of expectations. I did learn you could buy a t-shirt though! So, to end this response to you, allow me to say that yes, I loved this game. Allow me to also say--though I know you understand because you play it too--there is something special about this game. Sadly, tonight was the last opportunity I gave Bungie to win my trust back and they failed and lost a customer for the sequel. Thank you for allowing me to respond to your question and I wish you and the rest of the millions of guardians the best in the great universe that they have created. Rckningday Day One/BetaPlayer and proud owner of three Fatebringers[/quote] Not mine but just puts in perspective how a lot of us feel.

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                31 Replies
                • No one cares. Too little too late.

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                  5 Replies
                  • Once again Cozmo makes a post that gets no likes. Most people would take that as a sign that things are going badly with the game and community but apparently not Bungie. They might as well pull a bioware and shut down the forums since nobody at the company bothers coming around.

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                  • [quote]We will be live in 15 minutes to tell you about a few Sandbox changes and new rewards that await your Guardian in the Age of Triumph. Join us at [url=][/url] to see how ridiculously good looking your Guardians are about to become.[/quote] Age of Lag: Orbit wait timez

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                  • [quote]We will be live in 15 minutes to tell you about a few Sandbox changes and new rewards that await your Guardian in the Age of Triumph. Join us at [url=][/url] to see how ridiculously good looking your Guardians are about to become.[/quote] You guys gonna fix the lag and waiting in orbit 10 minutes? or nah?

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                    3 Replies
                    • This game is done for and these last few Twitch streams have been laughable at best. I'll spend my gaming time on Mass Effect: Andromeda instead.

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                      16 Replies
                      • Ok Cosmo here is my feedback 1. I don't like how elemental raid primaries have been turned exotic. 2. I do like the new armors,but I don't like the fact the encounters were ever held down by light level anyways. 3. The handcannon nerf was unjustified, also a special ammo rework needs to be done for pvp. 4. I don't like the fact that you guys think it's ok to just have people regrind activities they've already done a bunch of times just to get a weapon they've already acquired.(see number 1.) 5. I do like the daybreak modifier and and blue flames coming back,buuuuut you should add in the original nightfall modifier. For goodness sake wasn't that why it's called a "nightfall" strike?? 6. The auto rifle buff was good,but we will probably have to wait and see given bungies track record. 7. I don't like how there still hasn't been a solution to people trying to join a fireteam on the same network. This has been a known issue for a long time,but still no fix?? It's not really a problem for me,but it sucks some players still have to jump through all these hoops to match with a friend on the same network. Summary: Bungie got a few things right with the update. As usual a lot was wrong more wrong than right. I sincerely hope you guys get it together for destiny 2.

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                        19 Replies
                        • I just ate my lunch.

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                        • Having rewards exclusively behind weekly raid challenges is a stupid idea... Honeslty anything "weekly" was a stupid idea from the get go. The notion of locking exclusive rewards behind something with an indefinite time period is the stupidest thing I've ever seen in a game. I'd like to get the adept fatebringer, but I'm not gonna wait weeks or potentially months to just have a CHANCE that it'll drop... This is and always was the most frustrating/disappointing part of destiny. I can't progress at my own pace but have to wait till bungie says it's ok for me to play their game...

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                          12 Replies
                          • By taking away the elements people wanted their raid gear back for, putting their "exotic" alternatives behind a wall that the vast majority of players will not be allowed to penetrate due to how utterly terrible your looking for group system is, by nerfing handcannons at all, by nerfing sidearms, a weapon that never had it's time to shine... You just killed your game. Those exotic versions of the weapons I've held onto for 2.5 years waiting to be able to use them again, they better do something more than just have an element attached. Or you losers just killed your game for nothing.

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                          • 'ooh look at me, look how I quit and in my quitting I shall preach my personal opinions as gospel fact' too much of this

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                          • When are sony exclusives coming to xbox? Any information anyone?

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                            3 Replies
                            • Am i the only person that likes what they are doing? Bringing back old shit had me with zero interest in playing again. All my friends have been practicing the old raids while i hunt for randoms to play wrath. Now they put this new spin and twist to it and I'm actually looking forward to playing that old crap ive done over and over again. Let's move forward with new and different changes.

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                              2 Replies
                              • Are you bungie assholes stupid? Anything adept is a crucible reference and unacceptable in the real game. Changing great legendaries to exotics is unacceptable. Thank you though i will not be purchasing d2 because you are clueless as developers

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                                13 Replies
                                • Edited by oowan: 3/23/2017 6:54:37 AM
                                  Great with the nlb nerf all I am going to be seeing is icebreaker. Do you guys know what weapon diversity means?

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