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originally posted in: So I visited Bungie Studios today..
3/18/2017 4:02:05 AM
[quote]I'm a Florida native, and this weekend my family and I got the opportunity to visit Seattle due to a job opportunity my father has. So naturally, I dragged them and my girlfriends' asses to Bellevue so I could see the studio that created the game that has consumed so much of my time for the past 3 years. It being an emotional time in my life, with my parents leaving the state soon after my high school graduation for me to remain on my own in FL with my girlfriend, I got to thinking just how incredible this community has been to me and each other over the past years. So thank you, Bungie, and thank you, Destiny. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this community for the past few years, despite the flood of toxicity from those who hate the game for its flaws. I enjoy the game as it is, and I'll always be a Bungie fan. Edit: I wasn't allowed inside :( bungie hmu w that dank tour info tho B) kappa[/quote] Still at least you got to see he outside and be there. I've never been there. So you are lucky. And amen to everything you just wrote. Why. Because it's all true.

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