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Edited by Azidamadjida: 2/13/2017 2:25:14 AM

REEF MOB, Ch. 52: Chryses Outpost

If you missed the last chapter of REEF MOB, you can find it [url=]here[/url], or if you need to find a previous chapter, you can find them all in the [url=]Table of Contents[/url]. Please give a bump or leave a comment if you enjoy this and any other chapter! ***  It’s dark out here on the frontier. Far from the Sun, far from the last traces of civilization, the rules and order of the inner system are just a distant memory, an old belief long forgotten. Out here in the Trojans, the Vestian influence fades, and the only law is survival. Solis struggles to continue surviving as I nervously watch the Volition drift toward a lone asteroid. Her breathing is shallow and weak as she tries to remain as still as possible in the co-pilot’s chair, eyes watching the asteroid draw closer. “[i]….almost…[/i]” she whispers. “Don’t speak,” I tell her quickly as I check her ether supply again. “Just hang on, we’re almost there.” Solis nods, but I can see the questions racing through her mind, feel the panic setting in she’s heroically trying to keep at bay. I put on a brave face as I silently curse myself for such a stupid plan. [i]If she dies….[/i] I push the thought away quickly, forcing myself to dismiss even the possibility of failure. [i]She’s going to be okay….she’s going to be okay…[/i] But not even my denial is powerful enough to stop the feeling of déjà vu creeping in once more. [i]They’re all going to be okay…..until none of them are….[/i] With a monumental effort, I push my guilt trip down and focus only on keeping Solis alive. I have no idea how long we’ve been out here, drifting through the outer Reef on our way to the Trojans. It seemed like the best idea out of all our bad options when we set course, and I’d pushed aside Solis’ own worry that her ether supply wouldn’t be enough to get her there. [i]There has to be ether supplies out at Chryses[/i], I’d arrogantly thought. [i]There’s no way they wouldn’t have something, not this close to the Jovians….[/i] But I have no idea of knowing what awaits us when we arrive. There could be nothing there, the outpost could be abandoned, or overrun, or who knows what else…. [i]Was it really a better option than Vesta? Or the Tower? Or even Demeter?[/i] I watch Solis worriedly as she takes another shallow, ragged breath. [i]Is her life really worth unraveling this mystery?[/i] I hate that there’s a part of me that thinks so. Suddenly, the comm crackles to life, a suspicious voice hailing us. “[i]Vestian craft, state your business or be fired upon.[/i]” I don’t even acknowledge their unease as I excitedly grab the comm, fingers fumbling as I open the channel. “Thank gods you’re out here! I’ve got an injured friend onboard, we need – “ “[i]State your business or be fired upon.[/i]” “We need medical attention!” “[i]Where are you coming from?[/i]” “Didn’t you hear me? We need ether!” There’s a pause on the other end. [i]Shouldn’t have mentioned the ether yet…[/i] Two Raptors suddenly fly next to us, flanking the Volition. “[i]Your ship bears Mob markings. Where did you get it?[/i]” I consider my options – are they in contact with Demeter? Have we already been compromised? I look at Solis again as her eyes drift out of focus, her breathing growing more ragged – “I’m Sarif Nas. This is my ship.” There’s another brief pause. “[i]Copy, Sarif, follow the escorts back –[/i] “ “We’re running low on fuel and ether, we need a tow.” “[i]Copy, Sarif, we’ll get you down here.[/i]” The Raptor pilots beside us fly forward, firing tow cables at the Volition’s fins. [i]Ia’s gonna kill me,[/i] I can’t help thinking as I see the spikes puncture the ship. With a jolt, I see the cables draw taut and we begin moving as the Raptor pilots tow us down to the Outpost. As we approach the docking bay, the doors creak open to admit us, revealing the small force of Raptor pilots waiting, weapons at the ready. I look at Solis again, eyes drifting further out of focus as her breathing grows more shallow, strained – I nervously drum my fingers against the controls as our escorts land, the Volition touches down, and the bay doors slowly creak closed once more. The moment the bay is resealed, I bolt from my chair and prepare to disembark – hitting the door switch, I watch the Raptor pilots aiming at me as the door lowers. “Ether!” I cry as soon as I see them. “We need to get some ether in here now!” “Hands up!” one of the pilots orders as he and his friends tighten their grips on their weapons. I do as they say, but continue, “Okay, okay, but my friend needs – “ “Quiet! Hands on your head, walk slowly forward!” “We don’t have time for this!” I shout, nearly hysterical. “Please, get my friend some ether! She’s dying!” “You’ll be taken care of as soon as you’ve gone through security!” “She’s DYING, ya daft wanker!” I holler back, losing composure. The Raptor pilots tense more, and as I start to panic for Solis, I feel my limbs twitching, steeling for a fight – “Wait!” One of the pilots shouts and rushes over, pulling his helmet off, eyes wild as he breathlessly rushes forward. “This one was there when Shirin was killed.” The pilots turn from their friend to me as I look at him, recognizing him as the other Bounty-7 pilot from Beta Karmanor. “Thank gods,” I breathe with a sigh of relief. “I was hoping I’d find you out here.” “Why?” he answers, and I hear the edge in his voice. “Looking to finish the job, Sarif?” My heart sinks. “Oh, no, no, no, you’ve got it twisted, friend, we’re on the run from Seren, too – “ “A likely story,” he retorts. [i]Gods dammit[/i], I think ruefully. [i]Just my luck I’d get the dummies who can’t tell one side from the other –[/i] “How do I know [i]you’re[/i] not telling a story, either?” I retort venomously. “Why would you still be here if you weren’t following Seren’s orders?” “This outpost is ours,” he responds, equally cold. “Always has been, always will be.” “Then you’re not loyal to Seren?” I ask. The pilot looks me up and down shrewdly. “No,” he finally says. “But we’ve all been vouched for. You haven’t. [i]And[/i] you’re a Sarif.” “And you only lost one pilot,” I hiss back to him. “I’m still counting how many friends I’ve lost because of that woman.” The pilots share furtive looks, wasting time… “Look, take as long as you want to make up your minds, throw me in the brig, I don’t care, just get my friend some ether, please!” The pilot sighs. “Edsel, get a fresh mask and take it onboard. Cedric, Maevys, watch his back, make sure only the Fallen’s there.” I nearly cry with relief. “Thank you…” The pilot doesn’t answer me. “Cuff him. We’ll interrogate him later.” The pilots sweep in, cuffing my hands behind my back, but I’ve only got eyes for the pilots boarding – I struggle against my captors just to keep an open view of the ship as the pilots board with an ether mask – Finally, one of the pilots reemerges, flashing a thumbs up to the others. I sigh heavily, relishing in the one victory… “Djoz!” one of the calls, and the Beta Karmanor pilot turns. I follow their eyes and with a sinking feeling, I see them leading Solis off the ship, hands cuffed, followed by Kenedi. [i]Shit[/i], I think, kicking myself. [i]Forgot about him.[/i] “Thought you said you weren’t loyal to the Baroness,” Djoz begins suspiciously. “So what are you doing with her pet Exo?” “He was in the brig,” I tell him quickly. “We just discovered he was a traitor.” Djoz cocks his eyebrow at me. “Another likely story,” he replies, and my heart sinks. “Lock ‘em all up until we can interrogate. Separate cells. Don’t want them coordinating a cover.” The pilots drag me off as I see others pulling Solis and Kenedi in opposite directions. [i]Out of the frying pan and into the fire[/i], I think ruefully. [i]Why did I think this was a good idea again?[/i]

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