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1/23/2017 6:18:21 PM

A hunter decides to do some more stuff.

I'd add a link to the original, but I'm lazy. I'll add it later. Ford spins backwards, and falls, before staggering back up. Alec gasps, and quickly apologizes. "Ford, oh my god! I am so sorry!" Ford narrows his top prong, in an attempt to look angry. "You just punched me!" Alec steps back, surprised by the hostility in his voice. "Ford, I'm sorry! You can't just pop out of nowhere!" "I'm a ghost, that's literally what I do!" "At least I didn't stab you!" "You had your hand on your knife, I saw it!" Alec falls silent. He had his hand on his knife, and even partially drew it. He knows he's been on edge recently, since the death of Sev. Ford floats up to him. "Alec, I'm sorry. I overreacted, and I shouldn't have snuck up on you." Alec shrugs. "It's fine. I just... it's been tough, since-" He chokes up. Ford understands. "But, aside from this, you have 23 minutes until the speech." Alec shrugs. "I'm not gonna go." Ford's eye widens in shock. "Wh- why?! She's your apprentice, you have to!" Alec merely sighs. "I know, what she did was impressive and a great victory for the Vanguard. But... agh, I don't know. I don't have anything to say." Ford floats to him. "I know you do. You've always got something to say, you're a hunter!" "Ford, don't make me punch you again." "Alright, alright." "We, the Vanguard, are proud to announce the triumph over the Vault of Glass. A brave fireteam of six recently descended into the Vault, and conquered Atheon, Time's Conflux. The fireteam members are as follows. Sairsil, a hunter. Lastimosa, a titan. Thernas, a warlock..." Alec turns to Ford, and whispers, "When's this over?" Ford merely shushes him. "...a hunter. Filiona, a warlock..." Alec turns to Filiona, who grins. "...And Jimmy, a titan. We're here to honor them, and their incredible bravery. Let the light continue to guide them, and let us hear their wisdom." Zavala steps down from the post, and the first member steps up. Alec looks over at Filiona, who is watching intently, as per usual. Four speeches later, and it's time for Filiona. She steps up to it, and looks down at her cards. "I'm proud to be here, with you all. If it wasn't for the traveler..." She trails off, and looks at Alec. "To hell with this speech. It's cliche and boring. Blah blah, traveler, blah, light. That's not what I want to say." She throws the cards with her speech written on it everywhere. "We beat the Vault of Glass. If it wasn't for my wonderful mentor, Alec-12, I wouldn't have the skills I needed. In fact, despite him being a hunter, he's taught me the basic skills to observe, wait, and strike. He's also attempted to teach me humor, but that's one thing that 'jack of all trades' doesn't include." Mild laughter ripples through the crowd. Alec looks around, surprised that people found that funny. "No offense, Alec. Just saying that the crustacean joke doesn't work. Anyways, I'm off track. Alec taught me the basics on how to fight, and I learned from books, as any respectable warlock would. Now you're probably bored, so I'll wrap this up. Thank you, and thank you Alec, for being my mentor. And Ikora, I told you it'd work out. Just gotta have some faith." She steps down, and the crowd cheers, more for her than any other. She sits by Alec, who high-fives her. "You were joking about the humor thing, right?" Filiona smiles, and shushes him for the next speaker.

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