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originally posted in:The Maiden's Bakery
Edited by バレリアン: 12/28/2016 3:31:27 AM

Discovering Destiny ! A la découverte de Destiny !

Heya ! New Guardian "Draewyn" here ! FR : Je vous propose un petit peu de gameplay que j'ai pu tourner cet après-midi où vous pourrez m'accompagner, moi et mon humble niveau de débutant, des contrées éloignées de Venus contre des hordes d'aliens mécaniques en passant par les déserts arides de Mars sur les pistes de courses aux plus hautes sphères de la dernière capitale humaine, dans la tour des Gardiens, en plein solstice d'Hiver ! EN : I bring to you guys some fresh gameplay, i mean, newbie gameplay who discorver actually the game and who fell in love with it. That's basically why i share it. My performance is quiete humble on this since i'm apparently a "Kinder Guardian" or whatever you call new arrivant here but hey no prob' ! Actually these three videos are about a race on Mars, a visit of the Gardian Tower aaaand a view of a random mission i picked, Venus first one with a Cinematic scene at the very end of the video. I have no recording hardware, only my console and my hands for that so, it's a try and the best way i found to share my love of the game to my friends who are actually interest in the game but who are not yet on it ! See you around Gardians and i hope you'll enjoy it !

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